Five years later…

Troy walked into his house to find his two-year-old son, Kyle Bolton, watching a cartoon.

"Daddy!" Kyle screamed, happily when he saw Troy.

"Hey, Kyle," Troy smiled walking over to him and kneeling down. "What have you been doing all day?"

"Cartoons," Kyle replied pointing to the television.

"Alright," Troy said, getting up. "You watch your cartoons. I'm going to find mommy."

"Kyle wants mommy," Kyle said holding up his short arms.

"Okay, then," Troy said picking up Kyle. "Where is your mommy?"

Kyle did not answer.

"Gabs?" Troy called.

He walked into the kitchen to find Maria there.

"Gabriella's not here," she said.

"Where did she go?" Troy asked.

"I don't know," Maria said. "She took Michelle with her. And, since you're here, I'll get going. I came over to watch Kyle."

"Oh, thanks," Troy said, walking to the door after Maria with Kyle in his arms.

"No problem, Troy," Maria said and walked out of the house.

A few minutes later, Gabriella came home.

"Hey," Troy greeted her with a smile. "Where have you been?"

"Uh…we went to see my mom," Gabriella replied, not meeting Troy's eye.

"Your mom?" Troy asked. "But, she was just here."

"Did I say my mom?" Gabriella asked as she hung her coat and Michelle's coat in the cupboard. "I meant Ava. We went to see Ava and Nick."

"Okay," Troy said, slowly. He knew that Gabriella was lying.

"Mommy!" Kyle exclaimed before Troy could say anything.

Gabriella lifted Kyle out of Troy's arms and hurried upstairs with him.

"Hi, daddy," Michelle said hugging Troy's legs.

"Hey, princess," Troy smiled, kneeling down to his daughter's height. "Can you tell me where you really went, today?"

"We went to the hospital," Michelle answered. "Mommy had to go to an ult-ultra –"

"Ultrasound?" Troy asked, frowning.

"Yeah, that," Michelle said. Suddenly, her smile faded. "I wasn't supposed to tell you that. Will I get in trouble?"

"No, of course not, princess," Troy said, giving his daughter a hug. "Why don't you go and play?"

"Okay, daddy," Michelle shrugged and ran upstairs to her room.

Later that evening…

Troy and Gabriella were supposed to be attending an award show that evening. They were going to be performing a song. Nobody knew that Troy was going to be singing with Gabriella. Troy had been reluctant to sing, but, Gabriella had persuaded him to do a duet with her.

"Gabs!" Troy called from the bottom of the staircase. "We're going to lose our dinner reservations."

Troy had planned on taking Gabriella to dinner that evening before going to the show.

"I'm coming," Gabriella called back.

Taylor laughed as Troy sighed.

"Relax," she said. "She'll be here any second. And, she looks beautiful."

"She always looks beautiful, Tay," Troy smiled. "And, thanks a lot for watching Michelle and Kyle."

"You're welcome," Taylor said, glancing towards the stairs. "Ah…your wife has arrived."

Troy turned around and his mouth fell open. Gabriella was wearing a red strapless dress which reached up to her ankles.

"You look beautiful," he smiled at her.

"You don't look too bad yourself," Gabriella smiled.

"Have fun, you two," Taylor smiled.

"Thanks, Tay," Gabriella smiled as she took Troy's hand.

At dinner…

"So, I've been thinking," Troy said. "I don't want to have any more kids."

"What?" Gabriella gasped.

"Well, two's enough, don't you think?" he said, watching her closely.

"I'll be right back," Gabriella said, getting up.

Troy saw that her eyes had filled with tears.

"Gabi, wait," he said getting up quickly and catching her hand, before she walked away. "I didn't mean to make you cry. I just wanted to get the truth out of you."

"Huh?" Gabriella looked confused.

"You know, you're the world's lousiest liar," Troy smiled, stroking her cheek. "A little birdie told me that you went to an ultrasound. And, she was quite scared of getting into trouble, too. Why didn't you tell me?"

"I wanted to tell you in private," she replied. "We haven't had much time to ourselves lately. I found out two days ago. I'm almost two weeks gone. I was going to tell you tonight."

"I love you, Gabi," Troy said, kissing her gently.

"I love you, too, Troy," she smiled, kissing back.

"And, now, ladies and gentleman! Give it up for Gabriella Montez!"

Gabriella went by Montez when it came to her career, but, other than that, she was a Bolton.

She walked onto the stage, smiling. When the music began, she started singing.

"We were strangers,

Starting out on a journey,

Never dreaming,

What we'd have to go through,

Now here we are,

And I'm suddenly standing,

At the beginning with you."

She smiled at the audience. "Ladies and gentlemen…Troy Bolton!"

Troy walked onto the stage, singing.

"No one told me,

I was going to find you


What you did to my heart."

Gabriella joined in and they both sang in perfect harmony with their hands linked.

"When I had lost hope,

You were there to remind me,

This is the start.

And life is the road,

And I wanna keep going,

Love is a river,

And I wanna keep flowing,

Life is a road,

Now and forever,

Wonderful journey.

I'll be there when the world stops turning,

I'll be there when the story's through,

In the end I wanna be standing,

At the beginning with you."

Gabriella smiled at Troy. She let go of his hand and walked to the side of the stage. Troy walked to the other side.

Gabriella sang again.

"We were strangers,

On a crazy adventure."

Then, Troy sang.

"Never dreaming,

How our dreams would come true."

They walked towards each other singing.

"Now here we stand,

Unafraid of the future,

At the beginning with you."

Their hands linked as they sang the chorus once more.

"And life is the road,

And I wanna keep going,

Love is a river,

And I wanna keep flowing,

Life is a road,

Now and forever,

Wonderful journey.

I'll be there when the world stops turning,

I'll be there when the story's through,

In the end I wanna be standing,

At the beginning with you."

The continued the song till it ended and the everyone got to their feet applausing.

Troy and Gabriella smiled and with linked hands, they walked off the stage.

"You were great," Gabriella said, hugging Troy.

"I couldn't have done it without you, Gabs," Troy smiled.

"I love you Mr. Bolton," she smiled.

"I love you, too, Mrs. Bolton," he said, softly and kissed her. "Now and forever!"

:::THE END:::…

A/N Hey, guys. I want to thank you for all the reviews you gave me. And, I'm kind of sad because this story is over. It's one of the longest I have written. Anyway, check out my new story, which is called 'Unexpected'. And, I'm not going to write a sequel to this story. Anyways, review and let me know what you guys think of this story, now that it's over. Bye. =)