This story came to me in Global Studies class cause we are learning about China! And Avatar inspired it too so anything related to that, I do not own.

May: Um….wha?

Drew: In other words she came up with another way to annoy and destroy our lives!

Me: In a nut shell, yes!

May: Oh……okay!

Me: Drew would you do us the honor of saying the disclaimer.

Drew: Yea, cause it's the best part of any of your stories! Rolyn does not own pokemon.

Chapter One: The Corners of the Regions

There are five sections to the world.

Each making up an element that would stand for each region and of which the section is located.

Water, Earth, Fire, Wood, and Metal.

Water is located to the north, Fire is located to the south, earth is located to the center, metal is located to the west and wood is to the east.

The five elements balance out each other maintaining the harmony that never seems to last.

Wood feeds fire

Fire creates earth (ashes)

Earth bears metal

Metal collects water

And water nourishes wood

All these elements represented by their own natural and physical state in our world.

The region of fire takes upon the name Pao.

The region of water takes upon the name Zuan.

The region of earth takes upon the name Heng.

The region of wood takes upon the name Beng

The region of metal takes upon the name Pi.

There are inhabitants that lived in each region for thousands of years, people actually have come to gain the ability to control the element of their region. Those special abilities were specified as talents and if you withheld a talent you were known as the manipulator or bender of that element.

But one element…..

One element that was thought to be a myth. Manipulators of this element were thought to be legends.

These people of this element were said to have lived in a secluded and hidden region. They never made contact with the outside world and they had a strong connection to nature and the simple ways of life. They lived in harmony and secluded themselves into hiding for that reason. People are skeptical over the fact that these manipulators still or ever existed.

No theory is correct until proven.

The region was known as Vayu, the region of air…..

Nobody knew much of Vayu; only stories that have been retold and altered.

Air completely throws the world out of balance by strengthening water, fire and wood while metal and earth stay grounded. It was such a confusing element.

But alas, it is only a myth….but what will happen when that myth is turned into something much more.

What will happen when one of those manipulators come out of hiding due to a legend so important to our world that we must depend on that one single human being to save our souls?

Only time will tell what will happened to this balanced world as the flow of the cycle is disturbed…..

Review if you like it! Pweez tell me if you want me to continue.

Preview of Ch2:

"Mom! Dad!...please…..don't leave me…" She cried.

"You have to find these Talismen before anyone else takes procession of them, if you fail, the world will cease to exist…."

"This is it Beautifly! You and me together, we'll live up to the legend and save the world!"