Longer than I thought. Damn porfolios. Here's chapter 3, short chappy.

(c) Hole-in-my head and Seimyx (dA)
Chapter 3

Valerie and Jack stared at the huge structure before them. "How do we know Richy is inside there and not in the city?" Vale adjusted her glasses as she continued to gaze upon the majestic structure.

Jack looked towards her friend. "We would have heard him already."

Valerie nodded in agreement. "I just hope he's okay." Looking back at the castle, silence came over them.

"I can't believe this is actually happening. Here we are...standing in front of the antagonists' house. The bad guys of Kingdom Hearts." Jack looked around. "Speaking of house, I wonder where the saving point is?"

"I don't think that really matters now. We need to know how to get in there." Valerie looked over the edge of the cliff. It seems endless.

"Well it was Sora that made this path when Kairi and Namine held hands and stuff." said Jack. She pointed towards where the bright was shown. "The problem is that Sora used a keyblade."

Valerie sighed deeply and sat down. "Oh gosh. What should we do now? Wait for Sora?"

Jack shrugged. "Maybe." She sat down beside Valerie. "So let's just wait and hope Rich is alright where he is." So both girls sat there for a moment looking around.


Richy slowly opens his eyes. He was dizzy. Looking around, he finds himself in a dark place. "What the heck happened...?" He sat up and finds himself in a dungeon. "Oh crap, I'm in the dungeon." Quickly getting on his feet, he headed to the bars that kept him in. He tried to squeeze his face between the bars but it was no use. He looked around the area.

It was blinding white and quiet. He could only hear his own breathing. "I need to get out of here." He started pulling hard on the bars will all his strength. "Dammit, I shouldn't have skipped gym all the time!"

He places his feet onto the wall and continued to pull. It wasn't budging. "Break! Come on, break!"

"Steel won't break so easily" said a voice. It echoed all over the area. Richy dropped down and backed away from the bars.

"W-Who said that?" He didn't recognize the voice at all.

A dark portal appeared and a man stepped out. He was short and had bluish-silver hair. Half of his face was covered by his large bangs. A large book was held under his arm.

It was Zexion. Fear jolted up in Richy's spine and out his mouth.

"Z-Zexion!? I thought you were dead!"

Zexion tilted his head in question. "Dead? What are you talking about? Silence yourself."

Richy's thought started going wild. He was in Kingdom Hearts 2 so why the heck was Zexion even here.

He died in the previous game.

"You're supposed to be dead! You go to Castle Oblivion and then you get killed by the Repli—"

"I said silence!" Zexion eyes glowed bright.

Richy started feeling this irritating pain in his head. It was as if something was inside his head, chewing on his brain. He couldn't speak. He couldn't see anymore. He saw nothing. Everything was black once again.

"...Valerie...Jack...help me..."


"I don't think Sora is coming."

Jack nodded and stood up. "What are we going to do now?"

Valerie followed in standing up. "This is really strange. I don't understand what's going on anymore."

"Maybe we have to wait a little bit longer," said Jack but Valerie turned to her.

"Do you remember where Rich was up to when he was playing Kingdom Hearts? Maybe that's where we're up to."

Jack looked towards the black sky to think. "Hmm...last I remember...Rich was yelling at the TV for Mansex to die."

"Oh no...This is all messed up." Vale placed her hands on her face.

That's when they heard something coming their way. Jack grabbed Valerie and hid behind something, a small space. Jack placed a finger to her mouth to shush her friend and they both looked to what was coming. Unfortunately, it wasn't Sora. It was a bunch of Dancer Nobodies. They danced until they got to the edge of the cliff. After waiting a small moment, a green light beamed down to the cliff making a pathway for the Nobodies to cross which they did, dancing.

Jack pointed it out and Vale nodded. Once the Nobodies where out of sight, the two girls sprinted out of hiding and dashed towards the castle as the pathway slowly dissipates behind them.

Dancer Nobodies? Don't forget to review:D