Author: Darkalli (aka Dark_Shadow_Soul_Stealer)
Title: The Demon's Within Us!
Disclaimer: I don't own either Harry Potter or Yu Yu Hakusho
Warning's: Slash, violence, crossover, AU, language
Pairings: Harry/Hiei, Draco/Kurama, Yusuke/Keiko, Kuwabara/Yukina, Severus/Remus, Neville/Luna (only if you are really paying attention), Hermione/Jin and Hikari/Touya.
Author's Note: Here's chapter five. For those of you who get confused, Daisuke is Harry and Daichi is Draco, Hikari used to be Fawkes the Phoenix but was in actuality a Phoenix Yokai trapped in his animal form. Every other Harry Potter character will be referred to by their normal names. And to head anyone off at the pass, Petunia isn't a yokai because Lilly was a half breed, they have the same human mother but Lilly's father is a yokai. If anyone has any more questions they want answered you can PM me or leave a review and I'll answer it in the next chapters A/N.
Chapter Six: Awakening the Demon Within.
Takashi and Tetsuya left Daisuke's house with more prank products from the Weasley twins and a promise not to use any of them on their family. That didn't mean they couldn't use them on the three boys at their fathers dojo. There were a couple of new products that Fred and George wanted them to try out, if they worked as they should then they would have a new line of prank products for the new school year. Hogwarts and Mahoutokoro wouldn't know what hit them.
By nine o'clock that night, the only occupants of the house were Daisuke, Daichi, Hikari, Hermione, Remus and Severus. They were all still sitting in the back yard talking about what was going on back in wizarding Britain, things weren't going so well, especially when it finally got out that Harry Potter was missing. The theory for his whereabouts ranged from secret training arranged by the ministry to him being kidnapped by Voldemort, they weren't very inventive with their theories. Ron and Ginny were cursing his name because they had been cut off from his money after he left, with Daisuke no longer being around Dumbledore didn't see the point of continuing to paying them.
Voldemort was suspiciously quiet, he hadn't been on any raids in the last six months and his lack of hostilities had everyone on edge. So far he hadn't sent anyone looking for his enemy which suited Daisuke just fine. He did find it odd though that he hadn't had any visions from him either. He had finally mastered Occlumency with Severus' help over the last year. They had dixcovered that occlumency kept Voldemort out of his head but he was still drawn into visions if Voldemort was angry enough. But with his silence over the last six months Daisuke hasn't had one. They were hoping that the deranged wizard wouldn't be able to detect Daisuke's power spike on his birthday.
"Right, well I'm going to bed. Kenji is going to be coming around early tomorrow now that we have new dueling dummies." Daisuke said as he rose from the table.
"I second that." Daichi agreed as he too got up from his seat.
"Well I better head back to England, my port key leaves in ten minutes so I'll see you all next Friday." Hermione explained as she too got up and gave the others all hugs before her port key activated and she vanished from the back yard.
"I'll be staying up for a bit longer; I discovered a new book in your library that you must have gotten since the last time I was here. It seems interesting so I'd like to get a start on it." Remus informed them as he followed the two young boys' into the house, Severus followed close behind.
The two younger wizards said good night to their respective godfathers then they both headed up the stairs to their rooms. Severus followed his mate into the library to do some reading as well; he was enjoying the peace and quiet of the school holidays.
Seven o'clock the next morning found Daisuke and Daichi in the dojo training with Kenji and Hikari. He was teaching them how to combine wizard dueling with muggle martial arts, there were times that a wizard could easily be disarmed during a duel leaving them easy targets. By combining the two arts, they would have a better chance of survival if they ever lost their wands during a fight with another wizard. Hikari was helping out as well; he was teaching Daichi how to combine his yoki as well and once Daisuke had control over his he would help him as well.
Daichi was currently sitting on the left side of the room meditating with Hikari whilst Daisuke was grappling with Kenji. None of them noticed when Remus and Severus entered the room; the mated pair sat on the bench that was positioned against the back wall to watch Daisuke practice with Kenji. They were both surprised with the speed the pair of them moved with as they traversed across the mats; this was the first time that either of them had actually seen the boys train. They were very impressed with what they had learned by way of muggle martial arts, the different styles were very impressive. Using the muggle art against Voldemort seemed to amuse all who knew about the rather psychotic dark wizard.
Their training took up a better part of the day with them only stopping for lunch and bathroom breaks. Many of their friends came and went during the day but Remus and Severus contented themselves with sitting in the dojo either reading or watching the two young demons train. Hermione stopped by just before dinner time with a couple more books to add to the library, she also brought news of the twin's latest prank on their youngest brother. They had stopped by their parents house and had overheard their brother whining to their sister about the lack of money coming from 'that stupid Potter's' vault, so they slipped a tasteless and odorless potion into his pumpkin juice at lunch and within five minutes he turned into the whiny little girl they believed him to be. Hermione couldn't stop laughing through the entire rendition of the event.
The rest of the week passed in relative silence, with barely any news from the old fool. Their friends continued to stop by as the week progressed and with the school holidays firmly in play the Takahashi house was filled with children running about and causing chaos, mainly the twins. Severus only had to return to England once when he was called to a meeting for the Order of the Phoenix. Dumbledore was still searching for his tool and needed an update from his members as to any news they had gathered over the last week.
From what Severus had learned, to his great anger, Dumbledore had confessed to the Order that he had purposefully sent Remus to the northern Werewolf clan so that he would be hurt and hopefully the news of his injuries would draw Harry out of where ever it was that he was hiding. He wasn't very happy that his plan didn't work so he made plans to have Death Eaters attack Hermione, luckily Severus was able to get to the young witch and her family before the plan could be put into action. The Grangers were now on an extended holiday to a remote outback town in Australia; much to Dumbledore's ire he could not track them anywhere.
Daisuke was beyond pissed when he learned of Dumbledore's latest betrayal and ended up destroying half of the dojo in his anger. It took one look at Hitomi's frightened face for him to calm down and begin to apologise profusely to the little girl, she finally settled down when Daisuke offered to buy her an ice cream sundae. To help him settle down more, he offered to take all of the children out for ice cream. So with the help of Hermione, Daisuke trekked into town to buy all of the children ice cream whilst Kenji, Severus and Remus repaired the damage done to the dojo. Dumbledore had just earned another strike against him.
On July thirtieth at eleven thirty, Remus, Severus, Hermione, Hikari and Kenji were all sitting in the living room of the Takahashi estate waiting for the clock to strike twelve. They were all tense, not knowing what the night's outcome would be. Daisuke was currently lying on his bed waiting for the same thing, his body was tense and his mind was racing; only half an hour till the spell placed on him as a child would finally be broken and unleash the power that Dumbledore had locked away.
As the minutes ticked by the tension in the house grew, as well as the nervousness that flowed from Hermione. She still found it odd to be around so many demons even though they were all friends; it was even odder to be on a first name basis with her potions professor as well. The man had mellowed out though, especially after he had mated with Remus. He wasn't as crass as he had been in the pass, though he could still be short tempered if his students pissed him off enough.
Hermione looked up at the clock on the wall and noticed that there was only ten more minutes until midnight hit. The tension in the room grew thicker when the other occupants noticed the time as well. Before anyone could say anything, Remus rose from his seat and offered to get everyone another drink. The last ten minutes passed by quickly and before Hermione could open her mouth the clock struck twelve and with the midnight hour came a pain filled scream from Daisuke's room.
As one, all the occupants of the living room got up from their seats and rushed to the stairs. As they rounded the corner they were blinded by the bright light that was cascading down the stairs in waves. They all hoped that the wards protecting Daisuke from protection would hold, the last thing they needed now was for Dumbledore to find them before the boys were ready to return. The light continued to pulse throughout the house for the next ten minutes before it slowly started to dissipate, once it had finally faded and the screaming from Daisuke's room had stopped they all traversed the stairs and made their way to the room at the end of the hall. When they reached it, Kenji undid the wards upon the room before he opened the door. The sight of the boy on the bed shocked all of them.
Spirit World
As the spell was breaking alarms were going off in the prince of the spirit world's office. The sounds alerted Koenma and his assistant, George, to a rather large burst of Yoki in the human realm. Ten minutes later the alarms quieted and the location of the yoki was finally able to be determined. Unable to tell who the power had come from, Koenma called for Botan to come to his office.
'You called?'
'Botan, I need you to get Yusuke and his team here immediately. Tell them it's urgent and that they need to get here right away.' Koenma told the young reaper.
With a nod, Botan opened a portal to the human realm and left to do as she had been told. Koenma sat at his desk looking at the far wall with a pensive look upon his face. The power surge was troublesome, hopefully Urameshi would be able to find the demon and determine the threat without there being any major problems. Though knowing the young hot headed spirit detective, problems were certain to arise.
Demon World
In a rather elaborate mansion within the demon realm, a demon sensed a great power from the human world. The power felt familiar, a power he hadn't felt in years. Looks like they were travelling back to the human world before they had originally planned.
A/N: All done, next up will be the meeting between Team Urameshi and the Harry Potter crew. Hmmm, interesting. Cookies to whoever figures out who the mysterious demon is in the demon realm.