-Bella's POV

Without hesitation I gave the game my all. Slipping a few tricks onto the court without Mr. Hawk noticing either of us, every trick I gave she had a trick in return. I'd "accidentally" elbow her in the gut; she'd trip me, shoving her to the floor; kicking my shin, throwing the ball at her face; throwing the ball at my ass. The game consisted of us doing all this trying our best not to let anyone notice but the girls from the lockers earlier noticed and every time I received an injury a smirk would appear on their suction cup faces.

It came down to our teams being a tie, my team throwing it in. The person throwing it in was Kyle, our team captain. He faked throwing it to Jason who was on my far right and tossed it to me, catching it I quickly dribbled it around and went for the final shot till Trinity came out of no where and shoved me onto the floor. That's it!

Jumping to my feet I shoved her down to the floor and pointed at her face with my forefinger, "Don't ever touch me again, you stupid hag bitch from hell. I don't know what your problem is but you have no right to ever touch me!"

"You can't tell me what to do, whore!" with that yell she pounced on me and we were on the floor fighting. She pulled my hair and banged my head once onto the wooden floor. I heard the gym doors burst open and everyone from the bleachers and our teammates were rushing to stop us.

I rolled on top of her, punching her hard once in the nose then pulled my arm back to punch her right in the jaw. Three pairs of arms lifted me up, one pair held me around the waist and the other two held my arms as I squirmed to hit her plastic face again, reaching my arms out and kicking to get free from whoever was holding me back.

The girls from the lockers were holding Trinity back. I was heated and pissed beyond belief, this never happened before. The need to hit her was overwhelming my entire body.

"That's enough!" Mr. Hawk yelled, standing between me and Trinity. Both our hair was messed up and our shirts were stained a little with blood from my head injury and her nose injury, along with our shirts being ruffled we didn't have too much damage.

I looked behind me to see, Edward, Emmett, and Jasper. Jacob, Alice, and Rosalie were to my right next to Mr. Hawk. Most of them looked disappointed but Alice and Rosalie were smiling at me, I was too pissed to smile back. Catching Trinity's glare, I topped it with my own icy one.

"You girls will go to the principal's office escorted by whomever is responsible of holding you right now, while everyone else changes" Mr. Hawk's voice held authority and everyone dispersed quickly. I calmed down through Edward's touch, Emmett and Jasper let go of my arms and as a mob behind Trinity we walked off to the principal's office. I was still irritated but not as angered as before. Right when Trinity was about to go into the principal's office, she turned to face all of us.

"Mark my words, Bella. You will regret all of this…soon, very soon." the words slid out of her mouth like a snake coming out of a hole, threatening but not harmful to me in any way.

She walked into the principal's office after that. Right after she went in Principal Andrews came out giving me a stern look and held out an arm for me to enter as well. I turned and smiled weakly at everyone else and entered in, sitting in the chair next to Trinity but looked away from her.

Principal Andrews came in, sat at her desk then looked at both of us, "Either of you care to explain what happened?"

Trinity's head turned her way, faking an innocent sad look, "Bella suddenly attacked me during our last few seconds of our game. I might've bumped her a few times and I guess it made her think the wrong things, I'm terribly sorry Ms. Andrews. I didn't want it to go as far as it did. I was just getting overly competitive" she apologized, her eyes getting slightly teary then turned her head towards me, "I'm sorry to you too, Bella. I didn't mean to bump you or intend to hurt you like I did. I just reacted on reflex I guess."

Her response to everything within the 4 minutes we've been in Ms. Andrews' office was so fake! The fire inside me lit up again. Stupid lying fake bitch! Don't buy it Ms. Andrews! Please don't!

Ms. Andrews had a concerned look and turned to me, "None of this was intended but overly competitive sportsmanship…Is this true, Ms. Swan?" the question struck me.

Damn. This is great, just really great! Poor sportsmanship my buttox! But should I lie to avoid suspension...or reveal the fake bitch for who she was to Ms. Andrews?

Sorry Its short buttt getting hecka busy. SORRIES AGAINS! Hope you liked it! I may update this weekend depending on the reviews! ;
