Sakura's eyes snapped open and she froze in practiced ease, listening for the dragging of feet. Hearing nothing she pulled her face away from the floor, grimacing as her smooth flesh stuck to the floor: her blood being the bond.

Sakura crawled over to her dresser and grabbed clothing and began limping toward the bathroom. Now, in front of a mirror she examined her face, her father hadn't been merciful. Her face was a mess with cuts and the blood had dried on her face and in her hair.

Sakura sighed and stepped into the shower, tapping the water as hot as it would go.

Sakura slowly made her way up to her room, which was, in her defense, an organized mess. She still hadn't finished unpacking. And already she was yearning to return to her home, MANY miles away.

Sakura sat in front of her vanity and applied a covering of makeup, fading her cuts into nothing.

Sakura grabbed her purse and walked carefully down the stairs, the front door had been oiled by her, so it wouldn't squeak, through it she went.

Sakura followed her feet and soon she passed the music store. She checked her purse, her father hadn't taken any of the money out yet, which left her with $1,000 to spend.

Pushing the door open Sakura walked over to the 'New Release' side of the store and waited for the people in front of her to finish. She smiled and grabbed the latest album by One Republic.

Sakura looked around and walked over to the piano on display. She spun around on the seat and stroked the keys of the instrument. She played a scale and was happy to see that the piano was in tune.

Sakura looked around self consciously and saw only three people; a timid looking girl with navy blue hair was strumming a bass, a blonde with four pig-tails was playing chords on a guitar and a brunette was keeping a subtle beat on the drums she sat at.

Sakura turned back around and began playing Apologize. In a matter of seconds she recognized the guitar part come in, bass soon followed, and the drums came in hesitantly, as if not knowing the song.

Sakura smiled at the piano and began singing the song, quietly at first and then louder until her voice echoed off the walls.

When the song was finished Sakura stood up and the four girls exchanged congratulations on a cover well-done.

"I'm Sabaku No Temari." The blonde one said, the silver Stratocaster was swung over her back.

"This is Hyuga Hinata and Inari Tenten." The blonde followed up, pointing to the Navy and then the brunette.

"I'm Haruno Sakura, I just moved here from America." Sakura said happily.

"You know what? You have the chops and the fingers to be in a band, and I'm looking for a lead singer. And it would be nice in the conquering of my brother and his stupid little band. " Temari said staring at Sakura's pink hair.

Sakura ran a hand through her hair. "Uh, I guess I could, sure." She said unsurely.

Temari screamed happily and tacklehugged Sakura.

For another few minutes the girls talked, discussing bands and artists they would most likely die without.

Sakura slipped out her phone and checked the time.

"Y-you guys I really have to get going!" Sakura said quickly stuffing her purchase (the CD) and her cell phone into her purse. The girls exchanged numbers quickly and Sakura took off at a run for her house.

As Sakura ran into the house she heard her father stumbling about in the basement. Sakura bolted up the stairs and shoved her purse, with all its inhabitants into the space underneath a loose floorboard, Sakura checked to make sure it didn't squeak and grabbed a blanket, and hid in her closet.

Sakura pressed herself securely against the back of the closet, throwing the blanket over her, pushing herself fruitlessly against the wall.

To her surprise the wall gave way and she fell backwards into an extension of the house. All sound in the house stopped, Sakura's heart began hammering and suddenly the sound of pounding feet rang through the house, her dad was coming up.

Sakura stepped back and pushed the piece of wood back into place and latched it. Sakura stared at the latches for a moment and froze when she heard her door squeak open and her father's heavy footfalls enter the room.

After about 20 minutes her father grunted and left the room, locking it behind him. Sakura sighed and turned around, waiting for her eyes to adjust to the dim lighting. A bulky object was pushed against the far wall, Sakura walked over to it and she nearly screamed.

A grand piano was covered with a tarp, Sakura threw the tarp off and her fingers stroked, they itched to play on the instrument but Sakura knew her father would came back in, angrier then ever. Sakura exited the hidden room reluctantly and checked her room. Her father had left.

Sakura threw herself onto her bed and fell asleep.