Disclaimer: Not mine.

Thanks pablopunch101, MarwaM, I'm a fermata-hold me, RissaIzDeBomb, Staraquarius94, ChaylorTwilightQueen10, and Always-Here-Imani.

Gabriella had stood by her locker before the morning bell rang. She had talked to Miss Woatinos about assigning a co-captain, since she felt so guilty for taking Taylor's position.

"I'll think about," was all she said.

'I'll think about it' wasn't the answer she was looking for. Her idle hands thumbed her lock impatiently as she needed something to focus on.

Jason came from the locker room to find Gabriella by her locker. She seemed upset, and Jason, letting the concerned part of him take over, walked up to her. "You ok?"

"No!" She turned into Jason and let her head rest on his chest. She wrapped her arms around his waist as Jason stood frozen.

Jason hesitated, "G, what's wrong? Did something happen at the Decathlon meeting thingy this morning?"

"Yes," she said as she nodded. "Miss Woatinos made me captain."

"That's great!" He pulled her back and held her by her shoulders. "Aren't you excited?" he asked looking in her eyes. Her eyes shined with tears as she pouted. Jason shook his head. "No, you're not excited, why?"

Gabriella moved his hands and she walked slowly down the hall. "Jason, Taylor's been here longer, she knows the team more than I do, she's even better at science than I am," she stated. She turned to face him. "She deserves to be captain, not me."

"But she isn't, is she? Obviously Miss Wo…something sees potential in you, otherwise she wouldn't've made you a captain." He walked closer towards her. "You should be happy."

"But Taylor…"

"Should be happy for you, and you two will still be friends regardless."

"Well," she sadly said. She shrugged, "I don't know if she even wants to be on the team anymore."

Jason's eyes widen. "What do you mean?"

"She walked by the room, stayed for a second, then left. I tried to talk to her, but she brushed me off and I haven't seen her since."

"I'll tell you what; you and I will look for her together."

Gabriella softly smiled. "I never knew you were so nice, Jason. Thank you."

"No problem, captain," he replied.

Taylor wondered around the drama classroom a little longer. She knew Sharpay and Ryan's practice time was long over, and she was most likely by herself.

Just the way she wanted.

This year was not turning the way she suspected. The only good thing she saw herself having was Chad by her side. At least that wouldn't change.

Chad was past the science classroom he thought Taylor would be in for her meeting and was surprised to find it empty.

"Taylor? Taylor?" He kept calling out her name, still not finding her. He began to worry, but knew his worry was over nothing. Taylor was a responsible girl. And part of every club this school has to offer he thought. She's probably at another meeting. But then why wouldn't she tell me?

Thoughts running through his head, he hardly noticed Kelsi until he bumped into her.

Chad apologized, "Sorry, small person."
"It's okay, Chad," she said in a hurry. She began to run off to her destination before Chad stopped her, this time on purpose.

"Wait, sma…Kelsi? Have you seen Taylor?"

"Oh," she said slightly surprised. "She was in the auditorium for a second. I saw her talking to Ryan, but they left, the Ryan came back by himself."

Chad slowly nodded. "Okay, thanks." But his message went unheard as she hurried off again. He didn't see her in sight, so he followed the sounds of her footsteps.

"Kelsi?" He peeked into an open classroom. "Hey, Kelsi, have you seen Ryan? Maybe I could fin…oh." He walked in on Kelsi being lifted off the ground by Zeke as they lip locked in the middle of the classroom.

Zeke spotted Chad's presence. "Chad!" He let Kelsi down abruptly as she straightened her pants leg out and readjusted herself.

"Hello again," she panted.

Chad stood in the doorway shocked. "Zeke, Kelsi, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. I just wanted to know where Ryan would be, so then maybe I could find Taylor…gosh, I'm so sorry."

"Calm down, Chad, it's not like we were naked here," Kelsi said. Zeke shied away and turned his head to the side as Chad's eyes widen.

Chad put his hands up in defense. "I don't want to know. Just tell me where Ryan went and I'll be off and you two can…..resume you're activities."

"He probably went to his locker, that's where I would check first. If not, then try to find Sharpay, she's wearing iridescent sequins so it'll be hard to miss her," Kelsi explained as she rolled her eyes.

"Thanks. You two can….you know."

"Good bye, Chad," Zeke and Kelsi said together. Chad turned around, mystified at the new couple, and headed for Ryan's locker. He walked down the red and white hallway, only to find Jason and Gabriella walking together.

"Jase! Gabriella!" Did I really just call out those two names together? he thought.

Jason and Gabriella turned to the sound of their names being called.

Jason nodded his head. "Chad, 'sup?"

"Uh…nothing, listen, I was looking for Taylor, have you seen her?"

"Oh, me and Jason were just looking for her now," Gabriella stated.

"I can see," Chad said. "Well you guys keep looking; I'll look over here, so one of us should find her."

Gabriella smiled in approval. "Okay, let me know if you find her!" She and Jason continued on their way as Chad shook his head. Kelsi and Zeke, Gabriella and Jason?!

Chad walked to where he thought Ryan's locker was, but was met with a pretty empty hallway. He began desperately looking inside classrooms. There she was, sitting alone in a drama classroom.

" There you are," he whispered.

Taylor solemnly looked up at him. He approached her. She stood up to meet him.

"Chad," she mumbled as she hugged him. Chad slowly rubbed her back as the tears threatened to fall from Taylor's eyes.

"What's wrong, baby? Tell me what happened."

"Everything is," she wailed. "No nothing is, I'm making too much out of it."

"Out of what, Tay?"

She sniffed, then quickly wiped her tears when she pulled back from Chad to face him. "Gabi's captain of the Decathlon. We have a new sponsor and I guess she wanted to spice things up a bit."

"Tay, sweetie, I'm sorry, I know how much Decathlon means to you…"

"No, you know what, it's nothing, really, it's nothing." She brushed it off as she moved out of Chad's grasp and walked towards the door.

Chad twisted to Taylor. "Taylor, don't cast it all aside."

"No, I'm fine. I'm just overreacting, that's all." She put on a fake smile and gave Chad a kiss. "Come on, let's head to homeroom."

I know not as much Chaylor as some would like, but Chaylor in the next chapter definitely. Sorry for the long wait, I've gotta work out some type of schedule. Lady Wildcats is next on the updation list then Because I Remember, so please review and be nice!!