Chapter 1


He walked across the desert not knowing where he was going all he wanted was to become strong so he could show them all show them all how powerful he could be

He sat there looked across the desert he then stood there and had sensed sum thing

"I know your there Jiraiya"

The boy turned to see he sensei

"Well kid what are you going to now?"

"Im sorry that I count do any thing about the banishment I truly am!" yelled Jiraiya

As the young blonde boy walked off all he said was this

Ill be back in 10 years keep count you pervert and when I come back I expected to be given your title of legendary sannin as for now ill train out here in this desert were I cant hurt any one

Naruto! What you did was not your fault the council are old fools it was there fault not yours do you remember?

Jiraiya said as he watched the boy stop.

I remember he mumbled


"Eh sasuke your heavy you gained a few pounds man"

Naruto said with a foxy grin.

"Heh shut up you dobe and carry me to the hospital. You know you dint have to break my legs and arms."

Naruto just made another huge grin

"Well I have to make sure you won't run away again."

Sasuke just started then he vomited blood on the floor

"Are you alright?!"

He stared at sasuke with a worry look

"Not for long what ever the hell you hit me with I think it's causing this"

Hey sasuke don't worry were her now. He said with a happy look as sasuke fainted out of the sheer pain this blood loss was causing him.

Then out of the darkness came sakura with a team of medic Nin

She just stared at Naruto and sasuke she couldn't believe her eyes sasuke was back but he was brutalized

"Naruto What the hell did you do to him!" As tears dropped from her eye

She grabbed sasuke and she ran back to the hospital

Naruto just stared at her as she left then suddenly he vomited blood then he looked at his chest it was bleeding it was from were sasuke chidori smashed up on his chest but he thought to him self didn't the kyuubi Fix this wound he went to his mind scape to talk to the Kyuubi

"Kyuubi are you Fucking there?!" as Naruto yelled with anger in his voice

Suddenly out of the darkness came the Kyuubi's dark figure

"What the hell do you want kit?"

"Heal the dam wounds!"

"Cant do that kit your body is rejecting my chakra I think you've had enough of my power just go to a hospital and have it healed but I can stop from bleeding for awhile"

Naruto just started and left his mind scape and with what energy ran back to the hospital

As soon as he got there he started vomiting blood lucky him Tsunade was there and treated him

He finally woke up but barely he notice that he was in the same room as sasuke he smiled and saw his friend was doing better than he was then sakura opened the door Naruto just went back to pretending he was asleep

"Hey sasuke how are you holding up?"

"Im doing just fine"

He coughed a bit but no blood that was a good.

Out of no were sasuke kissed her she was surprised but she kissed back with them both knowing that Naruto was watching a single tear rolled down his eye

"Why?" Naruto whispered with tears but still pretending to be asleep

Tsunade came in with a worried look not surprised by the two Nin kissing

"Sasuke the council wants to see you NOW!"

Sasuke got up with a limp and with the help of both Tsunade and sakura they walked out of the room Naruto just got up and jumped out the window he fell and he swore he heard sum cracking noises from his legs

"Dam legs don't fail me now" he said with hurt in his voice

Then he entered his mind scape to talk with the kyuubi

"Hey you free loading fox heal my body NOW!"

Then the sinister body appeared

"What ever you say kit hehe" he said with a sinister laugh

Naruto then left his kind scape and felt pain all over his body

He juts screamed from the sheer pain

"What the hell are you doing Fox?! As he screamed with pain

"Fool im reconstructing you body to my likening to make you perfected in every way!"

Naruto just looked at his body with concern as he saw his ribs move out of place finally from the pain he blacked out…after about what seemed for a few seconds Naruto was awake again but with no more pain he just looked at him self he was able to walk he looked at him self and notice he was more muscular and more thin than he was before but he dint really care all he wanted was just to get away from this place as soon as he took his first step he was stopped by an ANBU

"What the hell do you want?"

"The council wants to talk to you about the uchiha incident"

"Alright lets go as soon as he" said the ANBU instantly grabbed his hands and put hand cuffs on them he stared with anger but he count do any thing so he just followed

As he got there the council was just sitting there waiting for him and as soon as he was put in his place they asked him questions that he just answered without feeling till the said one thing he would never forget that Danzo said

"Naruto I herby banish you for life from Konoha!"

Every one stood there with an astonished look except the council Tsunade tried but was soon cut off by Danzo.

"And I also will strip you of you ninja title"

Naruto just stood there with an angry look his eye were flashing red

"you old fool I saved you stupid village so many time I cant even count iv done every thing to keep you all safe and this is how you repay me?!"

And with that Naruto ran to the nearest ANBU and stole his sword with his mouth he was quick the ANBU tried to catch him but he was to fast he was aiming for Danzo finally he reached him

"You bastard this will by the last thing you see Danzo!"

And with that Naruto slashed his neck all the ANBU just stared in disbelief

At the dead council finally one of the ANBU tried to slash at Naruto but Naruto just used his cuffs to block but he was lucky the guy had laced his blade with chakra Naruto used that to break his hand cuffs and with that he ran as soon as he got to the gate he used his shadow clone technique to make about two thousand other Naruto and made them all run different direction's and that was the last they saw of Konoha's blonde headed ninja.


"so how about it Naruto will come back?"

"NO" he yelled

"Like I said ill be back in 10 years count when I come back ill past Kage level!"

"Kid you have a lot of hope"

"Ill be back I promise"

Naruto just started at his sensei with a tear in his eye

"you better keep you promise or ill find you and kill you"

Naruto just smiled

"Alright ill see you when I see you"