Setting: SOLDIER with a slight change, in that Zack isn't already there, he will show up later.

Contents: yaoi yaoi yaoi. if you don't like yaoi, or cloud as the uke, don't read okay?

this chapter: rape. lots of rape.

The sky rumbled, light flashed almost blinding the small blonde's eyes. He had no place to go to shield him from the cold rain that pelted his worn frame. Ever since the day he was kicked out of soldier, his life was ruined. He had no where to go. After word spread of his deeds, everyone refused him. Friends avoided him, and no inn would take him in.

His stomach growled in hunger, it had not known food for days. Restless, the blonde rose to his feet, stumbling to balance himself as his vision spun. Just as the beautiful yet ragged figure began to search for a more suitable shelter, something stung his neck. Instinctively, he raised his hand to his wound, finding a needle sticking out from his flesh. His already blurry vision shook violently until fading into black. The blonde felt his body slam into the cold, wet ground.

His eyes opened to view a ceiling fan, buzzing quietly above him. His head was pounding; the sting in his neck painfully reminded him of its presence.

"I see you are finally awake, Cloud."

The blonde's eyes snapped open, he knew this voice.

"I suppose you are surprised to see me? I can fully understand, seeing as it was I who removed you from soldier. But you see, my dear Cloud, I made a terrible mistake. Soldier needs you, and judging by the state we found you in, you need soldier."

The blonde lifted himself up, propping himself against the many fluffy satin pillows behind him. He could see the suit of the man speaking, he knew exactly who it was, but his eyes were unwilling to meet the eyes of the man before him. Taking a deep breath, the blonde spoke, "...What do you want from me...President?"

"Now now, Cloud, call me Rufus of course. And I want you to come back to soldier. You were such a wonderful soldier...however regrettable you're past actions may have been, I am willing to forget them and reinstate you into soldier."

Cloud spirits rose, his life needed soldier, he needed soldier, but something seemed unusual about Rufus's composure.

"What's the catch?" Cloud inquired, not trusting the innocence of the deal.

"You are a sharp one aren't you?" Rufus grinned, "Of course such incidents cannot be erased without a little...cooperation, on your part."

Cloud raised an eyebrow.

"Oh don't worry about that now. You will know when your debt is called upon. Will you accept?"

It sounded suspicious, but when faced with a choice between food and shelter or being thrown back out onto the streets, Clouds body didn't allow his mind to interfere, and he quickly agreed to the deal.

"Excellent." Rufus smirked, "You will find that the soldiers will not hold you in contempt for your past, but instead will take you in quite...willingly."


Cloud walked into his quarters, the very same he had inhabited before his life had gone array. It seemed almost dream like, to be back in the dorms of soldier... to hear the rain ping against his window and not feel its contempt upon his body.

Suddenly a figure appeared in the doorway, "Hey there old-buddy, better hurry up, training starts in 20."

Cloud turned thinking to see a familiar face, one he had seen many times before, strangely, he did not remember the man who stood before him. The man stared at him, "You coming or what?"

"Y...yeah...I'll be right there." Cloud stammered.

With that the man left the doorway, leaving Cloud alone. Should I have known who that was? Cloud shook his head, and headed towards the barracks. He entered the locker room, surprised to find that his old locker was once again his, his supplies still neatly stacked in their place, like he had never left.

Suddenly, a hand slammed his locker shut; it was the man who had come to his room.

"Hey there Cloud, nice of you to join us again." The man smirked. Cloud turned to see three faces grinning menacingly at him. Cloud looked on in confusion.

"Don't think that just because the prez forgives you, that all of us will too. So to make sure you knew your place here, we decided to welcome our old friend back."

Instantly, Cloud remembered all of their faces. They had been friends of...them...Clouds eyes winced as their existence flowed back into his memory. He remembered their names, Sen, Gin, and Ron, thugs of soldier. His memories of the men were cut short as he felt his body lurch backwards into the lockers. His back burned with pain. He looked up just in time to see Sen's fist connect with his face. His body hit the ground, his vision spinning. He saw Sen's boot meet his stomach, Cloud's body folded.

Had this been a year ago, these thugs wouldn't have posed any threat to Cloud, but a year of wasting away left Clouds body untrained and weak. Cloud thought of the strength he once knew, as a hand gripped his silky blonde hair, pulling him to his feet. His legs buckled underneath him, causing all of his weight to be supported by the hand now around his neck. He gasped in vain for breath. He felt his body hit the wall as the hand around his neck threw him into the corner. Cloud sat on the floor, his consciousness slipping as his head pulsated in pain. Cloud felt blood slide down his forehead, he tasted his own blood in his mouth. The three walked over to the bleeding blonde, grinning.

"Now Sen we don't want to get that pretty shirt all bloody do we?" Ron said slyly.

"You're right, Cloud you should be more careful." Sen said as he knelt down beside the blonde and ripped Clouds shirt from his body, revealing his soft pale skin. Cloud could feel Sen's breath close to his face, and then as his vision cleared, he could see Sen grabbing for his hair again. His body lurched forward as Sen leaned over him. Sen snatched Clouds wrists and bound them behind his back. Sen grinned wildly as his unbuttoned his trousers and revealed to the bloody figure his throbbing manhood. Cloud felt it press against his mouth and he turned his head in protest, only to have it jerked back forward by the hand that found its way back to gripping his hair. Sen pushed forward, gripping Clouds hair tighter and tighter until the blonde finally gave in. Sen twitched in pleasure as the blonde took the tip in his mouth. In a rage of lust, Sen thrust forward, forcing Cloud to take in all of him, ignoring the struggling of the blonde. He did not allow the blonde to move; instead he took control and choked the blonde until Sen felt decently satisfied. Sen removed himself from the blondes mouth. Cloud folded over, gasping for breath as his throat screamed in agony.

He felt his hair being tugged again, this time by a stronger hand. He looked up to see a grinning Ron gleaming down at him. Again he felt something hard and hot press against his mouth. Cloud squeezed his eyes shut as he gave in and complied with Ron. This time, however, Ron expected Cloud to do the work, and forcefully showed him the rhythm he wanted by forcing Clouds head forward and back with his hands, gripping Clouds hair. Cloud had almost completely detached himself from what was happening, retreating into his mind as his jaw was stretched and his throat was ravaged, when he was jolted back into reality as hands tugged downward on his trousers. Clouds eyes shot open and he tried to pull away from Ron, who replied by shoving himself forward, slamming Cloud's head against the wall. He felt a large, rough hand stroke him, his body twitching from the sensation. He felt his legs being spread, and resisted, desperately trying to pull them back together. He felt the rough hand tighten around him, its grip tightening and tightening till Cloud cried out a choked cry of pain. Cloud immediately let his legs be moved and thankfully the grip around him loosened. The rough hand removed its grip. Cloud could barely see, but he saw enough to know the rough hands now covered themselves in a sticky liquid before returning to Cloud's body. Cloud's body jolted backward, trying to get away, as the rough hand inserted a finger into him. Behind his back, Cloud's fingers dug into each other until blood dripped to the floor. Gin inserted another finger and then another. Cloud gagged on Ron, who controlled Cloud with the grip on his hair, forcing his head forward, taking in all of Ron, choking him as Gin searched the inside of Cloud with his fingers. Tears slid silently from Clouds eyes.

"Stop it Ron." Sen said, much to Clouds astonishment.

"Don't think I'm going soft blondy," Sen grinned, "I just want to hear you scream."

Cloud's heart sank and Ron tore himself from Clouds mouth. Clouds gasp for air was cut short as he realized there were no longer fingers in him, but instead now Gins enormous manhood pushed at him. Cloud tried to pull away, but Gins rough hands forced themselves around Clouds hips and held him in place as his manhood slid painfully into Cloud. Cloud bit his lip, not wanting to make a sound. As Gin pushed in further, however, Clouds body overruled his mind and forced a cry of pain from his lips. Sen and Ron smiled as the blonde continued to moan as Gin thrashed away inside of him. Gin had not bothered to start out slow; gentle-ness to him was over rated, instead he ignored any chance at comforting his prey and began at full force.

Gin dug his fingers into Cloud's soft skin and grinned as he listened to Cloud's succulent moans. Cloud hated himself for not being able to quiet himself, he tried biting his lip until it bled but still his voice escaped him. He cursed himself even more as he found his body beginning to move with Gin's thrusts. Maybe it lessened the pain, or maybe Cloud's body was actually enjoying being violated. Cloud forced that idea out of his head, how could he possibly enjoy something like this? He winced as Gin bit his nipple. The movements almost became dull as Cloud slipped slowly into a state of unconsciousness. Just then Gin did something Cloud would regret forever, Gin found his sweet spot, causing Cloud's voice to whine, his body to tense, and his manhood to release itself all over Gins face. Clouds body slumped down against the ground. Gins eyes glared and as payment, repositioned himself on top of Cloud, forcing Cloud to lie on the cold and dirty floor. Like a mad man Gin thrust his entire being into Cloud over and over, blood dripping down from between Clouds legs. The violent motions moved Clouds entire body, repeatedly smashing Clouds head into the wall. Wearily Cloud managed to release a quiet, yet desperate "stop..." before his mind went completely black.