


Disclaimer----I own no rights to SG1 or the characters, but enjoy playing around in the fandom.

Comments-----I love Ben Browder and his portrayal of Cameron Mitchell and wish we could have had several more seasons of the show. Oh, there will be Cam whump in this story, because it's what I love to do.


Downtime, that's what they called it, but for him it was a sign that they no longer trusted him to do his job. Maybe they were right, maybe he was a risk to the Stargate program and the teams in general. How many times had he tried to do his job, and wound up seated beside a bed in the infirmary. Sam…Daniel...Teal'c...Vala…God the list went on and on, and he could no longer fight the nightmares that plagued both his dreams and his conscious mind.

Cameron Mitchell stood on the brink of a dark maw that beckoned to him. It seemed as if he was alone in the universe and in some perverse way he knew he deserved the judgment they'd passed on him. The problem was, there were things he had not told anyone, not because he didn't want to, but because the creature gestating inside him overpowered his mind. God, he wanted so badly to tear the thing out, but it would take a lot more than his hands to get rid of it. His hands went to his skull and he cried out as he dropped to his knees and his mind played out the memories of the last few weeks.