I'm SSSSOOOO sorry for the long wait! We came back from vacation and got back later than I expected , and didn't get to typing, but I'm back, so enjoy the show!
Newfound Hope
Chapter 3
Sonic left to the den for a nap, leaving Miles to roam around the huge estate.
"Wow...how can anyone find their way around here? It's so big!" Miles thought to himself. He made his way into the upper stories in the house; still feeling a little woozy from his sudden fever. His ears pricked up as he heard a sound coming from the other room.
"H-Hello?" The little fox stuttered. He advanced closer to the mysterious sound, wondering what made it. He looked over the corner, to see a pink hedgehog vacuuming.
"SONIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Miles screamed with a ear-spitting wail. Sonic slipped off of the couch when he heard Miles. He dashed towards Miles's location, heavy thoughts running through his mind.
"What's that little fox gotten into now?" Sonic thought. In mere seconds, he was standing next to Miles, looking around for what made him scream.
"Miles, what happened?" Sonic asked.
"That mean lady was stealing your carpet with her death machine!!!!" Miles cried. Sonic looked up and saw Amy still vacuuming, with headphones on blasting with music. Sonic chuckled at the fox's misinterpretation.
"Miles, she's not stealing my carpet, she's cleaning it." Sonic corrected, still laughing at Miles's claim.
"Oh..." Miles realized. Amy noticed the two standing there and took of her headphones.
"Hello, my sweet Sonikuu!!!!!" Amy screamed as she squeezed the life out of Sonic with a hug.
"Amy...when will you get over this?" Sonic managed to say. Amy released him, and noticed a goldenrod fox standing next to Sonic.
"Hey Sonic, who's that?" Amy asked examining the fox.
"That's Miles, I found him running from a angry mob, and decided to take him in." Sonic replied.
"Ok, well…….hello Miles." Amy greeted.
"H……..H…..Hello A-Amy….." Miles stuttered, still a little nervous of his surroundings.
"He's still shaken up by everything that's happened. Hold on…..I know just the way to get him better! " Sonic thought to himself,
"Hey Amy, I'm going to take Miles to downtown Station Square" Sonic stated. Miles's eyes shot open at Sonic's remark.
"WHAT?!?!?!?!?" Miles yelled. Sonic looked at him, but then Amy spoke.
"Why do you want to do that? " Amy asked.
"Because he needs to……." Before Sonic could finish his statement, a special report came on TV.
"We interrupt this program for this breaking news report, Scarlet?"
"Thank you Tom……..This is Scarlet Garcia reporting live from Station Square where a mysterious man has caused massive destruction. He's flying a large aircraft labeled, "Egg Carrier".
"Sonic, ya think that's Egman?" Amy asked.
"No doubt, that's him alright." Sonic replied.
""Sonic, who's Eggman?" Miles asked, slightly worried.
"I'll tell ya a little later…….right now I have to stop him!" Sonic declared as he ran off.
"SONIC!!!!!" Miles screamed once more. Sonic stopped after he heard him.
"Yeah Miles?" Sonic responded. Miles then said…….
"I'm coming with you." Sonic had a slight look of surprise on his face.
"Why do you want to come?" Sonic asked.
"Because…….you mean to much to me…….and if I lose you…….." Tears began to come to his eyes as he finished his sentence. Sonic figured he could use the extra help, and said……
"Sure Miles……you can come." Sonic replied. Miles looked up and had the look of determination in his eyes. He dashed towards Sonic until he was a little bit ahead on him.
"Yeah!!!! Let's go!!!" Miles shouted as they ran towards Station Square.
Sorry if this was a little shorter than my others, but the next one should be longer. See ya next chapter!!!