Okay so after a long wait - we finally have Anywhere But Here's Sequel. Now I personally think this isn't going to be as good as the first one, as we had everything in that one them meeting, breaking up, a wedding, two babies etc. But I've got a lot of drama planned for this one! Plus two more weddings, and some other things!

This is taken place 3 months after the last chapter just incase you were confused. ANYWAY review with your thoughts on the story and your ideas!!

PS. Please be paitent if I don't upload like all the time, I'm writing three stories at the moment so don't forget to check them out too!

Love Rhia xx

Where I Belong.

Chapter 1 – I love you.

It was a warm day in March, and me and Troy were at the park with our 6 month year old twins. We were meeting up with Taylor, Chad and their baby Tallulah for a picnic. Chad and Taylor had just come home from their honeymoon. I grinned remembering their wedding.

"Gabriella! How do you work these things!?" Chad cried.

"Chad, honey that's a tie – let me sort it for you!" I giggled and redid the mess he'd made of it.

"Thanks Gab. Maybe you could help me with sorting this collar out too.."

"What are you grinning about?" Troy said as he pushed the double buggy.

"Chad and Taylor's wedding and Chad not having a clue what to do."

"Oh, yeah that was pretty funny." Troy smiled.

I picked up his hand and entwined our fingers and grinned at him. We continued walking until we could see Chad, Taylor and the baby.

"Hey guys, how was the honeymoon?!" I said happily, hugging them both.

"It was great!" Chad said grinning.

"Glad you had fun!" Troy said as we both put the twins down on the blanket.

"How could I not have fun when Chad was there?" Taylor said rolling her eyes.

"Taylor, I'm going to take that as a compliment.." Chad said.

"You would." She said giggling.

"So, anything exciting happen?" I asked, whiling helping Troy put the twins on the blanket.

"Well we went to this theme park, and Chad went on every ride there even though he'd already been sick twice." Taylor rolled her eyes.

"It was awesome!" Chad cried.

"And they had a great spa there, I could just leave Chad in the arcade, Tallulah in her little holiday baby group, and off to the spa for me!"

"Sounds like our honeymoon!" I winked at Troy. I had made him come to all the spas with me and as much as he still denies it, he did enjoy them!

"So how is everyone?" Chad asked.

"Great, we saw Sharpay and Ryan's show last night – it was really good, wasn't it?"

"Yep, they were the stars of the show!!" Troy said nodding.

"Aw, we'll try and catch it in the week. Anyway, how's the magazine?" Taylor asked.

Okay maybe I should rewind a little bit.

After having the twins, I decided I didn't want to do Science anymore, so I left my teaching job. I then decided to open my own fashion magazine. I had bought a big building in the centre of New York, which was currently being finished decorating. I had employed all staff, and we were just waiting to move into the offices to begin the magazine.

"It's all going great, just waiting for the offices to be complete, then its all systems go!"

"That's great! Were so proud of you, but aren't you going back to work a bit early, y'know with the twins and everything?" Taylor questioned.

"Not really, I'm only going to be working full time for the first week, then I'll be working from home during our ideas month, only going in about twice a week." I paused. "It shouldn't be till about 3-4 months till the first issue comes out, so I won't be working in the offices till then." I smiled.

"Oh good." Taylor nodded.

"Anyway how about we start to eat, I'm starving!" Troy grinned.

"Same here man!" Chad laughed.

"When are you boys not?" Me and Taylor asked at the same time then burst out laughing.

"So how are Casey and Sharpay?" Taylor asked while getting out a sandwich.

"Well you know when you get these cravings?"


"Well Sharpay's got one for shopping." I giggled.

"Shopping?!" Chad raised his eyebrows.

"Yep. She's been shopping every day for stuff for her and the baby!"

"Oh my god. I don't think anything can surprise me with that girl. Anyway what about Casey?"

"She's coping well, about 4 months pregnant now I think. Due sometime in August."

"Aw a summer baby! Anyway when are we expecting another one from you two?" Taylor winked at me and Troy.

Troy laughed. "Well maybe after the twins second birthday? We've got enough on our hands at the moment."

"Right, but I definitely want more!" I giggled.

"Same!" Taylor agreed, while pulling Tallulah onto her lap and feeding her some baby food.

I looked over to Troy who was feeding our beautiful twins. How did I end up this lucky? I remember the first time he told me he loved me.

"Gabriella.." Troy started. We were both in high school and had just come back from a disastrous date.

"If it's about how I accidentally tripped over the waiter tonight and made him tip all ice cream down you tonight. I'm sorry." I sighed.

"No its not that."

"Well is it the fact I made you wait an extra 45 minutes as I was late getting ready?"

"No Gabi..It's.."

"Oh my god. Its how I took forever ordering food isn't it? Its not my fault I'm a fussy eater!"


"Oh I get it, it's the fact that I was a terrible date and your dumping me. Well let me save you the breath.." I cried as I began to stand up but something pulled me back down.

"Will you just shut up?" Troy asked impatiently.

I sat back down and looked at him confused. "Well if it isn't any of those what is it!?"

"I love you." He said softly.

"You what?" I whispered.

"I wanted to say I love you Gabriella." He said taking my hand.

I looked him in the eye, and saw the honesty in them. "I love you too Troy." I said smiling.

He leaned in and kissed me passionately as I returned it. After a while I he pulled back.

"You know, next time you should just really keep your mouth closed. It'd save a lot more time." He said grinning, then began to lean in again.

"What are you thinking about?" Troy whispered as he handed me Jared.

"When you told me you loved me for the first time." I said softly.

"Oh yeah, when you wouldn't shut up." He smirked.

"Well you didn't deny any of the things I told you." I protested.

"Well I will now then. I love the fact that your really clumsy and you were the perfect date." He said, then kissed me on the forehead.

"I love you." I said grinning.

"And I love you too." He whispered in my ear.

"Is this a recreation of Romeo and Juliet or something?" Taylor interrupted.

I giggled. "No were just in love." I said proudly.

"Good for you, now anyway Troy how was the game on Saturday, without your star player because he was on holiday?" He asked pointing at himself.

"What do you mean? I wasn't on holiday?" Troy asked grinning.

"Ha-ha little comedian we have here do we?" Chad laughed.

"Ha. Anyway good game it was, we won obviously, because I was playing." He winked at Chad.

"Yeah, sure you keep thinking that.." Chad said giving him thumbs up, grinning.