Yeah, he he, sorry this took so long people... everything up to the fourth chapter has been done for a while... I've just been too lazy to post it. Oh well! Yeah...

Xemnas paced the halls of the castle with a nervous gait. Where did Saix go? He thought to himself. It was necessary that he gather several of the elite members to discuss the recent occurrences.

Demyx whined somewhere next to him. "Superior, when's he gonna get here? I'm bored!"

"Well, you're going to be bored for a while. I need you at the meeting, so you stay here."

"But Superior, the only reason I was there in the first place was to test Maddie's ability! I was the punching bag. You're going to call the punching bag as a witness?"


Saix appeared at Xemnas's side without warning, startling him. "Yes, Superior? What can I do for you?" he said with a non-characteristic grin.

"There you are, Saix." Xemnas frowned. "I need you to assemble numbers IV, V, VI, VIII, and XI immediately. This is urgent; bring them all back here."

Saix nodded and disappeared without questioning.

Xemnas grabbed Demyx by the hood of his cloak and shoved him into the doorway next to them. Ignoring his squeals of protest, the Superior took his seat at the head of the table. The room was commonly used for short-notice meetings, but as of late it hadn't been getting much use.

Demyx unwillingly took his seat as well, looking solemn and morose. He glared at Xemnas in his usual 'I'd rather be somewhere else' sort of way. Xemnas considered sending him away, for sanity's sake, but denied himself the luxury.

Minutes passed, and Saix eventually returned with the five requested members: Vexen, Lexaeus, Zexion, Axel, and Marluxia. All five of them, including Saix, had been involved in the recent studies of the heart, and it was vital that they were all there.

After all of them had taken their seat, Xemnas cleared his throat and began. "I apologize for this meeting's short notice. I know not all of you are willing to be here right now. I'd thank you for coming, but I really don't care. Now, as you all know, I had the girl, Maddie, tested for her ability today. I doubt any of us could have foreseen the events that took place during that testing, but the situation calls for immediate questioning. Were any of you aware of the possibility of an eighth chamber?"

Not one of the members spoke. The confused looks on all their faces suggested to Xemnas that he explain what had happened.

"The girl," he continued, "had a very…unique gift, let's say." He pulled the paper crane that the girl had made earlier out of his pocket and held it up for the rest of them to see.

"A bird? I'm sure this is fascinating news, Superior, but I'm afraid I don't get your point. The girl has a paper folding habit-so what?" Lexaeus grumbled.

Xemnas released the paper crane from his grip and watched as it zipped around the room. He heard several confused murmurs from some of the members.

"What does it mean?" Vexen asked tritely.

"It means that this girl's abilities are not confined to those discovered in our research. This is something new. I believe it may be part of a previously undiscovered chamber. If so, it calls into question all our other research. Axel-I want you to monitor her. Report back to me if any new developments occur."

"But, Wha? Why me?" He stammered.

"You were asking for something to do, weren't you? Well, here you go."

Axel pouted angrily and looked away.

"Axel, listen to me. You need to keep an eye on that girl. She seems a bit… out of sorts at times. Just don't let her get into any trouble."

"You sound worried." Axel mused.

Xemnas scowled. "As for that discussion," he said sharply, "we can continue that at a later time. Now, next order of business. The other girl also leads me to question our research. Number VI, you said that there was only one person from their world with any sort of ability, did you not?"

"Yes, Sir, all my senses told me that there was only one. I couldn't sense anyone else." Zexion replied confidently.

"The other girl, Rebecca, was able to use one of the objects provided."

"Her little drawing from Hell tried to rip my foot off!" Demyx yelled angrily.

Xemnas shot him an angry glare. Obviously he had never heard of manners. After Demyx piped down, Xemnas pulled out what appeared to be a birdcage with Rebecca's drawing inside. The miniature boy sat angrily in the middle of the cage with a fowl and angry expression embedded on its face.

"This is what she created."

"NO!" Marluxia roared. "No! It's not possible! Superior, this must be a joke!"

"I'm afraid not, Number XI."

"Well…You… Certainly you're not going to stand for this?"

"Erhem…" Zexion coughed. All eyes turned to him as he waited for permission to speak. Xemnas nodded, allowing him to continue. "Well, Sir," he began, "there is a possibility that Rebecca is able to conceal her abilities. If she could possibly withdraw the energy that her heart gives off, she could be of some use to us."

Marluxia opened his mouth to protest, but Xemnas silenced him with a wave of his hand. "Yes, I believe you're right, Number VI."

The meeting was interrupted when Number IX began snarling at the boy in the cage, who was ultimately making faces back. "Number IX, do you mind?" Xemnas grumbled.

"That thing is evil…" He said, pointing to the living sketch. The boy grinned triumphantly, and Xemnas briskly returned it to its place under the table.

"Alright; Saix, until these two are able to fend for themselves, I'm putting them under your protection."

"Yes Sir." Saix nodded.

"Pardon me for asking, Superior, but where are the girls now?" Vexen pondered aloud.

"I sent them both back to their rooms. Oh yes, and Number IV, before I forget, did you get around to creating a synthetic teleportation device for both of them?"

Vexen nodded. "I started, yes."

"Good. I want that done by tomorrow."

"T-tomorrow, Sir? But I can't-"

"Tomorrow, Number IV."

Vexen, not willing to argue, slumped down in his chair.

Marluxia stood up angrily. "You aren't thinking of giving those two the means to teleport, are you? That's like giving a crook the keys to a bank! This will turn out badly for all of us."

"Who are you to judge, Number XI? You've only known them for a day." Xemnas argued.

"I just have a bad feeling about this whole thing."

"You don't get feelings, Marluxia." Axel chuckled. "C'mon, just because they called you a girlie?"

Marluxia growled menacingly and sat back down.

Saix, sensing the tension, quickly stood. "Superior," he said, "wasn't there another issue you wanted to address? The one we spoke of earlier?"

Xemnas frowned. "Yes, yes, of course. There was the debate of whether or not the name of the Organization should be changed. Two new members do complicate things. If we can get this decided by today, we won't need to call another meeting."

"Shouldn't we change the name, Sir? There are two new members, after all." Vexen mused.

"Yes, but you do realize, Vexen, that both of the members don't happen to be Nobodies." Lexaeus scowled. "I personally believe that we should keep the name of the Organization the same."

"Why would that make a difference?"

"The name of the Organization is Organization XIII. There are thirteen Nobodies, therefore it becomes Organization XIII. This isn't Organization XIII People With Hearts. If it were, we wouldn't be here, would we?"

"Well, no." It was Vexen's turn to scowl. "But even so, with two new additional members, isn't it necessary to make some changes?"

Zexion stood. "I agree with Vexen, Superior, on account of the fact that some changes to the name should be made. We cannot remain Organization XIII with fifteen members."

"Yes, possibly." Xemnas furrowed his brow, lost in thought. "Number V does have a point, however. Both members are a unique addition to our Organization. Just simply changing it to Organization XV wouldn't seem right."

"How about Organization XIII Plus Two? Axel commented.

"Axel, that is the stupidest name I've-" Marluxia began, but he was quickly interrupted by Xemnas.

"That could work; that name makes sense."

Saix coughed uncomfortably. "Sir, with all due respect, that name's a bit, off. I mean, it really is a mouthful. Going around telling everyone we're Organization XIII Plus Two would get rather obnoxious after a while."

"Yeah, and what are we going to do? Go around to each individual person and tell them we've changed our name?" Marluxia added almost pleadingly. "I believe the name of our Organization should stay the same."

"That is a fantastic point." Xemnas sighed. "Okay then, it's decided. The name of our Organization remains the same. Does anyone have a closing statement before I end the meeting?"

Demyx raised his hand slightly. "Yeah, uh, why was I here? I didn't really do anything."

Xemnas considered this for a moment. "You know what, I forget. Anyone else?"

No one raised their hand.

"Alright," the superior said thoughtfully. "Meeting adjourned."