Well, guys. You know what this is. This is the LAST chapter of An Unexpected Adventure. And this time, I'm not kidding. All I can say about this chapter is that, MAN, I had fun!! XDDD

I was incredibly shocked about how so many of you want a sequel to this. I'll do my best to get one out soon! One's already in the works!! Thanks so SO SOOOO much to everyone for reviewing, and following my story.

I hope you enjoy this, and I hope to see you soon!

Across Caya's town, a very familiar book could be found. The man holding it smiled down at it. 'I wonder…' She thought. 'if those two girls ever got their wish.' She grinned, opening the book. She stared down at the Naruto world. 'I wonder if I'll ever be able to go back there…I miss all of them…'

"Excuse me, sir?" A teenager's voice cut into his oh-so-private thoughts. She pointed right at the book in the man's hands, "Is that book for sale?"

The man shut the book with a 'snap'. "Of course it is. It's for free." He handed it to the teen, smiling cheerily, as he always did. "It sucks though, so you might not want to take it."

The girl turn a gaze of pure FURY on him, "It SUCKS?! HOT ANIME GUYS…SUCK?! I just cannot believe you!" She turned away, all in a huff, and stormed off.

The man smiled. 'You were right, Sensei… People never do learn, do they?' He laughed silently to himself. 'I wonder where she'll go. I hope she gets to see you, all my students. You always needed someone like that to open you up…'

He pulled off the hat covering his head, letting his long blonde hair fall into his eyes. He shook is away, smiling sadly. 'It doesn't stick up like it used to…' He sighed; even thinking about home hurt him.

He winced, thinking about the one person he would never see: his son. 'I hope he and Kushina are all right…' Namikaze Minato shook his head ruefully, and sighed. 'As well as you two, Kakashi and Rin. I hope you two are a couple now.' He grinned wickedly at the idea. That would have been fun to set them up, if he was still around.

An even more evil thought popped into his mind. What if….? No, it was too risky. But what if it worked….? He grinned. Whatever the risk, he would do it. The next time that book cycled back to him, he was going home. Kakashi and his sensei should be checked on.

With our heroines:

Caya typed frantically into the MSN box-thingy. 'YES, CASSIE!' She typed. 'I'M TYPING YOUR CHAPTER NOW! SHEESH!' She sighed, ignoring all her other MSN windows, turning back to her typing program to continue with the chapter she was currently working on. 'Deidara leaned down and…' She sighed, letting her fingers rest on the keys, just remembering what that had been like. Damn, sometimes she really wished she could see him again, and not just the numerous pictures she had of him, saved away in the depths of her computer's memory..

She sighed, louder this time, but continued typing long into the night. She presented the chapter to Cassie the next night, proud or her chapter. 'I'm almost done with it, Cassie.' She typed in a confused face. 'I wonder if anyone on the site will think this was real?'

At her house, Cassie laughed at that, and typed in. 'Probably not, it's just too out-there. Just FINISH. IT. SOON!'

'Alright, alright…' Caya sighed. 'I have to go. Talk to you tomorrow…' She signed off quickly, and jumped into her bed as soon as she heard her mom coming downstairs to check on her. 'Goodnight, Deidara-san…' She thought sleepily.

And, with her sleepy imagination, she pictured Deidara lying next to her. She pictured him kissing her forehead, and then hearing his deep voice murmur, "Goodnight, Akai-san, un…" She faded away into slumber, dreaming of things that she knew in her heart had come true.

Far away, in a place no one alive knows yet, a blonde haired teen sits, thinking of the girl he loves. His teenage form restored by angels, he feels better than he has ever had in a long while. "Akai…" He whispers. "I miss you, un…"

In another world, a black-haired teen dreams of yet another raven-haired person. He fears to say her name, partially fearing the anger of the only kunoichi in his group. He feels himself recovering, and vows, on her body, that he will find some way to see her again.

Alone that night, Cassie curled up under her sheets, her thoughts flowing with images of her travels. Why she was thinking about it this night of all nights, she didn't know. With a gasp, she realized why: it was a month ago, today. A MONTH. A month since that book had swept them away into a place she and Caya had never expected to see. She sighed; well, this SUCKED. She was more depressed than ever.

She scolded herself for being like that, and got up. She quietly retyped in her password on her laptop, and opened her pictures. She stared at one of the photos from the manga that Caya had sent her, and sighed. Shutting her laptop with a quiet click!, she climbed back into bed. Drowsiness soon overtook her, and she managed one last thought: 'Good night, Sensei…'

Well, I hope you enjoyed it, guys. R R, one last time, please.