For all those waiting for the next chapter of Betrayer and Savior, I'm sorry but I'm having a difficult time writing the next chapter,but fear not, I'm not about to let you down. So heres a quick SxP one shot. Timeline set just after Storm Warning, with Piper's room still a mess from the crystal explosion.

Stork's headache had not gone away and he still needed some aspirin, but abandoning his position on the ship as the pilot was not an option. Stork turned at the whisper quiet steps behind him. Piper stood holding a steaming mug. Her fuzzy blue slippers had made no sound against the Condor's cold steel floor.

"I don't have any aspirin for you Stork, but I brought you some herbal tea." she said softly. Stork smiled, only another intellectual would understand to speak softly when a comrade had a headache.

"Thank you Piper." he said. He took the cup and blew lightly on it. Piper smiled and walked back to the couch were she had been sleeping for the past few nights. Stork watched her for a minute as she sat back down. She sighed and lay back against the scattered cushions.

"Its late." she said. Stork smiled in spite of himself.

"I don't sleep much." he said. Piper was quiet and for a while, Stork thought she was asleep. He continued to gaze out the window, keeping on alert for vampires with glider wings. He tensed suddenly when arms wrapped around his lithe waist. His pale yellow eyes darted back towards his assailant as the breath left his lungs.

"Stork." He felt the hands trace up his waist to his shoulders. Something nipped his ear and he twitched. "Don't hurt me." Stork whispered.

There was a shuddering breath behind him. "Come with me." a voice spoke. Stork's ears perked and his head turned.

Piper stood with her arms draped across his shoulders and her forehead pressed against the back of his neck, her dark orange eyes stared quietly at him. His eyes drooped. "You scared me." he said.

Piper laughed and ran one finger along Stork's long chin. "Your easy to scare." she said.Piper let go of Stork and took a step back.

Stork turned and watched the female shifting from foot to foot.

"Whats wrong?" he asked.

"I really don't want to give you a heart attack." she said.

Stork raised an eyebrow at her. "Heart attack? Well gee, you should have thought about that before..."

He was cut off by her lips meeting his.