Disclaimer: Recognizable characters, magic, etc. belong to JK Rowling. No money being made, I write to learn.

Title: Pointing Fingers
Author: chocolateveela

Rating: PG
Word Count: 166
Notes/Warning: Potential Rose/Scorpius. Deviation from my usual Dramione

Rose and Scorpius looked unsure but eventually turned to go. Draco waited until Rose and Scorpius left the room before speaking.

"So basically, this is all you're fault," he said.

"All my fault? How is it my fault?" she replied, incredulous.

"Clearly, you taught your daughter to be a seductress--dressing her up like some sort of Siren. Scorpius can't be blamed for falling prey."

Hermione rolled her eyes.

"I see. So, my teenage daughter impregnated herself, then? She put your mother's ring on her own finger too, I suppose?"

At that, Draco could not argue. He looked over to Hermione, recently divorced from her husband of Salazar-knew-how-many years. What a day it had been! Finding out he was going to be a grandfather and a father-in-law in the same day. He shook his head.

"What is the matter now, Malfoy?"

A lump, cold as ice, slid down his throat. He swallowed. "We're going to be family."

Hermione's face looked as horrified as Draco felt.