The Secret I Know

I was stupid to walk home that night all by myself. I should have called a cab or my parents to come and pick me up but no. I had to be stubborn and think that nothing bad could ever happen to me. These stupid mistakes would cost me my life, my family, and everything that I held dear to my heart.

It was midnight and I had just finished an Orchestra concert at school and I decided to walk home instead of wait for my friend Vivian to give me a ride. She was engrossed in a conversation with her boyfriend and I knew that once she started she wouldn't stop until really late. So pulling on a sweatshirt I said good-bye to all my friends and headed out the door.

It was a beautiful night. It was the end of September so the weather was perfect. There wasn't a single cloud in the sky so the stars shown brightly in the black sky and there was a light breeze that brought the scent of winter from the north. I inhaled deeply and gazed up at the moon as I walked. I wasn't paying any attention to where I was going so when a man suddenly appeared before me I didn't notice him until I ran straight into him.

This man was as hard as a rock and when I ran into him if felt like I had run into a wall. I stumbled back a cursed under my breath.

I glanced up at the person I ran into and instantly my irritation turned to awe. This man was the most beautiful man on the planet. His looks would and probably did break every girl's heart. He was about six feet tall with broad shoulders and muscular arms. He wore a tight sweater that hugged his torso and showed off his well defined six pack. His skin was snow white and was as smooth as marble. He had a chiseled jaw, high cheek bones, and a well defined nose and he had golden blond hair. However, when I looked at his eyes I noticed that they were a burgundy red. I frowned in puzzlement; no one had burgundy red eyes. The only people I had ever heard about that had red eyes were vampires in Stephanie Meyer's novels Twilight, New Moon, and Eclipse. However, everyone knew that vampires weren't real.

The man smiled down at me and greeted me. "Hello miss. Sorry for bumping into you."

I was unable to think of a single response and I simply stared at him. I couldn't look away no matter how many times I tried, his eyes captivated me. The man seeing my awe smiled even wider and brought up his hand to my neck and began to stroke it.

"You are very beautiful, and your scent is so rare. I don't think I've ever smelt anything like it. It's a pity that pretty soon you'll be dead, what's your name sweetheart?"

My brain didn't register the fact that this man was dangerous and I stupidly gave him my name. "My name's Janet, Janet Ramirez."

The man smiled and drew closer to me. "Janet, what a nice name," He looked deep into my eyes and his smile widened. "Well Janet, It's a pity that I won't be able to get to know you better. You seem like a very interesting girl."

Before I could even move or utter a sound he pushed my hair away from my neck, bent over and sank his teeth into my neck.

The pain was overwhelming. At first it was just the pain of sharp teeth sinking into my neck but it changed into a fire burning through my veins. I screamed in pain and tried wrenching away but the man had a vice like grip making my resistance futile. Then it all clicked in my head. This man had burgundy eyes, white cold skin, and he drank blood; there was only one word to describe this man, vampire. This man was a full fledged vampire and he was sucking me dry!

I continued to scream and struggle but the vampire was unrelenting. I could feel my strength leaving me and my mind scrambled to think of something. From the books that I had read the only way to destroy a vampire was to burn him out of existence.

That didn't do me any good; I didn't have the tools to make a flame big enough. I only had a lighter that I never used and my backpack only had make-up and beauty products in it. I froze and an idea formed in my mind. I noticed that the vampire was to pre-occupied sucking me dry to notice what I was doing. I quickly slipped my bag from my shoulders and pulled out my can of hairspray, silently thanking God for my extremely curly hair. I dug my lucky lighter out of my pocket and quickly flipping it open, aimed down at the vampire, uncapped the hairspray and pushed the button. The little flame instantly intensified into a huge fireball that hit the vampire directly in the back.

He screamed in surprise and agony and jumped away from me. I lifted the hairspray again and this time aimed directly for his face. The flame hit home and the vampire was now a man sized pillar of fire.

His screams pierced the night combining with my own. Eventually his screams ceased and his body fell in on itself and the fire went out, leaving a pile of ash which the wind quickly scattered.

The bottle of hairspray fell from my numb fingers and clattered on the sidewalk. I wasn't given the chance to feel any sort of remorse or relief because my pain was intensifying. I clamped my hand over my neck and I fell to my knees screaming in pain.

Five minutes must have passed before someone came around to see who was screaming. It was a young couple and they came at a sprint.

"Look John it's a girl!" The wife ran up to me, saw the blood and quickly turned to her husband.

"Call 911 quickly! She's bleeding." She turned back to me and peeled my hand away from my neck. She gasped at the wound and looked at me in surprise. "Does that hurt a lot?" I wanted to yell at her that yes it hurt a whole hell of a lot, otherwise I wouldn't be here screaming in pain but I simply nodded and then another wave of pain came and I screamed in agony and then passed out from the pain.

The events that happed next were very clear to me even though I was no longer conscience. It was like I was detached from my body and saw everything from above.

I saw when the ambulance arrived and rushed me to the hospital. They pulled up in front of the Emergency room and rushed me inside. A swarm of doctors and nurses ran to where I lay on the stretcher and began to shout orders and examined me to see what was wrong. I watched all of this in silence and wonder.

My body looked so small and breakable. My face was twisted in pain and the wound on my neck was still bleeding. A nurse began to wash my wound then she put a bandage on it. Next a doctor came and checked my pockets for some identification. He found my wallet and cell phone. He opened my wallet and took out my driver's license. He then flipped open my cell phone and dialed a number. He stood there silently and remorseful for a few seconds.

Someone must have picked up on the other end because the doctor sighed and gave my parents the news. "Hello, is this Janet Ramirez's mother?" He paused for the answer. It must have been my mom because the continued.

"This is Dr. Howard at Trinity Mills Hospital. Your daughter is here and she is seriously injured."

I could picture my mother's look of horror as the doctor told her the news. She must have told the doctor that she was on her way because he flipped the phone shut and put it next to my bed, along with my wallet. I must have been regaining consciousness because I began to feel the pain of the venom and I was jerked back into my body. I opened my eyes and let out a scream of pain. The doctor rushed to my side and peered down at me.

"Janet, can you tell me what is hurting you?"

I was gasping and moaning in pain that I was unable to speak clearly. I tried to compose myself enough to tell the doctor what was wrong. However, I was only able to whimper one word,

"Ve-ve-venom." And with that said I was drowned under another wave of pain.

The next two days went by in states of unconsciousness and hours filled with pain. I remembered when my parents arrived, their faces filled with fear, pain, and worry. My mom rushed to my side and gathered me in her arms. I had my lips clamped tightly shut to prevent myself from screaming in pain but, I knew that my face was twisted in pain and every once in a while a whimper of pain would escape. I was unable to reassure my mother that I would be fine because if I opened my mouth the screams of pain I'd been holding in would escape and that would just make them worry more. So I had no choice but to suffer in silence.

My sister showed up soon after my parents and when she saw me she burst into tears. I tried to reassure her too but like with my parents I was unable to.

I remembered when my friends came to visit vividly because the looks of horror on their faces were burned in my memory. They arrived right when I was having an extremely painful attack. I was far gone by then. I was no longer thinking clearly I just wanted the pain to stop, to end, to die. And a day later I did die.

I had felt the venom spread through my body and I knew what was going to happen next. I had been waiting for this because I knew in my mind that once the venom reached my heart it would all be over. The doctors were at a loss to what kind of venom was poisoning my body. They had given me every medicine in existence for all kinds of venom but my body didn't respond to the treatments. The venom continued to spread.

Everyone was outside talking to the doctor trying to see if there was any possible way to save me. Everyone had bombarded the doctor with questions and he had finally drawn them all out into the hall to give me some quiet so I could rest. Everyone had followed him out side except for my best friend, and crush for 4 years Alex. He had never left my side these past two days and he sat next to me holding my hand that was now extremely cold. I looked up at him; my breathing ragged and whispered his name.

He looked down at me and gripped my hand tighter. "I'm here Janet. How are you feeling?"

I winced and shook my head "Pretty crappy."

Alex tried to smile but was unsuccessful. "You must be getting better; this is the first time you've spoken."

I shook my head and brought my hand up to his face. "My time is almost up Alex, the venom has spread everywhere except my heart."

Alex's face paled and he shook his head vigorously refusing to believe what I had said.

"No, you'll live Janet, you'll live." Tears formed in his eyes and spilled down his cheeks. "Don't leave me Janet, I love you!"

I felt myself smile weakly and I stroked Alex's cheek, wiping away his tears.

"I love you too Alex, very much. But you have to let me go."

He shook his head again and cried harder "No! Don't do this!"

I felt the venom seep toward my heart. I had just a few more seconds before it all ended. I heaved myself up to a sitting position, put both hands on Alex's face and kissed him good-bye.

I pulled away and fell back onto the hospital bed and closing my eyes waited for the pain.

It hit fast and hard. My back arched in pain and I clamped my jaw closed and the only thing that passed threw my lips was a strangled cry of pain and then everything went black.

When I woke up I was alone and lying on a cold table. I sat up and looked around and saw that I was in the morgue. So they had pronounced me dead? I hopped down from the table and landed gracefully on my feet. I frowned, I hadn't been a clumsy person but I wasn't graceful either. I shrugged, because from the books I had read all vampires were graceful.

I looked down at myself and my eyes nearly bulged out of their sockets. I was skinny!

As a human I had been a chubby girl, 20 pounds overweight with a chubby round face. Now I could see that my stomach was flat and I had a six pack! I looked at my arms and saw that they were actually slender and my legs were perfect! I smiled in elation. I was finally the right size! As happy as I was with my new body I knew that I couldn't walk around naked, I'd be in big trouble, however I was in luck. One of the doctors had left a set of scrubs on a chair. Saying a silent apology I grabbed the scrubs and put them on. They were too big but they would have to do until I could get some clothes. I didn't have a lot of money to my name so I couldn't very well buy myself a whole new wardrobe, I guess I would have to sneak back home and get some of my old clothes, sighing I crossed the room to the door and stepped outside.

It was dark outside so I guess it was late at night. I began walking toward my house and tried to calculate how long it would take me to get there. It took 10 minutes by car so walking it should take me about an hour.

Suddenly an idea struck me. In one of my favorite vampire novels it said that the vampires could run at remarkable speeds.

I stopped walking and taking a deep breath I crouched down and then I shot forward so fast that I screeched to a halt half a mile away from the hospital. I looked down at my feet in wonder and then, slowly, a smile spread across my face. I laughed and shot off again whooping all the way.

I reached the house in less than 10 minutes. I circled to the back of the house and looked up at my window. It was dark and completely silent. Actually, the whole house was silent. With my superhuman hearing I could hear our neighbors snoring in their beds or trudging to the kitchen for a midnight snack. However, our house echoed empty and silent. I guess everyone was still at the hospital.

I climbed up our backyard fence and then climbed onto the garage. Then silently and swiftly I crossed to my window and quickly raised it open. My old human scent hit me hard and instantly I felt the pain of my thirst. I held my breath and instantly the scent disappeared and I was able to concentrate on my mission.

I crawled threw the window and headed to my closet. I grabbed a backpack that I used whenever I went on trips and proceeded to stuff things I would need. This was a problem because all of my clothes no longer fit so I had to dig in the very back of the closet for clothes that hadn't fit me as a human; even so they were still too big.

After stuffing the clothes in my bag I crossed my room to my bookshelf and pulled down my three favorite vampire novels: Twilight, New Moon, and Eclipse. I was eager to figure out if everything in the stories were actually true. I grabbed a few more books and stuffed them into my bag. Even with all the books in my bag I still felt feather light.

I went over to the music room that my father had let me make after I learned how to play the drums and picked up my spare violin and my favorite drumsticks. My cousin Robert had given them to me when I had mastered the drums.

After getting everything I needed from the music room I went back into my room and swept the room to see if I had forgotten anything, I starred longingly at my computer; it had all of my stories and pictures on it. However, as much as I wanted to bring it along I couldn't. Sighing I changed out of the scrubs into a pair of jeans and a t-shirt, and grabbing my road atlas, I silently slipped out of my room and back onto the garage roof. When I was back on the ground I looked back at my house and a feeling of such sadness washed over me.

I would never call this place my home. I had no home now. I felt tears fall down my cheeks and quickly wiped them away. I guess the rumors that vampires couldn't cry were false. I willed myself to stop crying and taking one last look at the house turned and dashed off into the night.

I stopped around dawn and found shelter in a cave in the plateaus of New Mexico. I sat down and waited for the day to end by looking at my atlas and searched for a place to go.

"Hmm…where do I want to go? I have all the time in the world to travel." I looked at every state and ticked off reasons to go. After about 2 hours of debating I decided to let fate decide my destination. I picked up a pebble from the floor, held it over the map and let if drop. It bounced a few times and rolled a bit before it came to a stop on top of the state of Washington. I laughed when I saw where the pebble had landed because in the Twilight series Washington was the home of many mythical creatures. I closed my atlas and stuffed it back into my bag and pulled out Twilight and read it slowly as I waited for the sun to set.

At that Moment in the Small town of Forks, a certain psychic vampire had a vision…

Alice gasped and her eyes got that blank faraway gaze that she always had whenever she had a vision. I went into her mind and watched the vision threw her thoughts.

A young girl wandering in the woods, she was a small thing, with a long thick braid draped over one shoulder. Her crimson eyes weren't the usual blood thirsty eyes of a new born but they were too crimson to be the eyes of a full grown vampire. She was walking and eventually she broke threw the trees and she saw our house. She just stood in silent awe for a few moments and then she scowled and a look of annoyance appeared on her face.

The vision ended then and Alice blinked and shook her head. She then looked up at me. I crossed my arms and frowned, "How long until she gets here?"

Alice thought for a moment and then held up two fingers. "She'll be here in two days at 7:30 sharp."

"Who's going to be here at 7:30 sharp?"

Alice and I whirled around to see Bella walking down the stairs followed by our whole family. I smiled at Bella and crossing the room wrapped my arms around her waist. "No one, just another wandering vampire."

Bella pulled away from me and looked up at me and she narrowed her beautiful butterscotch eyes. "Edward, you're not telling me something. Who exactly is this other vampire?"

I shrugged, "Honestly Bella, I have no clue, the only thing unusual is she's probably a new born."

Jasper tensed at the word new born and Bella winced. She looked up at me with eyes full of worry. "You don't think they're here for revenge because of Victoria?"

I sighed and looked to Alice for help but she was too caught up in her own thoughts. She was trying to figure out why the girl had looked annoyed at the end of her vision. I then turned back to Bella and told her my suspicions. "I honestly don't know Bella. She might be, at the end of Alice's vision she did look slightly annoyed but we don't know why."

Carlisle sighed and rubbed his forehead. "I hope she doesn't mean to fight us, I've had enough killing for the rest of my existence."

Alice looked at Carlisle and smiled reassuringly at Carlisle. "I don't see her attacking anyone Carlisle but it's still early and she gives me a sense of unease. We should at least stay on our guard when she gets here."

Emmett smiled confidently and smashed a fist into his palm and laughed. "I'd like to see her try anything while we're all here. 1 little vampire against the eight of us, she'll be easy pickings."

I rolled my eyes at Emmett's statements and then turned to Carlisle. "Don't worry Carlisle we'll try to negotiate with her if she does have any threating thoughts. We should take Alice's advice and just stay on our guard."

Carlisle nodded and left the room followed by Esme. Slowly after that everyone left to go about their business and I was left by myself. I frowned slightly and thought about this new vampires appearance, was she friend or foe?

Back To our Heroine:

The sun finally set behind the horizon and new enthusiasm filled my senses as I made my way toward my destination. I jumped up, gathered my belongings and headed toward Washington.

I had just crossed the border into Wyoming when the sent of wolf blood filled my nostrils. I stopped dead in my tracks and a painful thirst over came me. I sniffed the air searching for the location of my pray. Just then I heard a wolf howl. My head snapped around and letting out a hiss I dashed off in pursuit. I spotted the pack in mere seconds and it only took me a few minutes to devour all their blood. I licked the remaining blood away and then looked down at the now dead wolves, and understanding of what I had done struck me. I fell to my knees and whispered,

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Disgusted with myself I slowly backed up and when I was a few yards away from the bodies I spun around and fled from the dead bodies. I hadn't gone far when a strong sense of nausea over came me. I bent double and threw up all the blood I had taken from the wolves. When my stomach was completely empty I staggered to my feet, wiped my mouth on my sleeve and looked ahead in disgust.

Why did my body crave blood, yet still reject it once I had consumed it? Maybe my body could only consume human blood. I recoiled from the thought and growled. There was no way, no way, that I would inflict the pain and fright I had felt on another person. Maybe my body wasn't fully developed as a vampire yet. That thought brought back a memory that I hadn't thought about in a long time. Maybe the reason I couldn't devour blood was because my own blood had been different.

I shrugged at the thought and resolved then and there that no matter what, I would keep drinking animal blood until my body adapted to it or I died. I refused to be a murderer.

With that decided I sped off once again. I had reached Montana when a heard of deer ran by. Instantly my vampire instincts kicked in and I ran after them. This time however, I had a little bit more control and I only took the life of two does. When I was done I waited a few minutes and sure enough the sense of nausea came over me and up came the blood.

I growled in frustration, I hated throwing up but the thought of killing humans was even worse. I straightened and listened for more pray. I heard the soft treads of a mountain lion which was about 6 miles away. I stealthily made my way toward the big cat. The lion had stopped on a rock and had lain down. I grouched down and waited a few seconds and then shoot out of the forest and devoured the large cat's blood.

The lion fought but his sharp claws were nothing compared to my marble hard skin. It eventually stilled and I sucked it dry.

When I was done I waited again for the nausea and like clockwork, it came back, but this time it wasn't as bad. I still felt really sick but I didn't puke. I smiled triumphantly when it was over, this just might work.

Two Days Later:

I stood in front of the sign that said "Welcome to Washington" and smiled happily. I had made it. I had reached my destination on foot just like a knight on a quest in one of my stories. I looked up at the sky to see how long I would have until day break. However, with my excellent sight I saw the storm clouds forming and I knew that for once I would be able to go out in the day.

The day before when I had stopped to make a very small camp I found that a few yards away from my camp there was a small clearing where the sunlight poured in. I decided to see if it were possible to walk around in the day or if that was just a myth as well. Taking a shaky breath I had closed my eyes and stepped tentatively into the sunlight. When I didn't turn into dust I slowly opened my eyes and looked down at my hand. My eyes snapped open and I stared at my hand in surprise. I sparkled!

I literally sparkled. So Stephanie Meyer had been right about this too. I had gotten a shiver up my spin when I realized exactly how much Stephanie Meyer knew about vampires. Maybe she was one herself. I shook my head and had laughed because I had seen her in the news and one, she wasn't vampire gorgeous and two, I had seen her standing outside in the middle of the day. No, Stephanie Meyer wasn't a vampire; she probably did a lot of research.

I stepped around the "Welcome Washington" sign and made my way toward the forest. I had brought a windbreaker with my but I didn't really need it because the canopy of the forest was so dense that the rain didn't penetrate.

I headed west toward the ocean. I had always wanted to see the west coast and the Pacific Ocean. It didn't take me very long to cross the state of Washington; it was a rather small state. I reached the ocean in about an hour and a half. I exited the trees and right onto a cliff. I screeched to a halt right before I went over the edge. Breathing hard I slowly stepped back a few inches and then took in the marvelous view. It was absolutely breath taking. However before I could thoroughly take in the breathtaking view the strong wind blew my long hair into my face. Scowling I pulled it back and quickly braided it tightly so not a single hair would escape. The braid reached down the small off my back and it was very thick. I slung it over my shoulder and went back to viewing the coast.

Up and down the coast for as far as the eye could see trees lined the small beaches. The sky was gray of course and there was a mist that smelled lovely. The water beat loudly against the cliff a few feet below me. I inhaled deeply enjoying the smell of seawater.

Who's that pretty little thing?

I looked around to see who had spoken and spotted a guy down below me on the beach, completely out of ear shot. I frowned and looked around again but didn't see anyone else.

Man she's hot! If I didn't have a girlfriend I would certainly like to have fun with this cutie.

I scowled at the guy and let out a low hiss. Of course the guy being too far away didn't hear me. He simply waved and called.

"Hello there! Are you lost?"

I frowned, I could hear him of course because of my acute hearing but it wasn't as clear as what I had heard before. I looked down at him and looked at his face.

Wow! Even when she frowns like that she's still extremely hot!

I raised my eyebrows in surprise. His lips hadn't moved. I was hearing his thoughts! I could read people's minds just like Edward Cullen in Twilight. Pulling myself together I smiled politely at the guy and called back.

"No I'm not lost, just looking. Well good-bye." And before he could say anything I plunged back into the trees. I ran north for a few minutes and then came to a stop. I sat down heavily on the ground and marveled at my new found ability.

I could read people's minds, this was so cool! I'd been hoping I had a super power like Edward, Alice, and Jasper in Twilight and now I did. The reason I probably hadn't known sooner was because I never really came in contact with other humans. I would have to avoid big cities or towns of any size until I had gotten the hang of this mind reading thing, otherwise the minute I plunged into a city I would be overcome by a large stampede of thoughts.

Just then a breeze blew in threw the trees and it carried a very unusual sent with it. It wasn't the sent of blood, human or animal. It wasn't the sea because it came for the east not the west. Frowning I stood up and followed the sent for a few minutes and around 7:30 I finally emerged from the trees and into a clearing with a beautiful white house right in the middle.

The Cullen's House:

It was 7:30 exactly when the girl exited the trees. Everyone was huddled around the window trying to get a good look at her. Partly because they were curious and partly because they were waiting to see if there was going to be a fight or not.

I could hear Emmett's thoughts as he prayed for her to make a hostile move so he could get into a fight. Rosalie was thinking about how poorly the girl was dressed. Alice was frowning at the girl waiting for her to do something. Carlisle and Esme were both hoping that she wasn't planning on attacking them or their family. They were hoping that she was just a peaceful traveler. Carlisle turned to me and asked threw his thoughts.

Can you hear if she has any hostile thoughts toward us Edward? I was about to check when a voice I was unfamiliar with bombarded my thoughts.

You know you can stop worrying about weather or not I'm going to attack you. I'm not stupid enough to think I can take on a whole bunch of you.

My eyes widened in surprise and I looked out at the girl. She had that annoyed expression on her face. I chuckled and thought back.

You can read minds too?

I saw her roll her eyes and nod.

Yes I can, now will you all please come out? It's annoying pretending that I can't tell if you're in there or not.

This time I laughed out loud and moving away from the window made my way outside, everyone following behind me, each one asking me what I was doing. I ignored them for a minute, eager to meet this new comer who had the same power as me.

I stopped just a few yards away from her and gave her a friendly smile. She stared at me for a minute and then a smile spread across her face as well.

There now I can see what you all look like. So there are eight of you? Four boys and four girls. Let me guess you're all in couples, am I right?

Chuckling I nodded, Yes, we're all married. What about you? Do you have a mate?

She shook her head. No, I haven't really been a vampire long enough to find a mate. I was only transformed a few days ago.

I looked at her in shock. Just a few days? But you seem to have a lot of control for a new born. Do you drink human blood? Because if you do I'm sorry to say that this part of the state is off limits.

She looked at me in horror and shook her head vehemently, Absolutely not! I've stuck strictly to animal blood. You'll have no problem with me killing the local humans. I've been avoiding contact with humans ever since I was changed and I will continue until I've gained full control of my cravings.

I let out a sigh of relief and smiled again. That's good because we also drink blood from animals.

She was no longer looking at me but behind me at my family and she smiled shyly. I think we should stop conversing mind to mind, your family is beginning to get annoyed.

I whirled around and took in my families annoyed glares. Smiling apologetically I explained to them what I and the new vampire had been talking about.

"You don't have to worry about her, she is just like us, as in she only drinks animal blood. And she has no intentions of harming us."

Carlisle relaxed visibly and smiling stepped forward and greeted the girl. "Hello, we are happy to make your acquaintance."

The girl smiled brightly, "Hello, my name is Janet Ramirez and I'm terribly sorry for trespassing on your property, I was just passing along when I caught ya'lls scent."

Jasper stepped forward and looked at the girl curiously. "Do you happen to be from the south?"

The girl smiled at Jasper and nodded. "Yes, I'm from Dallas Texas. How did you guess?"

Jasper smiled "You said ya'll. Nobody but us southerners say ya'll."

She laughed as Jasper's southern drawl crept into his voice. "Well I'll be you're a southern boy. Well Howdy."

Jasper laughed out loud and we all stared at him in surprise. No one had heard Jasper laugh that happily in a long time. Alice looked hurt and extremely jealous; she was able to make Jasper smile a lot but not laugh that loudly. Janet heard my thoughts and looked at me with wide worried eyes. I shook my head and reassured her through thought. She smiled back and turned back to Carlisle. They talked for a little while and when Carlisle began to introduce us, that was when she did something that changed our world forever.

Back to our Heroines point of View:

The blond leader of the coven was a very handsome vampire as was the bronze haired vampire who could read minds just like I did. As I studied each of the vampires I had a nagging feeling at the back of mind. Like I should know who these vampires were but I couldn't but my finger on it.

"So, Janet, do you have any traveling companions?"

I shook my head and the blond leader looked surprised. "No one is traveling with you? What about the vampire who changed you?"

I scowled at the memory and growled. "He's no longer in this world and good riddance."

The blond leader looked surprised again but seeing my dark expression didn't press the subject. I scowled, tired of calling the blond leader vampire, blond leader.

"I'm terribly sorry to sound rude sir, but what is your name?" I asked.

The blond leader looked surprised but then smiled apologetically. "I'm terribly sorry my dear. My name is Carlisle."

Suddenly everything clicked. "Carlisle Cullen? Please don't tell me your name is Carlisle Cullen because if it is this is some sick joke!"

Carlisle looked down at me in confusion and said, "I sorry to say dear but my name is indeed Carlisle Cullen and this is…"

I didn't let him finish. "This is your family consisting of Edward, Esme, Rosalie, Emmett, Alice, Jasper and Bella Cullen. You Carlisle Cullen were born in London England and you later found Edward who was dying in a hospital in Chicago from the Spanish influenza. His mother begged you to save her son which you did by changing him into a vampire. Later you found Esme who had jumped off a cliff in an attempt to commit suicide. You saved her life by changing her into a vampire and later you both got married. After that you found Rosalie Hale dying on the street after being brutally raped by her fiancé. After that Rosalie found Emmett being attacked by a bear and Rosalie saved him by carrying him to Carlisle who changed him into a vampire. After Emmett was changed Alice and Japer appeared. Alice was previously in an insane asylum and was changed by a vampire who was later killed by another vampire named James who wished to drink Alice's blood. She saw Jasper in a vision and went to go meet him. Jasper is from the south and he was changed during the civil war. He was a member of the confederate army and for awhile he lived with a human blood drinking family. They came together to find Carlisle and join his family. And last to enter the Cullen family was Isabella Marie Swan, now Isabella Cullen, wife of Edward Cullen. She was born here in Forks, her mother is Renee and her father is Chief Charlie Swan. She previously lived in Phoenix Arizona with her mother but when her mother re-married she decided to move to Forks to live with her father Charlie. It was her junior year of High school and when she transferred she met Edward who was in her Biology class. Edward's craving for Bella's blood was so strong that he had to fight not to bite her right there in the middle of the class room. He ran away to Denali for a while but when he came back he and Bella fell in love. A year later Edward left Bella for her own good which really screwed up Bella mentally and she found sanctuary with her friend Jacob Black who happens to be a werewolf the vampire's worst enemy. Everything was going okay until one day when Bella decided to go cliff diving. Alice saw Bella jump in a vision and thought that Bella had committed suicide. Edward was told by Rosalie and thinking that she was dead, went to the Volutre and asked for death." I stopped for breath and looked at everyone's faces everyone was struck dumb and starring at me in horror.

Edward regained use of his tongue first and asked me, "How do you know all of this?"

I slung my backpack down from my shoulders and placing it on the floor dug threw it searching for my books. I found them at the very bottom of the bag and extracted them. I held them up and said sadly.

"Before I tell you what is in these books you must answer one question for me."

Edward nodded and I asked my question. "How much of what I've said is true?" Carlisle spoke this time.

"All of what you say my dear girl is true."

I sighed in defeat and shook my head. "I'm sorry to say that these books hold all of ya'lls life stories and each of your deepest secrets that you have only shared with each other."

Edward who had drawn closer to see the title of the books recoiled and looked at them in disgust. "How many people have read these books?"

I shook my head sadly. "I wish I could say a very few of us but unfortunately I can't. These books have been the number one best seller for three years. Nearly everyone around the world has read these three books. And unfortunately a movie is being made as we speak."

All of a sudden I was bombarded by everyone's thoughts. Everyone was in a panic trying to figure out what needed to be done. I shook my head and clutched it between my hands. If only eight people could reap this much havoc with my mind I didn't even want to imagine what a whole city would do. Edward's thoughts over powered everyone else's and he told me to relax, allow everything to fade in the background. I did as he told me to and pretty soon everyone's thoughts became a quite hum. I lowered my hands and bent down to pick up the books that I had dropped in my panic. When I straightened I found Edward in front of me with his hand outstretched.

"I think we need to see these books. We have to see if the situation is as bad as you say."

I nodded in agreement. "I absolutely agree." I stepped forward and then stepped around Edward and faced Bella. I held the books out to her. "I think that only Bella should read these considering that these books are in her point of view. Basically Bella, all of your thoughts are on these pages."

Bella turned white with horror and snatching up the top book opened it and read the book at vampire speed. Her eyes widened as she read some of her most inner thoughts. When she was done with the first book she grabbed the other one and once again scanned it at vampire speed. When she was done with that one she grabbed the last one and I winced. She had decided to pick New Moon last. This one was the most emotional and had many private thoughts in them. She didn't get very far into the book before she screamed in horror and let the book fall to the ground.

Edward rushed forward and put his hands on her shoulders, she was shaking.

"She's right, Janet's right. All of our lives are written on those pages for everyone else to see, and the worst part is all of my thoughts are on those pages. My own private thoughts! This can't be happening!"

I scooped up the fallen book and dusted off the dirt. Edward once again reached out his hands for the books. I shook my head no and Edward looked at me curiously. Hearing his question in my mind I sighed and answered out loud.

"I don't think you should be asking me to read these books Edward. Bella's thoughts have been published for the entire world to see. I don't think she would want her most important thoughts lain out for all of her family to see."

Bella looked at me with gratitude shining in her eyes. I smiled back and put the books back into my bag. When I turned back to her I reassured her. "I'll keep those safe until you're ready."

Bella straightened and walked over to me, and then she enveloped me in a huge hug. "Oh Janet, thank you, thank you very much. You have no clue what this means to me."

I giggled and patted her on the back. "Don't mention it, now will you please let go? You're hurting me!" Instantly Bella released me and I rubbed my shoulders. For a moment we all just stood there silent not really saying anything until Emmett clapped his hands together and said with a wide smile.

"Well now that introductions are finished, would you like to come with us on our hunt Janet? We haven't hunted in awhile and we were planning to go today but your little visit sort of threw off our plans."

I blinked surprise at the sudden change in the mood and then I burst out laughing. Emmett was just like I imagined, random and extremely silly. I shook my head and declined his offer.

"I'm terribly sorry for interrupting your plans. And to answer your question, no thank-you. I just ate a few hours ago. I don't know how you all got use to drinking blood. It took me three tries before I was even able to keep the blood down. I still don't have the hang of it. It still makes me extremely nauseous."

Everyone looked shocked at what I had said and I sighed. I had said something odd again. I waited for them regain use of their tongues again. This time however it was Dr. Cullen who spoke first.

"Let me get this straight. You vomited up the blood at first, and even now you feel sick whenever you drink?"

I nodded and Dr. Cullen raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "That's fascinating. Do you have any idea's why?"

Once again I nodded. "I have two theories about it. One…" I was interrupted when Esme stepped forward and looked at her Husband disapprovingly.

"Dear, can't you see that this girl is extremely tired? She's been traveling all this time, I think we should all go inside and let her sit down."

Dr. Cullen looked down at me and he must have seen something in my face that suggested that I was tired and he nodded. "You're right my dear. How rude of me Janet. Let's go inside where you can sit down."

I smiled brightly and picked up my bag. "That sounds heavenly Mr. Cullen."

Carlisle smiled and shook his head. "Call me Carlisle."

I smiled back, "I'll try to remember that Sir."