Deleted and Abandoned scenes

These scenes, idea, and scenelets were things that were cut from the main story, or just didn't fit. I've included all the surviving ones. As a warning, none of this has been seen by a beta. Any mistakes are unlikely to be corrected.

This was just a fun little scenelet (not even a full scene) that I couldn't fit in to the main story. Pity.

"You know, this really isn't the best idea." The lad said. "I mean, I've already escaped from this cell twice. Who's to say I won't manage it a third time."

"That's why we're guarding ye, lad." Hadras replied.

The lad smiled. "That's not exactly going to stop me."

"If ye say so, lad."

"Do you want me to prove it?"

"If you do, not with me, thanks."

The lad laughed.

This one took my imagination and I wrote it, even though I knew that it just wouldn't fit. If it had, it would have taken place when that ship attacked the Dutchman but it just didn't fit. Still, I like it, especially Will's rather annoyed ranting at the marines. This does show why I'm not an action writer.

Will frowned as he watched the other ship approach and catch up. The guard holding him pushed him back. Will managed to get one foot in the door to keep it open. This was his best chance of escape. Before the guard- Palifico- could force him back in, he had to turn around. "Repel boarders!" Captain Jones shouted.

Will gasped, and Palifico spun around, just catching a boarder's sword. They were Royal Navy, Will noted.

Will ducked as another of the boarders lunged at him. "What the…?" He had to duck again. He needed a weapon! Will grabbed a loose piece of wood- he thought it might belong to the capstan. He parried the next blow from the marine and knocked the man's sword aside.

Unfortunately, a second marine came to the first's aid.

"Bloody hell, I'm a prisoner!" Will yelled.

That didn't seem to deter either of them, so he hit the first marine over the head and blocked the second one's blow.

All around the ship, fights were breaking out. Even Captain Jones was holding off three marines. Of course, many of the crew were simply allowing themselves to be skewered and then returning the favor.

Will didn't have that luxury. He ducked a blow that would have been fatal and knocked the marine out.

He picked up the sword and glanced around. No one was paying him any attention at the moment, so maybe… he cut off his train of thought as he had to defend himself again. This time, he was up against three marines. "Do I look like I belong here?" He yelled as he furiously defended himself.

The fight was dying down around them, but Will didn't have time to see who was winning. He stabbed one of the marines, reversed his thrust and got a second.

The third was pulled away. "Nicely done, lad," Captain Jones said. He looked down at the two men Will had killed and the two he had knocked out.

"It shouldn't have been necessary." Will said as he dropped down next to one of the men he'd knocked out.

The man woke up as Will did so. He took one look at Will, then at Captain Jones, before pulling out a knife and attacking Will. Will dodged and stabbed down without thinking about it.

Captain Jones nodded at him and turned to the other man Will had knocked out of the fight.

This one was stirring as well. Captain Jones smiled at him as he woke up. He took one look at the fiendishly smiling Captain and screamed.

Will didn't blame him, but he was surprised when the man fainted. The chuckles behind him told him that things were under control. He grimaced. So much for a chance at getting away.

He turned to the one marine who had both attacked him and was awake. "Why did you attack me?" He growled.

The marine looked startled. "I don't…"

"Do I look like I belong here? You and your buddies ruined my best chance of escape! If you hadn't attacked me, I'd be off the ship by now!"

Will turned away before he did something he'd regret.

Captain Jones rolled his eyes. "I take it then, that you are not going to give up?"


Captain Jones sighed. "Fine. Hadras, Palifico, hold on to him while we deal with the survivors."

Will didn't fight as they disarmed him. What was the point when he was caught?

"Leviathan, were there any survivors from the ship?" Will looked out to where the ship of the line had been. He saw only debris left. He heard something- to faint to understand, but there.

Hadras snorted, but Captain Jones nodded. "Fair enough, lass."

Will blinked.

Captain Jones turned to his crew. "Gather the survivors," he ordered.

Will watched as the crew did just that. There were only ten survivors, including the two he'd fought.

Captain Jones paced up and down the line, studying them.

Will winced as the Captain turned and looked at Maccus. "I have no need for such as them," he said.

Will looked away. He didn't want to see the deaths. He looked back as he heard Captain Jones walking toward him. Behind the Captain, the last body was being dumped over the side.

This was how I originally envisioned the "family reunion". Cazcatharis over on livejournal came up with the idea of Will stepping on Cap, and I changed how everyone realized there were two Turners on board. I'm still proud of this scene, but it no longer fit.

Will frowned. "Is something…"

"No," The man whispered. "It can't be."

"What?" Will asked. He studied the man, and couldn't get rid of that nagging familiarity.

"Will?" The man whispered.

"…Aye." That was odd. He hadn't told any of the crew his name, and they didn't seem particularly care. So how did this one know who he was?

The man swallowed.

"Hey, Turner, what's wrong?" Hadras asked.

Will froze. "Your name is Turner?" If it was… that would explain so much. He held his breath, not sure if he wanted the answer to be yes or no.

But now that he looked at the man, he could see his father in him, despite the sea life.

"Aye. Bill Turner," The crewman said. He looked like he wanted to say something more, but he just sighed.

"Bootstrap Bill Turner?" Bill nodded. Will cursed and whirled around. He punched the cabin wall hard. "I thought you were dead! I thought I killed you, but at least you were free!"

Hadras blinked. "What are you talking about?"

Neither of the other two answered. Will was furious, and Bill was just stunned.

Maccus entered. "He giving you trouble?" He asked. He blinked in surprise. Will stood near the wall, furious, the knuckles on his right hand bleeding, while Hadras looked back and forth between the two Turners.

"What happened?"

"I don't know." Hadras grumbled. "The lad was fine until he heard Turner's name, then he went off about freeing Turner, but killing him."

Maccus turned to the boy. Will was shaking, but he was visibly trying to calm down. "Right. You can deal with it later," Maccus said. "Come on, Captain's waiting."

Will scowled but followed Maccus out. Hadras and Bill followed him, Bill still shaken.

Will glanced back. Bill tried to smile, but he looked like he was trying to decide if he was happy or unhappy.

They stopped in front of Davy Jones. He frowned. "What happened? Did he try to escape again?"

"Couldn't figure out a way," Will scowled.

"And your hand?"

Will glanced down at his hand and blinked. He sighed. "He hit the wall." Hadras offered. "And I'm still confused."

Bill muttered something under his breath. "What was that, Mr. Turner?" The Captain asked.

"The lad… he is…" Bill shook his head.

"My name is William Turner," Will said. "The Second." He glanced over at Bill. "And until two minutes ago, I thought my father was dead." He knew he sounded odd, but he was half in shock. His father! He'd had a potential ally on this ship, and he hadn't even known it!

Davy Jones glanced back and forth between the two of them. "Aye. I c'n see the resemblance." He shook his head, his tentacles shifting. "It c'n wait."

This scene was one of the (many) ways I tried to show how Will would react to seeing Jack again. It's also one of only two- beside what's in the story- that actually survived. It ends abruptly, as I wasn't sure how to continue it (that's when I rewrote it into something else… and then rewrote again to the final product you see. This section gave me some problems.)

Will nodded. They were catching up.

The Pearl had come to a stop, thanks to the Kraken. The Dutchman had slowed, though they were still following the Pearl. Will figured that they'd reach the Pearl's position in time to pick up any survivors.

Will squinted. They were launching longboats. He was willing to bet quite a lot that Jack would be one of the ones in the longboats.

He returned his attention to the Pearl. Leviathan attacked again, and pulled her under quickly. Will guessed that she'd been completely abandoned.

"Captain! Survivors!" The lookout in the crow's nest called down.

"Alter course- I want to get all of them!" Captain Jones ordered.

Will kept a close eye on the longboats as they approached them. The men in the longboats were panicking. He winced as one of the boats overturned. He could sympathize with their panic.

They pulled up next to the first longboat and the rest of the crew forced them aboard.

Will smiled as they came up next to the one that Jack was in. He moved back to help get them aboard.

Jack Sparrow stepped aboard the Dutchman very unwillingly. The first person he saw once he was on deck was Will Turner. "Ah, William." He said, as though he hadn't betrayed the man he was talking to.

Will punched him. "Don't bother trying to explain, Sparrow," Will said. He pushed the man over to the line of survivors.

"I knew you'd get out, mate." Jack said as Will pushed him down.

"Guess what, Jack," Will responded. "I didn't."

Next to him, Clanker laughed. "Not for lack of trying, lad," He said.

"It didn't work, did it?"

"I rather think escaping anything here is successful," Bill said. "Getting off the ship… that's another story."

Will sighed. "No thanks to Jack." He muttered. He held out a hand to help the next Pearl crewman on board. The crewman took it, and Will pulled him up. Will looked at the crewman and they both froze.



Bill winced in sympathy as his son punched Jack Sparrow full in the face. He headed in that direction, more to keep his son from doing any more damage then anything else. Not that Will didn't have a good reason for it.

Still… "It didn't work, did it?" His son griped to Clanker.

"I rather think escaping anything here is successful," Bill retorted. "Getting off the ship… that's another story."

Will sighed. "No thanks to Jack." He moved over to help another of the Pearl's crewman onto the Dutchman.

Bill moved over as his son froze in shock, staring at the crewman. "Will?" The crewman whispered.

"Elizabeth?" Will breathed in shock.

Elizabeth? The crewman was a woman? Bill had barely enough time to register his shock before the girl threw herself forward.

Will caught her and spun her around. "Thank God you're alright!" The girl cried out.

"You got free, you escaped!" Will responded. "I was so…"

"Yes, oh, Will, I'm so…"

They both started to laugh as they realized that they were speaking over each other.

Everyone was watching them, so when Will leaned down and kissed her, they had a very large audience. They didn't seem to care.

"I thought he was engaged," Clanker whispered to Bill.

"I think that might be his fiancée," Bill responded.

"That's his girl?"

"I think."

Clanker looked impressed. "Wasn't expecting that."

"I don't think he was either."

Will and the girl (Elizabeth?) were lost in their own world. Bill had a feeling the Captain was going to interrupt them just as soon as he could. So Bill cleared his throat. "Will, lad, don't you think this should wait?"

Will jolted and reluctantly broke off the kiss. "We have an audience." He said.

"I don't care. You're safe, Will."

Will blinked. "You're the one who was in jail waiting for the noose."

"But Jack said that you'd been shanghaied onto the Flying Dutchman."

Will scowled. "Is that what he said?" He shook his head. "That is not what happened. And, where do you think we are?"

"I know we're on the Dutchman, Will. I'm just glad you're safe. What do you mean that Jack lied?"

"Just that, girl." The Captain interrupted. "Mr. Turner, a word of explanation, please." It wasn't a request.

Will flinched slightly. "Ah… right. Captain, this is Elizabeth Swann, my fiancée. Elizabeth, this is Captain Davy Jones." He sighed.

The Captain scowled at the girl. Bill glanced at his son, who looked a little nervous. Obviously, Will knew enough about the Captain's story to be worried for his lady. "Mr. Turner, she'll have the same choice I give all others." He said.

Will nodded slowly. "Aye Captain."

"But f'r now," Captain Jones continued. "Jack Sparrow- I grow tired of your delays." Bill turned to watch Jack.

Jack was shifting, trying to find an ally.

Captain Jones scowled. "Sparrow! We will settle your debt now." He glanced at Maccus. "Get him up." He ordered.

Bill sighed. Here it was. He didn't know if he wanted Will to be right or not.

Jack was pulled up and over to the Captain.

This one was the very first thing I wrote after Will made his choice. It didn't work. It's the other "Will meets up with Jack" scene that survived.

Captain Jack Sparrow stared at the chest in annoyance. They had the bloody heart; they just couldn't get to it! He fiddled with the cloth that he'd once again had to use to cover the Black Spot. "The chest is worthless without the key." James Norrington declared.

Jack snarled at the ex-Commodore. Elizabeth Swann just sighed. "Where is the key, Jack?" She asked.

"Will's going to get it." He said. "Just as soon as the whelp brings the key back, we can finish this."

"And what if I don't?"

Jack turned so quickly he nearly fell down. Will Turner stood there, dripping wet but pointing a pistol at Jack's head. "Don't move, Jack." The young man said.

"Come now, lad. You know I…" Jack took a step forward and Will cocked the pistol. Jack stopped mid-motion.

"I said don't move."

"Will!" Elizabeth cried. "Why are you…?"

"I'll explain later." Will cut her off.

"How the devil did you get up here?" Norrington asked.

"I had some help." Will admitted. "Enough. I don't have time to answer questions. Give me the chest." He ordered.

"Now, hold on a minute, lad." Jack said. "This chest is very important an' we need to keep it here, on the Pearl."

"Don't make me send you to the Locker myself, Jack." Will growled. "Because after what you did to me, I will."

Jack looked stricken, so Will stepped forward to take the chest. Gibbs moved in front of him. "What's wi' you, lad? You're not like this."

"I wasn't before Jack tried to sell my soul to pay off his debt." Will said. "Out of the way, Gibbs." Will ordered. "I want the chest."

"WHAT?" Elizabeth yelled. By now, the entire crew was watching them.

"You heard me." Will said. His eyes softened as he looked at her. "I'm glad you're safe, Elizabeth." He said. He returned his attention to Jack.

He sighed as he watched Jack try to sneak away. "I don't think it's going to work, Captain." He called out.

"It was worth a try." Davy Jones said from behind Jack, standing next to the chest.

There were gasps from the crew. Elizabeth started, and James went for his sword. Will kept his focus on Jack. "I wouldn't bother." He told James.

"Now that I have ye, Jack Sparrow; you have a debt t' settle." Jones said.

"I settled it." Jack said.

"It's been more then three days, Jack." Will said.

"Mr. Turner is right, Sparrow." Jones said.

Jack fidgeted and looked around. "Can't we come to some agreement?" He asked.

Jones snarled wordlessly. "You will pay your dues, Jack Sparrow. Will you serve aboard the Dutchman or will you not?"

This sequence was a total rewrite of the ending. Jack is taken down with the Pearl, and Will doesn't even see the Pearl crew. For obvious reasons, I rewrote it into the scene with the chest. Still, I do like this ending. But I like the real ending better.

Will frowned. "Somehow, I don't think he'll become crew," He said. He turned to look at Captain Jones. "He'll be sent to the Locker, I think. The Captain is angry enough that I'm surprised I'm not in the Locker right now."

"Why would ye be?" Bill asked. "You told him about it once you were crew. Before that, he was just your captor, nothing more."


"That's not ta say that you're getting off free and clear," Bill continued with a smile. "You'll never be allowed to forget th' last three days."

"I'd already figured that out," Will said dryly. "I suppose I deserve it."

"You were a bit of a nuisance." Bill admitted. "But for the most part, it was funny."

Behind them, the crewmembers Captain Jones had sent off were returning from the Pearl. "We have it, Captain."

Both Turners smiled and turned to watch as the chest was placed next to the Captain. "That's a relief." Will muttered.


The Captain placed his hand on it for a second before looking over at Palifico. "It's time Sparrow paid his debt."

Chapter 13

The Flying Dutchman erupted out of the water and settled right alongside the Black Pearl. The Pearl's crew was already agitated, and Davy Jones could see that he was making it worse.

"Hard to starboard!" Davy heard Sparrow yell.

Davy snarled. So Sparrow was still going to run away. So be it. He had the wind, but that wouldn't matter in the end. "Hard ta starboard." Davy ordered.

Sparrow and his crew were focused on running away, not fighting. Davy and his crew, on the other hand, were going to take the Pearl, her captain, and possibly her crew. Davy turned to Maccus. "Send his beloved Pearl back to the depths."

Maccus gave the order. "Fire all!"

Davy watched as most of the shots missed, though the Pearl lost a railing. He smiled as one shot went right through the Captain's cabin.

Then the Dutchman completed her turn and the only guns that faced the Pearl were the bow chasers.

"Let them taste the triple guns." Davy ordered.

"Aye, Captain," Oglivey responded.

Davy watched in satisfaction as several more shots hit the Pearl, though none of them did any real damage.

Still, Jack Sparrow would hate the minor damage that was done. "We're out of range!" Koleniko called.

"The Pearl is the faster?" Will Turner muttered to his father.

"Aye, with the wind, the Pearl has the advantage."

"But only with the wind."

"Aye. We can sail against the wind. That's how the Captain runs down th' ships we go after. When Leviathan doesn't help."

Davy smiled. Yes, the Pearl had the wind… but no ship was faster then the Kraken.

"Break off pursuit, run 'er light and douse canvas." He was about to give the order to summon the Kraken. He could tell that she was not close enough to simply talk to her.

"We're giving up?" Maccus asked.

Davy smiled.

Will stood at the bow of the ship and watched in slight awe as Leviathan attacked the Pearl. He lifted an eyebrow as the fight raged on. The Pearl's crew was fighting well. He didn't want to think about what Leviathan was feeling.

He'd gotten the impression that few ship's crews could fight her for very long, or with any success. Will couldn't quite see what they were doing, but apparently it worked, temporarily. The Kraken slipped under the water for a moment.

Not for long, as she renewed her attack very quickly. Will watched as the Pearl was dragged below. Behind him, he heard the Captain. "Jack Sparrow- our debt is settled."

Will felt a pang of sadness. Despite the betrayal, Jack had been a friend. Will couldn't help but wonder what Jack would face in the Locker. He glanced at his father. Bill was quiet, watching the water where the Pearl had been.

"Somehow, I almost expected Jack to get away," Bill said quietly.

"So did I." Will was equally quiet. "It seems almost impossible to believe he's actually gone."

"Aye." Bill said.

Will had a vague idea of what he'd avoided and what Jack now faced. His worst fears- driving him insane. But what were Jack's worst fears?

Will shook his head. "Captain! Survivors!" The lookout shouted.

Will leaned out; trying to see. "Leave them!" The Captain ordered. "I've no need of those who would try to steal the chest."

Will closed his eyes. He would have been party to that- he'd come here to get the key.

He could see several people in the water, mostly clinging to pieces of wood.

He scanned the water, trying to see if he recognized any of the survivors, but they were too far away. Wait. That was Cotton's parrot there, so Cotton was likely the man clinging to the plank the parrot was perched on. Now that he could see that, he recognized Marty as well.

"Good luck." He muttered. They had been friends, in a way. He hoped they survived.

And that's all!