Cloud awoke, bound to chair in Rufus' office, wearing only a ragged pair of pants. Several body guards stood around him; obviously Cloud was now seen as a threat. Rufus turned to him.

"So you're awake now?" Rufus smiled as he spoke angrily, "That was quite the stunt you pulled back there. You're lucky these guards got there before he died or we may have had to kill you to make up for it."

Cloud looked away. Rufus rushed towards him and grabbed his chin, forcing Cloud to look him in the eyes.

"You seem to have misunderstood your place here at SOLDIER. It's a shame such a form has to be plagued with such an insolent personality. We provided you with a comfortable life. We gave you shelter and food. Did you think you could stay here for free? You accepted my offer and I clearly told you that your payment would require cooperation, but you aren't cooperating are you? You think we are just going to return you to the street? Sorry but you accepted and now you belong to us. The only way for you to leave now is for you to die, and don't think we are going to let you commit suicide. You are too valuable a resource to our men for us to be so careless. We won't be leaving you alone any time soon, and we won't be leaving you with anything that can be used as a weapon. You will be moved to a thickly padded cell with no windows, no furniture, and the only light comes from an over head fixture ten feet out of your reach. But don't think you're service to SOLDIER is done, I'll just be sure to increase your payments. Every night a soldier will find himself at your door, and you will be so pumped full of drugs that you won't be able to do a thing about it, but you'll feel every bit of it. Does that sound good to you? No? Aw, well, that's too bad, and just think, this all could have been avoided if you had just cooperated, like you agreed you would." With that Rufus walked to the window and looked out at the people below. "His room has already been prepared. Take him there now."

A guard rose and released the bindings holding Cloud to the chair. He forced Cloud to stand and immediately tied his hands behind his back. When they reached the bottom floor, instead of heading outside towards the soldier's quarters, they went to an elevator at the very back of the building. They went down another three floors and entered a dark, concrete hallway. It looked like the inside of a jail, only there was just one door at the end of the hallway. Two guards stood on either side of the door. Inside, the floor, walls, and ceiling were covered in a thick white cushioning; it was like the entire room was covered in mattresses. They tossed him into the room and shut the door behind them.

A few minutes later a man walked in holding a syringe. He grabbed Cloud's hair and bent his head to one side and shoved the needle into his neck, and left. Cloud laid on the floor as his vision began to spin. His body felt weak and heavy.

For hours Cloud drifted in and out of consciousness. It felt like years had passed as he stared at the sterile white walls. There was a small window at the top of the wall that lead to the outdoors, the amount of sun suggested it was morning. The door opened, he saw shoeless feet walking towards him.

"Upsy-daisy." The man said in a soft, gentle tone. He placed his hands underneath Clouds arms and pulled him upright so he sat against the wall. Cloud noticed a tray next to the man, filled with a bowl of soup and a glass of water. He looked to see the man's face and blushed when he saw Zack looking at him, inches away. Zack smiled and brought the tray between them.

"Now you may not be very hungry, but it's important that you eat." He brought a spoon full of soup to Cloud's mouth. He refused it and turned his head away. Zack frowned.

"Look…if you don't eat their going to come in and force you…Why don't you just eat, and save yourself any more suffering, okay?" He said, sweetly.

Cloud hesitated for a moment, but gave in and allowed Zack to spoon feed him.

Zack smiled, "I know it's not very good, but it's better than nothing, right?" Cloud didn't respond, instead he hung his head down and stared at the floor. Zack pushed the tray to the side and leaned in towards Cloud. He placed his finger under Cloud's chin, and raised Cloud's head until they were eye to eye. Cloud blushed. He wanted to reach out to Zack; he tried to move his hands, still tied behind his back. Zack tilted his head and saw Cloud's hands, bound by rope. Zack smiled again and moved next to Cloud. He took a small blade from his pocket and cut the rope, freeing Cloud's hands. Cloud moved his hands to look at them. His wrists had red burns from his attempts to free himself; he was embarrassed that he needed Zack to help him. He looked over at Zack who now sat against the wall with him, looking at the ceiling.

"Don't tell anyone, okay?" Zack looked over at him and winked. Cloud nodded and looked back to the floor. Zack scooted over to him, "Now now, no more looking at the floor. Things will get better you know, I'll make sure of it." Zack smiled. Cloud looked at him. Zack blushed, "Aw come on…don't look at me like that…" He turned towards Cloud and placed his hands on Cloud's shoulders and leaned in until their foreheads touched. "Trust me okay?" Zack said softly. Cloud looked into Zack's eyes and nodded.

"Good." Zack said as he stood up. "I should go now…they'll be waiting for me." He picked up the tray and looked back at Cloud as he approached the door. He smiled. "Don't worry, I'll be back tonight, gotta have dinner you know?" Zack opened the door and left, leaving Cloud alone as he stared at the door.

Hours passed in silence, Cloud was thankful for Zack having freed his hands, but the drugs in his system prevented him from doing much more than sit against the wall. He thought of Zack. He had wanted to meet Zack for so long, and when he finally got the chance, Zack saw him like this, half clothed, drugged, and helpless. He wanted so much to talk to Zack, but his voice escaped him, a side effect of the drugs Cloud decided. He looked up and noticed the sky was dark; the only thing illuminating the room was a single light on the ceiling. The door opened, Zack walked in, holding the same tray as before. He walked over to Cloud and sat in front of him. Cloud's heart beat quickened, Zack had come back, just as he said he would. Zack smiled, "Sorry it's another bowl of soup, but maybe it's good right?" Zack tasted it and frowned. He looked over at Cloud, "Okay…it's horrible. But you must be hungry right?" Cloud looked at him and smiled slightly before taking the spoon and eating. He underestimated the effect of the drugs, and his arm's strength wavered, the soup spilling onto his chest. He looked down and dropped the spoon; again, Zack would see him so helpless. Zack smiled, grabbed a napkin, leaned in towards Cloud and wiped the soup off of his chest. Cloud gulped as his body reacted to Zack's gentle touch. Goosebumps ran down his skin and his nipples hardened. He blushed and hoped Zack didn't notice. Still smiling, Zack leaned back, "All better. Here, you should let me feed you. I don't want you to overexert yourself."

Cloud let Zack feed him, keeping his eyes away from Zack's.

It was completely dark outside now, and the light overhead dimmed. Zack moved the tray aside and sat against the wall, talking. The room was so dim that Cloud had to stay very close to Zack, just so he could see him. Zack shifted and turned to him. "I should get going, it's late." He moved to get up. Without thinking, Cloud grabbed Zack's wrist. Zack looked into his eyes. Cloud's blushed and look back at Zack, his heart was pounding, his grip around Zack's wrist tightened. Cloud quickly leaned forward and kissed Zack passionately. Zack hesitated but eventually leaned into Cloud, kissing him back. Cloud let go of Zack's wrist and placed his hands on Zack's shoulders. He pushed Zack onto the floor, lying on top of him as they kissed. Cloud slipped a hand under Zack's shirt, only to have Zack push him away. He sat up and held Cloud at arm's length from him, his hands on Cloud's shoulders. Zack was breathing heavily. "I have to go," He said. Then he stood up, picked up the tray, and left. Cloud banged his head against the wall. What was I thinking?? He thought. He had chased Zack away for sure. Cloud leaned rested against the wall and looked at the door. It was too dark to see the door clearly, but he yearned for Zack to return.

Suddenly, the light turned completely off. The door opened. Cloud's eyes widened. Has Zack come back? His heart beat quickened as the figure appeared and moved towards him. He stared at the figure, trying to make out who it was. The figure knelt down in front of him, it was not Zack. Cloud tried to move away but the figure's hands held him in place, gripping the sides of his chest. He leaned in and forcefully kissed Cloud, who tried to push him away. Cloud's body was tired, he couldn't fight back. He still couldn't make out the figure's face. The figure kissed Cloud's neck and pulled off Cloud's ragged pants. Cloud breathed heavily and called out for Zack in his mind. The figure shoved a finger into Cloud, making him squirm and gasp. He licked Cloud's neck as he removed his finger and pushed at Cloud with his manhood. He held Cloud's legs apart with his hands as pushed into him. He remained close to Cloud, biting his ear. Cloud turned his head away as he tried to put strength behind his arms, trying bracing themselves against the figures shoulders. He pushed into Cloud, quickening his pace. Cloud tried to stifle his moans. The figure quickened his pace even more, pounding into Cloud in a way Cloud thought he might go crazy. Cloud's body tensed and released itself on his chest. The figure slammed into Cloud and held there, climaxing into Cloud. Cloud moaned and collapsed to the floor as the figure removed his self and quickly fled the room. Cloud breathed quickly and lay still in the darkness.

Note: okay… I thought for a long while how to incorporate a bathroom into this room that didn't involve a hard toilet, which could be used as something to bang ones head against….and also didn't involve Zack like…bringing a can or something…so…uh…it's up to you to decide how he took care of "business" oO