
I could almost hear my mothers voice when she would come up for the wedding. Charlie had been furious and still wouldn't talk to me in full sentences. Worst of all Jacob hadn't called me in weeks and I was worried. I paused in my packing thinking of the past few times I had packed up my clothes so I could put Charlie out of danger. I picked up my khaki skirt and laid it gently on top of all my other clothes. I had been moving all of my belongings out of Charlie two-bedroom house and into the Cullen's three-story house little by little for the past few weeks. I lugged the large duffle down the stairs. From the direction of the living room Charlie shouted rudely "Bella your fiancée is here. When I opened the door I forgot all my worries about the wedding, and the end of my humanity, and how Alice was saying that I wasn't giving her enough time for all the wedding details, and got lost in the warm look that Edward gave me.

"Edward how are you?" I exclaimed as I ran into his arms. He kissed my forehead softly and smiled my favorite crooked smile that still turned my bones to fluff. "Alice wants Bella for the rest of the day to go over wedding details is that alright. Charlie flinched under Edward's polite gaze but managed to nod before Edward whisked me out the door, my duffle slung over his back, and placed me in the front seat of the silver Volvo. I buckled in and he started up the Volvo its purr filling the peaceful silence. I turned to him annoyed. "Do you always have to be so abrupt every time you want to see me" I grumbled under my breath. He laughed a carefree laugh and before I knew it we were in the garage ready to get started on today's set of planning.

"Bella, is this the last of your stuff?" Alice trilled as she danced towards us eying the duffle that was on the ground. Edward eyed me longingly before whispering something about errands to run before disappearing probably upstairs listening to his massive collection of music. She hoisted me up and we flew upstairs to her room to sort through table settings and napkin holders. "Yes" I breathed as we settled down to sort through the place setting I didn't like and hated. I thought about the final trip back to Charlie's which was only a few days away when I would say my final goodbyes and then the long trip back to our house where he would place his lips once more to my th- " Bella I said do you or don't you like this place setting." Alice pouted snapping me out of my reverie. "Do you want me to do this alone." She continued. Before I could reply Edward was behind me ready to take me home.

We headed out into the rain and although I expected him to go get the car instead he pulled my jacket out from behind him and slid it over my shoulders. He slung me over his shoulders and we were running. The wind and rain splattered my face as we hurtled through the forest. I was exhilarated and I couldn't believe that I was once so afraid of this rush. All to soon Edward halted in front of Charlie's house. I stiffly hopped down and then he walked me to the door.

The porch light was still off so I assumed that Charlie was still out fishing. My first thought was to go back to the Cullen's but Edward had already unlocked the door so I grudgingly went inside. As soon as we were in the kitchen he promptly sat on the counter while I prepared cold-cut sandwiches and put one in the oven to keep warm for when Charlie got home. The other one I placed into my mouth, the glass of milk I poured following closely behind. As soon as I was done Edward gathered me in his arms where I was perfectly content.

I heard the growl of Charlie's cruiser before I saw the flash of headlights in the driveway. Edward slid me onto the seat next to me but kept a firm grasp on my hand just in time for just then I heard the 'click' of the lock and Charlie entered the house. He paused to take his boots off and sauntered into the kitchen. When I pointed towards the oven he reached for the sandwich that was now a toasty brown mumbling something about public displays of affection. As soon as the TV was on Edward got up and called just loud enough for Charlie to hear " I'll see you tomorrow Bella." Standing up swiftly he winked at me before disappearing into the dark abyss outside. I left the dishes in the sink and went upstairs to have my 'human minute' as I once called it before going to my room where Edward was probably waiting.

I lingered in the shower longer than I should have letting the hot water un-kink my muscles. When the hot water started to dwindle I grudgingly stepped out of the shower and got into my t-shirt and sweats. Quickly trying to be thorough and fast I rushed into my bedroom where Edward was waiting just as I suspected. "If I had known you were going to take that long I would have run home to change and ask Alice when the final plans would be done?" Edward teased as I curled up in his stone cold arms content to stay there forever.