Disclosure: I do not own Harry Potter, any of the characters or places etc. J.K. Rowling does... but it's just so much fun playing with them.

Chapter 1: The Letter

'Dear Hermione,

How are you doing? I miss you so much! It's bloody boring here in the Burrow…'

Hermione smiled at the word "bloody". Only Ron would feel the need to put that in a letter…

'Harry said that he's going to visit us next week after he's done visiting Sirius. Happy for him though, I mean it's not everyday the Ministry doesn't know what's happening… anymore that is.'

Hermione smiled as she remembered that day:

Umbridge had come running to the Burrow as fast as her short, chubby legs could carry her yelling, "H-he's b-b-b-back! He's back! GOD DAMNIT PEOPLE, THE MAN'S BACK!!!!!!!" then she fainted.

She stifled a laugh, trying not to wake the orange cat curled at her feet.

Harry had apparated to the Ministry of Magic to report Umbridge and her possible chance of insanity when he saw his only remaining family back from the Department of Mysteries; Sirius.

Hermione felt Harry deserved this. He really did deserve a normal life. Not only had Harry defeated the darkest wizard of all time but now he has his beloved godfather back.

Hermione had done some research on the veil and discovered that when the person who forced the victim; the victim being Sirius and the person being Bellatrix Lestrange, had died, the victim; Sirius, would be released from the veil.

'What am I doing?' she scolded herself, 'I barely started the letter and I'm already daydreaming.' She turned her attention back to the letter.

'Do you want to come too? That way you can stop me from hexing Harry for snogging my sister...'

Hermione laughed. It's been one and a half months since Harry and Ginny had officially been going out, but Ron was still uncomfortable with the idea. After all, Ginny was his younger sister and he claimed he had to look after her… no matter how well she could perform a Bat Bogey Hex.

'So how bout it? Plus, you won't be alone when they're off…"

'Of course,' she thought, 'Ron would be with me alone. Does he really think I would not figure that out?'

She laughed, not at Ron though, but at herself. She realized Ron still didn't know she loved him. She should've expected that from him.

'Ron's so blind!' She returned her attention to the letter.

'…when they're off because your guest will be here too… if you bring one that is…'

'What is he going on about?' she asked herself, puzzled and continued.

'Oh and Lavender will be here too! I invited her…"

Now Hermione was really confused. 'Lavender? Why in the world would she be coming?'

'…I invited her because, well, it would seem bloody weird not to have my girlfriend over.'

As she read those words, it felt like a dementor's kiss had sucked away her soul leaving her empty. Her heart throbbed at the thought that her first and only love would not be with her but one of her friends. She had faced death several times but reading those words made her more frightened than ever. Had she lost Ron? She briefly looked over the rest of the letter.

'So my mum said you should bring someone over too if you'd like to. We'll also be having a grand dinner next week when Harry comes over to welcome Sirius back and make him feel at home, so she suggests that you bring a dress or dress robes (it doesn't matter though).

Ginny says hi! Hope you'll come soon!



She then reread the phrase that hurt her most, 'my girlfriend' over and over. She let it sink in then dropped the note and thought about what she has just read.

Suddenly a pang of jealousy hit her. She had longed to be known as 'Ron Weasley's girlfriend' since year 2 of Hogwarts: Witchcraft and Wizardry (Year 1 had only been full of envy.)She had been positive they had their moments last year; the year they hunted for Horcuxes; the year Hogwarts, the order and the Ministry (what was left of it that is) had battled Voldemort and his death eaters; the year the shared their first kiss. Thinking back to that kiss melted Hermione's heart. She wanted to feel his lips against hers, his arms wrapped around her; protecting her. To say those words that have been etched in her heart, "I love you Ron".

Another thought struck her. What if she would never get to tell him how she felt? What if Ron thought LAVENDER was the one?

'That's it,' she thought, 'if there is one thing I know about Ron was that he can be easily jealous… especially jealous with who I am going to bring.' This time, Hermione's playing dirty.

"Dear Ron,…"

Hey Guys!!!!!! How am I doing so far???? I hope you like it. This is my first Fanfiction and I promise I will update ASAP.

Please Review!