A/N: Hi all, this is my first fan fiction, so I'm obviously new at this. Tell me what you think about it, all feedback is appreciated. Also, this is in an Alternate Universe. There are also a couple of other characters that are not avatar people like Suki's younger sister, Iva and Suki's oldest brother Taro. These names/people are ones that I made up, and have nothing to do with Avatar. Also Haru is Suki's older brother and Toph and Ty Lee are Suki's friends.

Chapter 1: Encounters

Suki has always loved swimming, especially going with her two best friends, Ty Lee and Toph. They would sunbathe for a while and then splash and do tricks in the 5-foot deep water. But the summer before eighth grade, both Ty Lee and Toph were on vacation and Suki had no one to go to the pool with her. She definitely didn't want to go by herself, nor did she want to go with her nine-year-old sister, Iva. Instead she asked her brother, Haru. Even though he was two years older than she was, Suki never really asked him for anything. When she asked him if he would like to go swimming with her, he surprisingly said yes.

At the pool, Suki waded into the shallow end while Haru walked towards the deep end. After a little debate, Suki walked towards the deep end where Haru was standing. He had convinced her that jumping into the water was much easier than wading into the water. So Suki tried it, and it felt good. The cold water covered her as she went in. She stayed under for several seconds before coming back up. It was definitely cold, but she had to admit that it was better than the other way she would have done it.

Now, a year later, Suki would be going into her freshman year of high school. Her friends were on vacation again, so Suki was going to ask Haru if he would go to the pool with her like last year. Even though he had matured much more than last year, she still thought he would want to go with her.

"Hey, Haru, do you want to go to the pool with me?" Suki asked.

To her disappointment, he declined. "Sorry Suki, I can't."


"Because the guy I'm mentoring is supposed to start coming today."

Suki sighed and walked out of the room. Who was she supposed to go with to the pool now? Suddenly her younger sister Iva came down the stairs. She guessed it wouldn't hurt to ask her.

"Do you want to go to the pool with me, Iva?"

"Sure, I'd love to!"

That settled it; She was going to the pool with her ten-year-old sister. It didn't really bother her that much. At least she had someone to keep her company.

After two short hours, Suki came back to the house. She was surprised because she actually had fun with Iva. Suki let herself in through the front door of her house. She was about to call to say she was home, but was greeted by a wave from her brother, who was in the living room, and then he introduced her to the guy he was mentoring.

"Suki, this is Sokka. I'll be mentoring him through part of the summer, and maybe part of the upcoming school year."

Suki smiled and shook hands with the stranger. He had blue eyes, tanned skin, and a great smile. When their hands let go, he continued staring at her until Haru cleared his throat. By then, Sokka snapped back to reality.

"It's nice to meet you." He said.

"You too." Suki replied.

Haru continued talking to Sokka, and Suki slowly went up the stairs and into her room. She felt happy about the guy Haru was mentoring. He was definitely cute and she knew she would be seeing him more often.

The next morning Suki woke up. She groggily sat up and stared at her clock. It was 11:55. It was early enough to go swimming, but subconsciously Suki didn't want to go. She wanted to stay here and wait for Sokka to arrive. She sat up and sighed. He had stared at her for a long time after they greeted each other. Her stomach flipped just thinking about. She couldn't wait to see him again.

Suki slowly got out of her bed and drew back the curtains in her room. The sun quickly spread, giving the room a brightened look. She then turned around and decided to get dressed. Her closet was full of many colors, but mostly green, her favorite color. She selectively chose a plain white shirt and a short green skirt. She smiled and thought about her choice. It definitely worked for her.

After getting dressed, Suki came down the stairs and into the kitchen. Sitting at the counter was Haru reading the newspaper and her parents were at work. She walked over to the refrigerator and got out some orange juice.

"Good morning," she said cheerfully to Haru.

"Good morning," Haru looked up from the paper and stared at her with a puzzled look, "You're dressed nicely today, why?"

Suki smiled and poured herself a big glass of juice. "Because I felt like it."

Haru looked at her longer. "This doesn't have to do with the fact that S-" Iva came running down the stairs and greeted Suki. Haru couldn't get another word in because Suki changed the subject.

"What are you so cheerful for?"

"I can't wait to go to the pool again with you."

Suki paused. "I don't feel like going to the pool today. I think I'll just stay at home."

"Why?" Iva whined.

"Because I don't feel like it, okay?" Suki was starting to get frustrated.

"But you went with me yesterday, and we had a good time. Why all the sudden are you changing your mind?"

"It's probably because Sokka's coming back again today. Suki wants to see him again," Haru butted in teasingly, not looking up from the paper.

Suki froze. "That's not the reason."

"Ooooo, Suki likes a boy," Iva chanted.

"I do not."

"Then why are you wearing a skirt, you never wear skirts for no reason." Haru explained.

Suki's cheeks burned, "Like I said before, maybe I just feel like wearing one."

It was silent for a while, until Haru grew serious. "I don't think it's a good idea that you get attached to him. Sokka hasn't had the greatest past."

Suki paused. What did he mean about Sokka's past? She didn't let it bother her for long though. She grabbed her glass of juice and went up to her room, dismissing what Haru had just said.

At about 2:07, the doorbell rang. Suki's heart leaped as she got up from the couch and went to answer the door. When she opened it, Sokka was standing there. He was wearing a blue t-shirt and jeans. The t-shirt accentuated his arm muscles, and Suki couldn't help but stare at them.

"Hi," Sokka said smiling.

"Hi," Suki replied shyly.

They both paused, Suki looking at his arms. She could see Sokka shift his eyes downward, looking at her skirt. She could feel herself blush.

"Come in." She opened the door wider and Sokka walked past her. Suki followed him to the couch. They both sat down. There was an awkward silence between them, as both of them struggled to find something to say.

"I guess, I should tell Haru you're here." Suki said quietly. She got back up and slowly walked up the stairs. Haru's door was shut and music was playing loudly. Suki knocked on the door hard.

"What?!" Haru yelled.

"Sokka's down stairs!" Suki yelled back.

"OK, be down in a minute."

Suki went back down the stairs. "Haru will be down in a minute." She repeated to Sokka. Sokka nodded and Suki sat down on the couch again. They both stared down at their knees waiting. Suki was getting uncomfortable, trying to figure out something to talk about, but she was incapable. After what seemed like an eternity, Haru came down the stairs.

"Sorry it took so long," he said, startling them both.

"Well I better go and leave you two alone," Suki said and stood up.

"See you later," Sokka replied. He was smiling again, and Suki reacted by blushing. She turned around and went up to her room.

So maybe that didn't turn out the way she planned, Suki thought. She was thinking they would talk about something, but instead sat in an uncomfortable silence. Suki flopped on her bed and closed her eyes. At times like these, she really wished she had her friends around to give her some advice.

So, that's the first chapter. Reviews would be great…