The sun peeked through the curtains that covered the window. Its gentle gleam gliding over the unopened eyes, thus, awakening the man from his slumber.

He glanced at the woman sleeping peacefully next to him and smiled. How truly beautiful she looked while asleep. An innocent angel, not yet awoken because it's radiating beauty prevents anyone to do so. Including him.

As he lay there, watching his beloved sleep, he thought about all their moments together. All the memories they shared. Good and bad.

A soft chuckle escaped his lips as he thought back to the first time they met. They were kids then. It was love at first sight. For him, that is. He had asked her out straightaway due to his being overwhelmed. And naturally, she turned him down. Not as gently as a guy would hope but definitely something he'll never forget. But he was a persistent one and he never got over her.

As times change, so do people. She became more friendly towards him and for a long period of time, they were close friends. But just friends.

She grew fond of him and when he almost lost his life during a mission, she confessed. That's what saved his life. No medic in the village had a logical explanation for it. It was a miracle.

Now they are happy and married. And also are expecting a beautiful baby in just 5 months. Boy or girl, they do not know for they want to find out together.


Just saying that word brings utter bliss to his heart. He used to believe he would never be able to use it.

As he begins stroking her bright, pink hair, he starts thinking...does he really deserve her? This woman who is perhaps the best thing that has ever happened in his life. Is there no better man for her who is much more deserving than he?

He starts to frown. This is too good to be true. He has thought this several times now but not once did he wake up from this wonderful dream.

Those questions buzz about his mind. What had he done to earn her love? What makes him the best man for her? Would she be happier with...someone else?

He would do anything and everything for her happiness whether he was the cause or not.

But as vibrant, green eyes slowly opened and looked sleepily at his face, grinning while doing so, he decided just this once... be selfish.

And he embraced her.