I have terrible news… Writes' Block. I don't know when my next update with be but I will update. Here are the allegiances. Thanks Amberstar!

P.S. Not all the other warriors are mentioned in the Allegiances…



Leader: Petalstar- A stone-gray she-cat with one black patch on her side

Deputy: Hazelleaf- golden tom

Apprentice: Silverpaw

Medicine Cat: Midnightfrost- black and white tom


Bigheart- very small (apprentice sized) tom with a grey pelt and black paws and ears, amber eyes

Silverstorm- grayish-silver tabby she-cat with blue eyes

Apprentice: Moonpaw

Whispersong (Queen now)

Apprentice: Shadowpaw

Riverfeather (StarClan)

Apprentice: Snowpaw

Wolfstripe- gray she-cat with a black striped tail

Apprentice: Snowpaw (After Riverfeather)

Stormfang- dark gray tom with yellow eyes

Apprentice: Flamepaw

Cloudclaw- white tom with one black paw

Wingfur- silver she-cat with blue eyes

Apprentice: Dustpaw

Flowerwhisker- ginger she-cat, sand-colored eyes

Bristlefur- dark ginger tom with amber eyes

Apprentice: Coalpaw

Frostfoot (Queen now)


Coalpaw- jet black tom with cold, hard, piercing amber eyes

Moonpaw- gray she-cat with black stripes

Silverpaw- small silver she-cat

Dustpaw – strong dark brown tom with green eyes

Flamepaw (StarClan)

Snowpaw- white she-cat with black patches

Shadowpaw- black she-cat with silver paws, silver tail tip, and silver ear tips and icy blue eyes


Frostfoot- brown she-cat with white paws

Kits: Mintkit and Rockkit

Whispersong- dark golden she-cat with soft green eyes

Kits: Due soon


Darkclaw- jet black tom with amber eyes: retired early due to immovability

Cloudpelt- white she-cat with gray spots: retired early due to blindness and poor sense of hearing


Leader: Coldstar

Deputy: Sharpfang

Medicine Cat: Spotpelt- a brown tom with darker dapples


Twistedtail- big tom with a bent tail

Goldenear- golden she-cat

Lilyfoot- brown she-cat with one white paw

Kindlewhisker- black tom

Yarrowtail- white tom with yellow eyes

Grasspelt- cream furred tom


Oakpaw- brown tom with white chest




Leader: Pebblestar- small silver gray tom with old green eyes

Deputy: Ripplefang- strong and young ginger tom

Medicine cat: Birdstripe- gray-blue she-cat with a sharp tongue


Redleaf- dark ginger tom

Owltail- brown she-cat

Snakestrike- black tom






Leader: Amberstar- a white she-cat with strange amber eyes, paws, tail, and ears.

Deputy: Smallstripe- white tom

Medicine Cat: Needleleaf- ginger and white tom


Graystream- silver-gray she-cat with long fur

Larkwing- black tom

Sparrowsong- gray tabby tom

Huntingspirit- silver she-cat

Spiriteye- white cat with strange gray eyes

Mistfur- gray she-cat

Owleyes- brown tom with big eyes

Yellowstripe- golden tom




Cats out of Clans

Steel: White snow leopard with black spots, icy blue eyes

Stonestar: jet black tom with cold, hard, piercing amber eyes

Riverstone: Gray tom with black chest, paws, and ears: partially blind by Bigheart

Bear: Big brown tom kittypet: Helped Bigheart when he first was exiled

Pumpkin: Black she-cat kittypet: Helped Bigheart when he first was exiled

Glacier: Light gray tom, icy eyes

Blueclaw: old gray, small tom (StarClan)