Hey Everyone! I'm finally starting my series! YOO HOO! I am super excited! I have seriously been wanting to write this FOREVER!!! I hope more people will read this then my last story, and I hope more people will review! Oh and just to kind of give you some back round for this first story, it's about how Lilly's sort of settling in and also trying to convince Marvin to let her go on missions with him...but they also have another little run in with Dr.Woe. I hope you guy's review, and I welcome helpful criticism if you have any for me. HOPE YOU ALL ENJOY!

Episode 1

Partner Me Up!

"Lilly, what's this all about?" Marvin asked as Lilly led him down the hallway with a blindfold over his eyes.

"You'll see!" Lilly said. "It's a surprise."

"You should no by now that I am not to fond of...surprises."

"Well I think you'll like this one!" Finally the two came to a stop. Lilly slid the blind fold off.

"TA DA! So what do you think?" Lilly asked. Marvin stared at her once beautiful red room to find that it was now...blue. The walls, the cabinets, the closet, even the bed, and bed-sheets were now blue.

"You painted it...blue." Marvin said still not believing it.

"Yeah well you know, you've got red all over this ship, so I thought why not try something NEW! And what else says new then blue? So do you like it?"

"Well...it's not exactly...MY kind of color...but I suppose if you like it, then..."

"Oh thanks Marvin! Your the best!" She said giving her friend a hug.

" You know I never thought I'd ever feel so at...home." She said with a wide smile. Marvin couldn't help but smile back at her small face. All of a sudden the two heard a beeping sound, and they saw a screen come out of the ceiling.

"Commander there is a call for you...it's the Martian Queen." X-25 said.

"Oh my it must be something serious, if the queen is calling me directly!" Marvin said as he scurried down the hall to the control room, Lilly following behind him.

"X-25, put the the Queen on screen please." Marvin said as he settled into his rather large commanding chair. Lilly watched as the fuzzy screen soon came into focus. There on screen was a beautiful Martian woman. Se looked to be about Marvin's age, and had hair as white as snow.

"Your Majesty, to what do I owe this honor."

"I'm afraid bad news Commander." The queen said. "Dr.Woe has escaped from prison."

"What?! But we just sent him there one month ago!"

"Well obviously he has escaped Commander."

"Do we have any idea where he is your majesty?"

"We do have some what of an idea. We traced his rocket radiation to...Commander, who is that?" The Martian Queen asked, suddenly acknowledging Lilly's presence.

"Oh uh her? She's my niece...no I-I mean she's my distant cousin...no I mean she's uh...she's uh...

"Hello your majesty. My name is Lilly Cunningham. I'm Mar...I mean I'm one of the Commander's good friends. May I say your majesty, it's an honor to meet you. The Commander's told me so much about you."

"Well...it's nice to meet you too Miss. Cunningham..."

"Oh please your Majesty! Call me Lilly...say can I ask you a question?"


"What shampoo do you use, because your hair is just so pretty. It's so...SHINY! How do you get it like that?"

"Oh well actually I just..."

"Your Majesty I hate to interrupt, but..."

"Oh yes of coarse. Hmm, we traced his rocket radiation to a nearby astroid. I sent centurions out there hours ago, but they never replied or returned. And now there seems to be some sort of electrical field surrounding the astroid.

"Don't worry your majesty, I'll get there and find out what's going on immediately."

"Good luck Commander." And with that the monitor went blank. There was a moment of silence in the room before Lilly spoke.


"So, what?"

"She's pretty, I can see why you fell for her." Marvin's eyes grew dark, but he managed to hide his anger.

"There are other aspects to love then just beauty you know..." He said jumping out of his chair and walking down the hall.

"Yeah, yeah I know. So what's the plan Marv?"

"What do you mean?"

"Uh hello! What's the plan to get to astroid how are we going kick Dr.Woe's butt...again."

"WE...there is no WE. I'M going to the astroid to see what's going on."

"WHAT? Well why can't I come?!"

"Your not ready yet to go onto a playing battlefield!" Lilly shot him a look of both anger and confusion.

"Marvin were you even there a month ago! I helped to get Dr.Woe JUST as much as you did!"

"Maybe so, but those were surprise attacks by him! You just happen to be in the line of fire."

"Yeah but..."

"No 'but's' Lilly. If you go out there you'll just be using your strength, and not your head!"

"Why would I use my head? That would really hurt." She said rubbing the top of her head.

"You know perfectly well what I mean! Your too...erratic. The moment something goes wrong you'll spring into action without even thinking about the consequences." He said as he and Lilly stepped onto an elevator, that began to carry them up.

"Marvin please..."


"Pretty please with sugar on top?"


"Pretty please with sugar on top, a marshmallow, and..."

"NO!" Marvin finally screamed casing Lilly to stop her 'pretty pleases'. After a moment he regained himself.

"Lilly please try to understand...I just don't want you to get hurt." Lilly's blue eyes moved to the ground with sadness in them. Marvin lifted her small round head up with his gloved hand, giving her a small smile trying to make her feel better.

"Look I won't be gone long, and once I get back I'll fill you in on all the details."

"It's not the same..." Lilly said still looking upset. He gently placed a hand on her shoulder.

"Some day Lilly you'll be ready." He said. Finally the two reached the docking bay. Marvin stepped into one of the small space crafts.

"I'll try to get back as soon as I can, and Lilly..."

"Yeah Marv?"

"Promise me you won't follow me?"


"Promise?" Lilly let a out a small sigh.

"I promise..."Lilly mumbled. Marvin gave a small smile before starting the small space craft. Lilly watched as the small thing went into hyper drive.

"Well I guess it won't be so bad to just sit and wait..."


"UUH! I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE X-25! I'm gonna go CRAZY if I have to wait any longer to know what's going on!"

"Miss Lilly...it's only been 15 minutes." X-25 replied.

"Oh...well it feels like an eternity! UUHH!" She said flopping into Marvin's large Commander chair.

"Oh come now miss Lilly...it can't be that bad."

"Oh you just don't get it X-25. I NEED to know what's happening. I wanna be out there with Marvin, but he doesn't think I'll use my head. He's my friend X-25. He's suppose to...trust me."

"Oh miss Lilly it's no that the Commander doesn't trust you, he just doesn't want you getting hurt."

"Yeah...I know...but I still wish..." Suddenly her sad face, turned to a happy one.

"Something the matter miss Lilly?" X-25 asked.

"No but...I'm going to the astroid!"

"What? But you promised that..."

"I promised that I wouldn't FOLLOW him. I never said anything about taking a different route." She said jumping out of the chair and darting down the hall. X-25's monitor tried as well as possible to keep up with her. She went to the docking bay, and picked out a small space craft of her own.

"Miss Lilly you are not going!" X-25 said suddenly sounding serious.

"Oh yes I am!"

"Oh no your not!"

"I am!"

"Your not!"

"I am!"

"Your not!"

"I am!"

"Your not!"

"I'm not!"

"You are!"

"I''m not!"

"You are!"

"I'm not!"

"You are!"

"Well if you insist X-25." Her monitor went blank with embarrassment realizing she had just been tricked (or Daffy-ducked you could possibly say).

"Now if you excuse me X-25, I'm going to go help Marvin." She said as she stepped into the small space craft.

"Well if your going I'M going to!" X-25 said.

"How can you go?" Lilly asked. Suddenly a pair of robot arms came from the side of the docking bay. They picked up a plug, and put one end into the ship, and the other into X-25's monitor. Suddenly Lilly could se a percentage mark on X-25's monitor. It read 95, then 96, 97, 98, 99, and finally 100.

"There we are!' The small spacecraft suddenly said, making Lilly jump a little.

"X-25? Is...is that you?"

"Of course! I just downloaded myself into the craft...somebody has to be there in case you try to pull anything." Lilly only rolled her eyes ignoring the comment.

"Let's just go!" She said. She strapped her seat belt on.

"Engage thrusters!"

"Thruster's engaged." X-25 said playing a long.

"GO!" And with that they were off.


Marvin kneeled behind a rock, trying not to be seen. Their stood Dr.Woe. He seemed to be looking at...a giant telescope.

What could Woe possible do with a giant telescope? Marvin asked himself. He looked around to see there was anybody, or anything with Woe.

Indeed their was, but instead of insects their was a small group of robots. They didn't look like the centurions at all. They stayed on the ground and were a dull navy blue color, but there hands were like claws, and they had rectangular shaped heads. Their was only about 5 of them at Dr.Woe's side.

Perfect! Marvin thought to himself. I can take those five out with my blaster, and then seize Dr.Woe!

Meanwhile Lilly safely hovered above the situation.

"Look there's Marvin!" She said pointing, seeing her friend behind the rock.

"You see miss Lilly, he's doing fine. Now let's go..."

"Not so fast! I just wanna watch! I won't interfere." So Lilly watched as Marvin plotted his next move. But although she was close, she was not close enough to see Marvin hide his blaster behind his back. But she did see him walk straight towards Woe.

"WHAT IS HE DOING!" She screamed in the craft.

"Dr.Woe...shouldn't you be in prison?" Marvin asked

"Ah Commander...so you've come to see my latest invention have you?" He said pointing to his giant telescope.

"I haven't come to see your stupid inventions WOE! I've come to take you back to prison!"

"Alone! Your becoming more like Dodgers, everyday Commander." Woe snapped his fingers, and suddenly his robots started to close in on Marvin.

"MARVIN MOVE! RUN! DO SOMETHING!" Lilly continued to scream, as if she thought Marvin could here her. The robot's had Marvin surrounded, so he put his hand on his blaster which was not visible to them.

Little closer.


Almost there.

"That's it! I'M COMING MARV!" Lilly said as she pushed the door tot he craft open.

"MISS LILLY NO!" X-25 screamed, but it was to late. Lilly jumped out of the craft falling to the ground.

"AHA!" Marvin said as he pulled out his blaster. But suddenly his attention was directed towards one of the robots as he saw Lilly come down and smash it.

"Yeah that's right robot! Don't mess with the Martian!"

"LILLY?! What are you doing here?!"

"I saw you were in trouble Marv! I'm here to help!"

"Lilly I have everything under con..." But before he could even finish the sentence, he felt a blow come to his head. His blaster was nocked out of his hands and across the asteroid. He tried to get up, but he found a robot stood over him. The claw arm suddenly changed into a gun, and it pointed it straight at Marvin's head.

"Oh no you don't!" Lilly said. She jumped from the smashed robots head over the other that had the gun pointed at Marvin. She pushed it's rectangular head against another robots head, causing them both break. Suddenly she turned to find two more coming at her. She jumped over both making them collide into the rock wall behind her.

"WOO HOO! Ya see Marvin! I took them all down! I...I..." But the smirk was quickly wiped off of Lilly's face as she saw Dr.Woe in his own space craft, with his giant device hooked onto it.

"SEE YOU LATER COMMANDER!" Dr.Woe announced on the microphone before flying away. Lilly slowly turned her head to look at a very upset Marvin.



"I STILL CAN'T UNDERSTAND WHY YOU DID IT!" Marvin screamed at Lilly, back on his ship.

"Marvin I said I was sorry like 100 times! I didn't know you had the blaster!"

"It's called strategy! Maybe you've heard of it!"

"Oh come on Marvin! How was I supposed to know?"

"You really think I would openly walk into the clutches of robots WITHOUT HAVING A PLAN!"

"Marvin please..."

"I specifically told you to stay HERE!"


"And you did exactly the opposite! You followed me , and ruined the whole thing!"


"I had Dr.Woe EXACTLY where I wanted him, and you just HAD to butt in!"

"Marvin please...I really am sorry."

"Yeah so am I...I'm sorry I let you stay here." Lilly's eyes went wide with shock, but quickly turned to sadness. Marvin hadn't meant to say that, he was just so...angry. His look softened towards Lilly.

"Lilly look I..."

"Commander...I'm sorry to interrupt...but there's another call for you from the Martian queen." X-25 said. Marvin let out a long sigh.

"Thank you X-25." He said as he dragged himself to the control room. X-25 came up to Lilly who had brought her knees up to her face while still sitting on her bed. X-25 using one of her robotic arms softly patted Lilly on the back trying to comfort her. Lilly looked up at the blank monitor, and gave her a small smile, but it quickly left her face, and was once again sad.

"The Martian queen has just informed me where they believe the new location of Dr. Woe is." Marvin said walking back into the room. "It's another asteroid not to far from here." Lilly didn't reply she only continued to stare at the new blue ground. Marvin let out a small sigh.

"I'm going to get Dr.Woe. Oh and Lilly..." He said making her lift her head up.

"DON'T follow me." He said trying not to sound angry with her, and with that he disappeared into the hallway and out of her sight. X-25 looked at Lilly not really knowing what to say, so just stayed with her.


Nice going Martian. Marvin told himself as he was flying to the new asteroid.

You completely devastated her! But you had to say something...she's just got to learn! Still I did sound a bit... harsh... Marvin tried to shake the thought from his head as he landed on the large asteroid. He stepped out of the craft quietly so as not to be heard. He found another hiding spot, where he could not be seen. He looked over to see the giant telescope set up again, but now only two robots were guarding it. There was no sign of Woe.

"Well that's rather odd." Marvin said to himself.

"Woe wouldn't just leave something so...unguarded."

"Oh but it's far from unguarded Commander." Marvin turned around at the sudden voice. There stood Dr.Woe with two of the same robots.

"Tsk, tsk Commander, spying is very bad. You know what they say, a little knowledge is a dangerous thing. But in your case it's deadly." Woe said as the two robot came toward Marvin.

"Oh dear..."


Lilly let out a long sigh as she still sat on her blue bed.

"Come now miss Lilly, you mustn't be so hard on yourself." X-25 said handing her a cup of tea.

"No X-25, I really screwed up big time." She then taking a sip of her warm tea.

"Marvin was right...I just totally rushed into the situation, I just...I just didn't want him to get hurt."

"Miss Lilly I..." Suddenly there was a loud beeping sound.

"What's that?" Lilly said as she placed her tea on the night stand.

"It's a incoming call from...the Martian Queen?"

"Geese! With all the times this lady calls Marvin you would think they really WERE married."

"I'll put her on screen." X-25 said, suddenly her speech monitor was gone, and there appeared the Martian Queen.

"Hello your majesty, is there something you need?"

"Ah Lilly...I was wondering have you heard anything from the Commander?"

"No you majesty, I haven't, is there something wrong? Is he okay?"

"I'm not sure, we haven't heard anything from him yet. If he calls, please tell him to contact me at once."

"Will do your Majesty." The Martian Queen left the screen, and X-25's speech monitor came back on.

"X-25 you don't think Marvin's in trouble...do you?"

"Um...I'm sure he's fine."

"Y-Yeah your probably right." There was a moment of silence.

"Still wouldn't hurt to check." Lilly said. She and X-25 made their way to the control room.

"I'll put the camera from the Commander's ship on screen." She did, and at first they only saw the inside of Marvin's ship, which was empty.

"Can't you make it move or something?"

"I think so...yes!" X-25 managed to get the camera out of place. X-25 and Lilly watched as the slim camera made it's way out of the small ship. X-25 used the control to move it around a bit, and at first they saw nothing.

"WAIT! GO BACK!" Lilly practically screamed as she caught a glimpse of something. X-25 managed to move the camera back a bit. There stood Dr.Woe looking at his large machine while Marvin was held by two robots clutching at his arms.

"OH my gosh! Marvin's in trouble! I gotta do something!" Without another word Lilly darted down the hallway.

"Miss Lilly WAIT!" X-25 said trying to follow after her with her monitor. Lilly once again found her way to the docking bay, and she quickly jumped into a small craft.


"X-25 I don't care what you say! I'm go..." but she stopped in the middle of her sentence to see a robot not to much taller then her roll on its wheel towards her.

"X...2...5?" Lilly asked not sure.

"Yes! I'm coming with you, but this time if you try to pull anything I'll be able to stop you!"

"Fine...but I'm not promising anything!" X-25 climbed into the seat next to Lilly, and they were off.


It wasn't long before the two landed on the asteroid. They landed safely behind a rather large rock so as not to be seen. Both Lilly and X-25 pocked their heads out above the rock. They saw, not to far from them, Dr.Woe, a small cluster of robots, and Marvin being held by two of them. Lilly could see Dr.Woe talking but they were too far away to hear him.

"What are they saying?" Lilly whispered to X-25.

"I don't know. Here I'll turn on my speakers." She began to turn a dial on her back, and hid made a high pitched frequency noise.

"Ooh I think I got it!" X-25 said she turned the volume up.

Crumbly crunchies are the best

Look delicious on your vest

Serve them to unwanted guests

Stuff the mattress with the rest

"Sorry! Wrong station." She continued to turn the dial. Suddenly the two could here voices.

"You should be honored Commander. You are about to witness one of the greatest moments in martian history!"

"And what might that be WOE!"

"I'm going...to destroy Mars! WIth my latest invention." He said as Lilly could see him pointing at his rather large machine. Marvin looked at it for a moment before raising his non-existent brow creating an unimpressed face.

"Your going to destroy Mars with a giant telescope?" Marvin asked.

"It's not a giant telescope you MORON! " He flipped a switch on the machine, and suddenly it's outer covering came off, and Marvin's unimpressed look turned to one of great horror.

"It's a...it's a...

"That's right Commander...it's a laser."

"IT'S A LA...", but X-25 quickly covered Lilly's mouth before she could scream any louder.


"Sorry! Oh my gosh! He's going to destroy Mars...WITH A GIANT LASER! I gotta do something! I"m going in!" She was about to jump over the rock, when X-25 used her robotic claw and yanked her back behind the rock.

"Miss Lilly this is EXACTLY what happened last time! You can't just go marching straight into the situation...WITHOUT A PLAN!"

"But...okay, okay. I know your right. Come on Lilly...think!" She began to pace back and forth.

"Think, think, think, think, think, think, think, thin... WAIT! I got it!" Lilly said her blue eyes practically popping out of her head.

"Alright, that thing right there, that giant laser, needs a lot of energy right?"

"Well yes..."

"YES! That's exactly why the Queen said they found an electrical field around the last asteroid. SO, if that thing NEEDS power to work, all we have to do is cut the supply off!"

"I'm sorry to say miss Lilly but it's easier said then done. We can't just turn the power off."

"That's true I guess. Darn, I thought I had something there."

"Don't worry miss Lilly we'll think of...wait a minute." X-25 said.

"What? What is it X-25?" Suddenly Lilly could see X-25 extending her "eyes" out of her head, and looking at the large machine. Suddenly she heard a gasp come from X-25.

"What is it?!"

"Look for your self." X-25 said taking her eyes out of the robotic head, and giving them to Lilly like a pair of binoculars. Lilly focused in on the machine, and so a large crystal hooked up the machine. A devilish smile crept over her face.

"X-25...you thinking what I'm thinking?"

"I believe I am miss Lilly."

"Good. Now all we have to do is find a way to distract the robots."

"How are we going to do that?" X-25 asked. Lilly looked at her for a second, before X-25 understood.

"Oh NO! I'm sorry miss Lilly but I refuse to degrade myself! I won't do it! I won't do it!"


"I can't believe I'm doing this." X-25 said as Lilly put the last touch of eye-liner on.

"You know the plan right?"

"Yes miss Lilly, I know then plan...sadly."

"Good! Now go get em'!" The four robot's were diligently guarding the front of the laser while Dr.Woe was carefully looking at the front.

"Yoo-hoo..." Suddenly all robot heads turned to see X-25 with her robotic claw on her metal hip, and her fake eyelashes at the top of her monitor.

"Hey there boys..." She said leaning against a rock. Their metal jaws practically dropped, and in no sooner then a second the four robot's standing guard dashed over to X-25. She quickly jumped behind the rock, and they stupidly followed her. Suddenly clanging of metal could be heard, and two robot heads rolled from behind the rock.

"You see X-25, all men are easy to hook." She said holding a third robot head.

"Yes, yes, now go miss Lilly!"

"Right! You call the centurions." As X-25 went back to the ship Lilly ran towards the last two robots, Marvin, and Dr.Woe. She hid safely behind another rock. She crept up close enough to the machine so that some of the glow from the crystal that was powering it slightly blinded her. She checked behind her to make sure no one could see her. She then walked up to the blue crystal and started to yank it out of it's place.

"Come on..budge," She said. Using all her strength she pulled it, and finally it popped out of it's place and sent her flying back. She sat up and held the crystal close to her.



"Ready to witness the greatest moment of history Commander?" Woe asked.

"Your nothing but a slime bucket WOE!"

"Perhaps but at least I'm not a bucket head." Woe then pushed two buttons which made the laser point directly at Mars. Marvin struggled to get free in order to stop him, but the two robots that held him only clenched his arms tighter painfully twisting his tender skin.

"No use now Commander. This will be my finest moment." Woe then bushed a large red button.

"And now Mars will be gone in 5...4..." Marvin gulped.

"3...2..." Everyone watched.

"ONE!" But nothing happened. A confused Woe stood there with his mouth slightly agape.

"I...I don't understand. What happened? What..."

"HEY WOE!" Suddenly everyone looked up and there stood Lilly holding a blue crystal.

"Looking for this?" She said. Lilly could start to see the anger rising up in Woe's face.

"ROBOT'S...GET THE GIRL!" He screamed the two robots suddenly dropped Marvin, and began to chase Lilly. As the two robots chased Lilly, Marvin picked himself up, and drew a red laser saber from his skirt.

"WOE!" He called out. Woe didn't even need to ask to know this drill. He took out a yellow laser saber from his pocket. The two circled each other, and suddenly Marvin charged toward Woe with the saber. Woe blocked the attack, and took a swipe at Marvin you quickly ducked before he had his head cut off. Meanwhile Lilly was still being chased by the two robots. She quickly jumped behind another rock, and for a few moments was out of their sight.

"I...think...I lost them." She said as she panted heavily.

"Guess again." She heard two voices say. She looked up and the two robots were looking over the rock.


"It's no use Commander. Mars will be destroyed!"

"Over my dead body Woe!" He said still winging his laser saber.

"Well then how about on your friend's?" Marvin stopped fighting, and looked confused for a moment. Woe gestured for him to look behind himself, and there he saw Lilly. She was struggling to get free from one of the robots, while the other had it's large gun hand pointed straight at her head.

"Lilly..." Suddenly he felt a blow from behind, and his laser saber was knocked out of his hand. He tried to stand up but Woe had his foot pushing him down.

"One of you get over here and hold him!" He ordered the robots. One went over and clutched Marvin by both arms, while WOe made his way towards Lilly.

"I'll take that." He said taking the crystal from her hands.

"Your going pay for this Woe."

"Perhaps, but for now...I win." He said as he walked putting the crystal back into it's place.

"Lilly..." Marvin said angrily under his breath.

"Just give it a second Marv" She said suddenly sounding confident.

"And now...for real this time...MArs will meet it's end in 5...4..." This time they could here the laser powering up.


"Don't you just love these dramatic moments?"

"ONE!" Suddenly a bright light went not to Mars but straight at Dr.Woe. Marvin and Lilly squinted their eyes at the bright light. Finally when the bright light ceased to exist Marvin and Lilly looked up to see a burnt Dr.Woe.

"Ouch..." was all he managed to say before crashing to the ground. Suddenly a pack of Centurions appeared.

"By Martian order you Dr.Woe are under arrest." A centurion said as he handcuffed Dr.Woe whose head was spinning so much he couldn't even tell which was up and which was down.

"Release those prisoners." The Centurions ordered the two robots. They dropped Marvin and Lilly an were also taken away.

"But how...I mean how did you...I'm confused." Marvin said.

"It was simple." Lilly replied. "When they were chasing me I jumped behind a rock and replaced the real crystal with a fake one. Am I a genius or..." But Lilly stopped when she noticed the angry look on Marvin's face.

"You deliberately disobeyed me by coming here." He said sternly.

"I know...

"You also put yourself in grave danger..."

"I know Marvin I..."

"AND..." Lilly winced expecting another harsh word. "...and you did pretty good." Marvin said crossing his arms." Lilly stood back up kind of surprised, but soon happy.

"R-Really? I did?" Marvin nodded his head with a small smile on his face.

"So...so does that mean I can come on missions with you?"

"Well...I don't know." Marvin said rubbing his chin with his gloved hand. Suddenly he felt her small hand clasp his arm, and she widened her big blue eyes into a sad face.

"Alright, alright," Marvin said slightly chuckling. "You can come with me."

"YA HOO!" Lilly said jumping up in the air.

"Thanks Marv...I mean partner." She said extending her arm. Marvin looked for a moment and then smiled.

"Alright then...partner it is." He said shaking her hand. "Come on let's go home." He said, and the two began two walk back to his ship.

"Though I'm not sure you should come on ALL the missions with me."

"Ah come on Marv. Please?"


"Pretty please?"


"Pretty please with sugar on top, a marshmallow, and..."


THE END...of the first episode

AAHHH! I have been working on this for a very long time! So hoped you liked it! Lol...I totally stole that jingle with the 'crunchies' from the first Marvin the martian cartoon ever. THought it would be funny if I threw it in. Anyway hope you liked it, and I'm going to try to post another one soon! R & R!