
SG-1 was working in and around the Gate Room in a temple on a planet where Vala's network of contacts had reported rumors of hidden Goa'uld technology. Ever since SGC had provided Vala with adequate funding she'd been able to establish a network of criminal and quasi-criminal contacts throughout the galaxy. Between prompt and generous payments, professional respect and affection for Vala and their total fear of and hatred for the Priors and other enemies of the Tau'ri, her "posse" had proven to be reliable sources of information on more than one occasion.

Teal'c was outside keeping guard and Mitchell was standing next to the Gate ready to defend SG-1 if anyone or anything got past Teal'c. There was a wall covered in text directly across from the Gate. A gaping hole had been broken through into another room. Vala's body, from her waist up, was sticking through the wall into that room. Daniel was sitting on the floor next to her legs with notebook and pencil in hand. Vala was making rubbings of text from the walls inside the room and every so often pulled herself back out and passed her work to Daniel who would then copy it in his notebook. Sam was sitting on the floor three feet to the right of the hole writing notes about a Goa'uld looking device lying on the floor at her feet. The hole in the wall had been there when they arrived. Vala was the only member of the team small enough to crawl in and the first thing she'd found was a small gold ring similar to one of the Goa'uld healing devices. It had a tiny power crystal embedded in the setting. Vala had given it to Sam to study and wiggled back through the hole. Daniel didn't want to tear down any more of the wall before checking out the contents. They hadn't been able to find a door and there were writings on the inside walls which would be destroyed if they made the hole any larger. Vala and Daniel were working together to transcribe the texts.

What Mitchell was, was bored. The three of them were busy and all he had to do was stand around. So he decided to see if he could encourage some spirited discussion among his friends. His mother would have accused him of trying to stir up a hornet's nest just for his own entertainment. She would have also warned him about getting himself stung, and deservedly so, as a result of such a stupid move. But it had been a long and tedious morning.

"So, I'm thinking about buying a house. Jackson, you still living on base?"

Daniel answered without looking up. "Absolutely. Free rent and board. You can't beat it. Especially when you consider how much Vala likes to eat."

Through the wall came a loud voice. "I can hear you guys."

"All you're hearing is the truth, my little sugarplum." In response you could hear what sounded like an exasperated snort.

Daniel continued to answer Mitchell in a more serious tone. "Aside from the obvious convenience. Which is worth a lot to us …"

Vala broke in. "It's nice to never be less than ten minutes from the closest bed."

Mitchell put his hands over his ears. "Way too much info, thank you very much!"

"As I was saying, the cost is a large part of it."

Sam hesitantly said. "I don't want to be rude, but now that Vala's getting a salary I'd think you'd be okay. Since you're not military they can pay you as civilian consultants and, not that I object, but you can get paid a lot more than me or Mitchell."

"Yeah, even with hazard pay."

Daniel looked embarrassed and unsure. "Well, you see …"

A muffled voice broke in. "It's me. I spend all my money plus some of his. What can I say? I'm a high maintenance kind of girl!"

"That's an awful lot of something. You don't even have a car. What the hell do you buy Princess?"

Sam gave Mitchell a reprimanding look.

Acting innocent Mitchell looked at Sam, saying. "What? It's not like she's shy about revealing the other intimate details of her life."

Trying to whisper Daniel said. "It's not that. She divides her money .."

In an emphatic voice Vala yelled. "None of their business Daniel. I'm the one who decides what I tell or don't tell. And I choose don't. So just shut the hell up, Darling!"

Mitchell and Sam looked shocked. Vala caring what anyone knew about her was unusual enough but her getting angry at Daniel was just strange. And you could hear in her voice that she was actually angry. She wasn't kidding or teasing or playing. Plus Daniel looked guilty. Mitchell turned away trying to decide if he should go check on Teal'c, anything to get away.

Sam knew that something was off. Daniel looked too upset and embarrassed, there was obviously a problem. She glared at him and her expression said 'Tell me what's going on or die a horrible death.' Daniel just shrugged his shoulders and mouthed the word 'sorry'. Suddenly his face lit up and he smiled. Sam could've sworn that she'd seen the proverbial light bulb turn on above his head. Daniel mouthed the word 'talk' while he pulled a piece of paper out of his notebook and picked up his pencil.

"Well, I think a house is a good investment. And you get the added tax benefit for the interest you pay on your mortgage."

Daniel had quickly written a note which he passed to Sam; she palmed the paper hiding it from Mitchell. Feeling as if she was back in school she unfolded the note. What he'd scrawled was 'Half of all her salary goes to Darfur Relief and the other half to Doctors Without Borders.' Sam finished reading and looked over at Daniel who was making a shushing motion with his finger over his mouth. Sam smiled and resolved to keep Vala's secret, at least until the next time she saw Jack. Vala's generosity didn't surprise Sam. Both Vala and Daniel were concerned with redemption for past sins, sins that most people wouldn't even consider sins. The two of them felt a strong need to pay back something to the universe.

Vala had once told Sam that a real bed, hot water, all the food she could eat and knowing there would always be food available was the epitome of ultimate luxury. Having numerous slaves to do your bidding, gold jewelry and great clothes paled next to a hot shower. And the same for an adventurous, glamorous, exciting life of crime! Other people might think of Vala as superficial and selfish but by now Sam knew that was untrue. Vala had turned out to be even quicker than Daniel when it came to making sacrifices for others. Vala was one of the most generous people Sam knew, not just with things, but with her time and her affection. Her multitude of friends on base knew Vala really cared about them and their lives, knew that she was genuinely interested in them, knew they could always go to her with a problem when they just wanted to talk and knew they'd leave feeling better.

Whether Mitchell picked up on the subtle change of atmosphere or was just even more bored than before. But whichever it was, he decided to prod Daniel a little more to see what would happen.

"Hey, Daniel. Teal'c was asking when you two were goin' get hitched. Just what's the story there?"

Sam broke in. "I doubt very much that's how Teal'c phrased the question. Ignore Mitchell; he's bored and just trying to get your goat." Realizing what she'd said Sam yelled in the direction of Vala's ass. "I'll explain that to you later, Vala."

Hearing her name Vala pulled herself back into the room and looked blankly at Sam. "Goat?"

Daniel had turned to look at Mitchell. "Married? Teal'c wants to know when we're getting married." Daniel looked confused. "Why?"

Mitchell looked at Vala who was staring angrily at Daniel and couldn't help himself.

"What do you mean by why? Why get married? Why get married to each other? Or why would Teal'c care?"

Vala suddenly hit Daniel's shoulder with one of her fists. Sam looked angrily at Mitchell, who gave her a "don't blame" shrug.

"Daniel. What kind of an idiot are you! You're absolutely unbelievable." Sam and Mitchell were taken aback by the distress in her voice. If she'd been angry before it was nothing compared to this. Vala was livid and looked ready to explode. Suddenly Mitchell was distraught; he hadn't meant to really upset anyone, he'd only wanted to tease them. After all the grief he'd given Jackson about hurting Vala, now he'd been the one to hurt her. Both Sam and Mitchell looked anxiously at Daniel and saw that Vala was pointing her finger at his notes. "Right there, you moron. You've written it down all wrong. Look how you copied that icon; the orientation is completely ass backwards. Are you an idiot?" Vala jabbed her finger repeatedly on one section of the page.

"Who died and left you the expert?" Daniel held the notebook up comparing it to the onion skin rubbing Vala had passed to him minutes earlier. After a few seconds he sighed and smiled sheepishly at Vala. "Ok. Yes, you're right. I was wrong. You are a goddess and I am your lowly minion."

Vala leaned over and took Daniel's face between her hands. "Damn straight. And don't you ever forget it!" Daniel put his hands on Vala's shoulders and slowly pushed her back onto the floor. As he pushed her down he moved so that he was soon lying on top of her and she was flat on her back. Daniel started to kiss Vala as if they had been apart for days.

After twenty seconds Mitchell walked over and pulled them apart. "Ok. That was my fault. But break it up. Keep your eyes on the prize children. Back to work. You too, Sam. What do you think this is, a free show?" Mitchell was barely able to jump out of the way when Sam reached for his ankle, though if she hadn't been laughing so hard she might've gotten him no matter how fast he'd moved.

Vala smiled at Mitchell. She and Daniel slowly separated and sat back up. "I can't imagine why you would think we'd react to your comments. Since Teal'c is giving me away I seriously doubt if he would've asked such a question." Turning around Vala started to crawl back into the hole.

Sam reached over, grabbed her feet and pulled Vala back into the room. "Teal'c's giving you away? When? Where? I didn't see any ring. Vala, do not let Daniel bullshit you about not needing a ring. There is feminism and outmoded rituals and then there are engagement rings!"

Vala grinned. Reaching into her top she pulled out a gold chain from around her neck. There was an antique emerald ring hanging from the chain.

Mitchell yelled. "All of you. Back to work now, no more lolly gagging. We got places to go, things to see."

As she started to crawl back into the wall Vala said to Sam. "When we get back I'll show you my dress and you can explain the goat and the lolly gagging."

"You got a deal."

Vala stuck her head back out again saying. "Sam, you do know you're my Maid of Honor, right?"

"Thanks Vala. I'll try and return the favor." Sam had unconsciously touched the chain around her neck when she answered Vala. Vala noticed the slight movement of her hand and asked Sam a question with her eyes. Sam couldn't refuse her look and carefully pulled up the chain exposing, for the briefest moment, a diamond ring hanging next to her dog tags. Vala gestured with her head towards Daniel asking silently for permission to share the information. Sam shook her head no mouthing the words "not yet" and the two women returned to work without saying another word.