Today had been a good day. It was worth noting, even if it were only to herself, because it seemed, during the past three years, "good days" were few and far between. There were instances in the twenty-four hours prior to this moment when she had doubted the day's outcome would feel so upbeat and bright. But after only seven hours of interrogating a kidnapping pedophile in the box, she and Elliot had finally broken him and he had given them the location of a missing four-year old girl. Fin and Munch had been ready to verify any locations, so as soon as possible after the pervert's confession, it was confirmed over the radio that Leah Morgan was indeed safe in police custody and on her way to the hospital for examination. Everyone in the station felt the heavy burden of investigation leave their shoulders and suddenly it became easier to breathe.

Finally having a moment to herself, Olivia reflected about how things had changed—even her recent haircut symbolized a new take on life.

The exchanges between she and Elliot were becoming better. Over the years, she had become adept at hiding her heartache regarding his on-and-off relationship with Kathy, and while for his sake she did feel relieved that he had a new chance with his family (or more specifically, his children), she did have to admit that the new pregnancy required her to step up the simulation of being cheerful for him. However, lately she had a glimmer of hope towards finding her own bliss. Dean had asked her out a few times, and although she only reluctantly agreed after he'd asked and been rejected twice, she'd be lying if she didn't confess that it was nice to not be so alone anymore, and to be with someone who appreciated her.

Looking up from the file that lay on his desk, Elliot asked Olivia about her plans for the evening.

Olivia shrugged and raised her eyebrows. "Uh, well, right now I'm focusing on the paperwork, but after that, I'm picking up some dry cleaning and I'll just have to take it from there. I hadn't really anticipated having the evening free. 'Figured our perp would have held out a little longer. 'Glad he proved me wrong."

Elliot did his best to smile, as he assumed her free time would involve calling Porter. He didn't know why he couldn't just be pleased for her. It's not like he wanted her to be alone and unhappy. And it wasn't as though he wasn't thrilled to be back with his own family—he was. He'd missed the everyday exchanges a parent has with a child. He couldn't be happier to be with his children again. Why, then, couldn't he gather some sort of semblance of that enthusiasm toward Kathy? He did love her. But he was starting to question if the love he had toward her had changed during their years of separation; gone a different direction? Putting his best foot forward, he carried on a pretense of conversation.

"Yeah, I know what you mean." Elliot smiled and nodded in agreement. "Kath's gonna wonder who's walking through the door in time for dinner. Doesn't happen too often."

Olivia gave a polite "Mmph" and a raise of her head in concurrence as she finished typing a document on her computer.

Just then, the familiar ring of Liv's cell phone snapped her from her thoughts. The caller quickly being identified on the LCD screen, Liv answered with a cheerful, "Hey, stranger!"

It was obvious to Elliot who was calling, and if there had been any question, all doubt would have been washed away when he heard Olivia accept an invitation to dinner. He tried not to eavesdrop but curiosity got the better of him. He appeared to busy himself with his own paperwork, but his true focus was completely on her conversation.

"As a matter of fact, my schedule just opened up and I am free as a bird. Where would you like to meet?…Mmmm, that sounds delicious! I've heard wonderful things about that place but never been there. I think it's closer to the station than my apartment, so do you want to just meet me here?….Great. I just have to complete a few more files and run an errand, then I'll be ready—can you give me an hour or two?"

A few seconds of presumably listening to Dean speak, Olivia's eyes popped wide as she giggled into the phone.

"You don't say, huh? Well, we'll just see about that…."

Elliot didn't know what Dean was saying to her, but it had an affect, that was for sure. Heaven help him, Olivia was beautiful. A light pink blush crept up on Olivia's cheeks as she spoke softly into the phone with a demure voice, "A girl's got to keep some element of mystery about her. Let's give it some time and maybe someday you'll find out….Yeah, me, too. I'll see you at eight."

Flipping her phone shut, she kept her eyes downward, suddenly embarrassed as she realized her coworkers might have just heard her flirting with Dean. But then her stubborn chin rose up in her own defense. Why should she care what they think? Why should she feel the slightest bit ashamed about talking to a man? She was a woman, after all. An available woman. Taking an abrupt interest in her files, she put all energy into organizing and completing the DD5's.

Wrapping up the paperwork took a while, but now it was complete and although she couldn't say it was behind her (because the cases never truly left her), she left the station at an actual reasonable hour to pick up her dry cleaning.

She did have an extra pair of flattering trouser pants and blouse in her locker, but fate had been kind to her tonight as part of her dry cleaning bill included a sexy cinnamon-colored Georgette Ruffle dress. It had luxurious georgette fabric covered with sweet little polka dots for a classic look. It was sleeveless cut, with a round neck that allowed soft lace ruffles to create a sophisticated high collar neckline. A shiny band of ribbon accentuated her small waist. This dress was modest and soft, but left no doubt that she was a woman, with all the right curves.

Walking back to the station from the cleaners, she noticed a knock-off shoe store just getting ready to close. She had intended to just wear the low-heels she'd worn to work that day, but the two-toned Oxford Mary Jane pumps she saw in the window proved to be too tempting. Popping her head into the doorway, she asked if she was too late to make a purchase.

The woman sweeping the floor smiled and said, "Not if you hurry. I hadn't closed out the register yet, so you're in luck. Did you have a pair in mind?"

"I'd like to see your Mary Jane pumps that you have in the window. I wear a size 8 ½."

"Certainly. Would you prefer the black or brown?", the shopkeeper inquired.

"Brown please—it's the perfect color for a dress I'm wearing tonight."

"Wonderful! Let's see if we can find a pair to fit those beautiful feet. Please give me just a moment." And with that the woman disappeared into the back room. In just a minute, she reappeared, opening the box with a wide grin.

"We've got your size—how do they feel?" She asked as she slipped them onto Olivia's soft feet.

"Like a glove…I'll take them, and a pair of those stockings over there, please."

Finishing her transaction, the storeowner noted the weather. "Looks like our light fall draft has turned into quite the gust. Don't blow away out there."

Olivia smiled as she gathered her things. Stepping out into what had certainly turned into more than a blustery breeze, Olivia panicked as she looked at her watch. She didn't have much time to get ready. Walking as quickly as she could, she finished the two blocks to the station and was surprised to see Elliot sitting right where she'd left him.

"What are you still doing behind that desk?" Astonished at Elliot's remaining presence, Olivia tried to finger the windblown pieces of her hair back into place. "I thought you were headed home. Has everyone else already left?"

"I found a couple discrepancies with the paperwork on the Breinholt case. I'm just about done, and then I'm outta here. Munch and Fin just left, and Cap went out for some air." Elliot stood as he spoke. "What about you?"

Olivia smiled and held up her dry cleaning and shopping bags. "I'm on the countdown. Soon as I can spruce up a bit, I'll be on my way as well. I'm gonna head to the bathroom and get ready. If you're not here when I come out, I'll see you tomorrow."

"Yeah, see you in the morning." Elliot swallowed hard as she turned to leave. The guilt he felt at his disdain for her date was eating him alive. Sometimes he was a selfish bastard.

Without warning, he reached out and grabbed her arm lightly. Taken aback at the electricity that ran down her arm from his innocent touch, she turned to face him. He cleared his throat and smiled nervously.

"Uh, listen, Liv, I just wanted to say, uh, well, have fun tonight. You deserve it."

Words escaped her as their eyes connected, chocolate dancing with indigo. Her mouth felt dry and thirsty.

Stammering out the only words she could beckon, she whispered, "Thanks, El, I will. You, too. Go enjoy your family."

A quick nod of his head as his hand released her arm ended the conversation and once again she left for the ladies room. Her excitement and anticipation for this date with Dean had rapidly abandoned her and now she felt nothing but the lingering ghost of his skin upon hers. Now she wanted nothing more than to be with Elliot, even if it was in the only way she'd ever been with him—working side by side on some horrific case. As terrible as the cases were, she felt blessed to have that time with him. She wanted to call Dean and cancel. She wanted to go back out there and offer to fix those discrepancies for him, even if it meant he'd leave early and go home to the family he loved and the kind of family she believed she would never have someday. She'd do it because it would feel good doing something to make his life easier and happy. She wanted to return her 4" Mary Jane knock-offs.

Looking at her watch, however, told her that to cancel would only be cruel, as Dean was expected to arrive any moment. So, she did what she always did. She internalized any feelings she may have had that were considered inappropriate or unprofessional and did her best to look forward to a dinner and night on the town. She changed her clothes and styled her short, sexy hair. Opening her makeup bag, she began to transform herself from "Olivia-Day" into "Olivia-Night".

Meanwhile, Elliot was still recovering from the intensity he'd felt from her stare. From the way he felt her pulse accelerate under his fingers or the way her chest had heaved from her quickening breaths. Or was it from the way he must have imagined those things? From the way that he longed for his presence, his touch, to have that sort of reaction in her? A voice brought him out of his analyzing thoughts.

"Detective Stabler, working hard as always, I see." Dean Porter sauntered over to Olivia's desk and sat down in her chair. Elliot's first impulse was to pull him out of the place where Elliot felt he definitely did not belong. Proud of his self-control, however, instead he simply leaned onto his own desk and matched Dean's smug smile with his own.

"Looks I've fooled you, just like the rest of the bunch around here," he joked good-naturedly.

"Have you seen Olivia around? I'm supposed to meet her here—actually, I was supposed to be here five minutes ago. Hopefully she didn't give up on me that quickly," Dean said, trying to lighten the air.

"I think she's actually getting ready. Have a cup of coffee while you wait. I'm sure she'll be out in a minute."

"Talking about me behind my back, boys?" a voice teased from the hallway. Olivia got no response from either man as she stepped towards them. Dean and Elliot were both too amazed as they took in her appearance. She was brilliant. Stunning. Breathtaking.