
He would never get over how it felt to have nothing but air beneath him. When he had finally learned how to fly it was terrifying, mainly because he was afraid of heights. At this point in his life he wouldn't trade it for anything. Especially when Lois was on his nerves. Don't get him wrong, he loved his wife. It was just overwhelming at times so he would declare an emergency somewhere in the world and fly off. Ahh, the advantages of defying gravity.

His super hearing picked up on a cry for help. He focused on the cry and directed his flight in that direction. With a burst of speed and a slight popping sound, he was flying through Metropolis while weaving in and out of buildings. The cry grew louder and he singled out the building. He burst through the wall and landed with the cracking of concrete.

Before him stood a man holding a girl to his side. The threat was the man's arm which was some type of metal and shaped as a knife. His arm twitched a bit as he held the girl who began to squirm.

"Superman, it's a pleasure to finally meet you," He said.

"Let the girl go," He replied while his mind worked out a solution.

He caught sight of something moving behind them. A flex of his irises allowed him to see Lois sneaking around. When would she ever learn to not get into danger. It only made his job harder. How he ever fell in love with that woman, he'd never know... The man tossed the girl to his side and smiled at him.

"Don't worry. I only used the girl to get to you," The man said.

A classical villain line he had heard one too many times. The mans arm began to shift and twist until it was a hammer. He figured he was made out of some type of liquid metal. It almost had a terminator feel to it.

The shape shifting man rushed towards him with his anvil raised high. He crossed his arms and blocked the downward assault. The force of the collision vibrated through his body and brought him to his knees. Once down, the man pulled back and swung the anvil into his face. The kryptonian hero was lifted from his kneeling position and tossed into a stack of boxes.

Lois came out from her hiding spot holding some sort of military weapon she had found in a crate. Superman stood from the wreckage and rushed forward. The man swung again causing him to slide against the concrete floor. The man was strong which worried him. He had faced many meteor freaks throughout the years but none had ever been this strong or fast.

Lois fired into the man's back. A line of electricity sprouted from the gun and into the man. After a moment the metal of his arm began to drip. Of course! Metal must be heated to be able to change. If this man's metal was overheated then he couldn't change it at all. For once Lois actually did something smart.

With another flex of his irises he felt the heat rise from his core and pour from his eyes. He aimed for the middle of the man's chest. It glowed red and brightened, a small pool of liquid metal at his feet. The man began to laugh as his heat vision melted away his chest. His vision connected with a small box that was placed inside his chest.

The box began to glow and tremble. The brightness increased and he stopped using his heat vision. The box continued to shake and rattle, a tiny black hole in its side from his heat vision. The man continued to laugh hysterically. He avoided his gaze downward as the brightness increased.

The room was encased with a light breeze and a small buzzing sound. A portal appeared in the mans chest. Confused, he stood and noticed that the man and Lois had slowed down as if he was in super speed. The breeze picked up into a tornado strength. As his foot shifted against his will he realized the portal was acting like a vacuum.

Before he could fight it he was picked up off his feet and pulled into the box. As he got closer he felt weaker. It was the same feeling he got when near kryptonite. With a roaring wind filling his ears and a darkness that blinded him, he was suddenly sucked into the black box. He fell reaching closer to the steel floor. As he fell closer, tiny rocks began to glow.

'Kryptonite,' he thought just before he landed.

The rocks seared his chest with heat and with a small pop and a sudden blindness he was somewhere else.