These are all cracktastic crossovers I wrote after watching CSI with scullyseviltwin & cuttingrmflr while staying with them. 4 different CSI crossovers featuring Hannah Montana, Psych, Dirty Jobs, and Jay & Silent Bob.

TITLE: Crazy Crossovers
AUTHOR: jenbachand
CATEGORY: Comedy/Parody
SUMMARY: These are all cracktastic crossovers I wrote after watching CSI with scullyseviltwin & cuttingrmflr while staying with them.
DISCLAIMER: I made no money from the writing of this fic.
NOTES: Not beta'd, a little crazy.


The music coming from the arena was, well, pop. It was upbeat, low on thought, and the fans were screaming.

The body in the hallway behind the stage was unfortunately dead. A young girl, her crying friend had told the investigators that they were sneaking in for the Hannah Montana concert through an upstairs window, when the dead girl slipped and fell to her death.

At five hundred dollars a ticket, they felt the risk had been worth the danger.

After the body had been cleared away and the final evidence gathered, they released the scene just in time for the band to come off stage.

At seeing Sara and Grissom standing along the wall, the blonde singer turned to them and said, "well you're a little older than my usual fans, but if you really want an autograph, I guess that's ok."

Sara hid a giggle behind her hand.


Greg had no siblings, but he did have a few cousins. His favorite cousin was the one he had spent quite a bit of time with while at college.

Shawn Spencer, cousin via his mother's sister, was brilliant.

Or an up and coming evil genius.

However, when Greg had a few weeks off, he opted to take his vacation in Santa Barbara hanging out with Shawn and his friend Gus.

The air was nippy for November, so Greg made up a batch Grandpa Olaf's famous cider. When Shawn walked in the house, he made the oddest statement Greg had ever heard.

"It smells like a candle in here. A delicious candle that you can eat."


Dear Dirty Jobs:

My job should be featured on your show. I definitely have a dirty job. I have handled every type of bodily fluid known to man kind, every kind of animal part, and more decomposing trash than any human should ever have to deal with.

I've had to work with human fat that soaked into furniture, stomach contents of a dead guy that had been in an eating contest, and well let's just say I never stay in a hotel room in Vegas (you really don't want to know what's on those sheets).

Mike, I think you should come to the Las Vegas Crime Lab and do my job for a day. It really is a dirty job, and I'm a huge fan of your show.


David Hodges


"S'up yo?"

Warrick looked up from his Mooby burger. Two guys stood in front of him. The skinny one had long blond hair and was wearing a knit cap, even though it was ninety degrees outside. The fat one had a beard, dark hair and was in a trench coat.

He nodded at the guys hoping they'd move on.

"Know where we can find some sweet honies? Me and Silent Bob here are new to town and you look like a happenin' brother who would know how to find some lovin'."

"Try the strip guys, and try to follow the law," he said flashing his ID, it looked enough like a badge to probably scare them off. "I'd hate to see you guys later."