Life of Gabriella Montez

Gabriella Montez was a seventeen year old brunette. She lived with her mother, sixteen year old sister, Isabel and her six year old brother, James. Her father had passed away. He had been caught in an accident. A drunk driver had run through a red light. Her mother was very abusive towards her and Isabel and they often got beat up by her. Their mother was only good to James. Isabel and Gabriella did not know why. Gabriella had decided that as soon as she was eighteen, she would walk out of the house, get into the car that her rich aunt had sent her, and drive far away from her mother. Why should she stay with her mother? All the boys in her school, West High School, thought that she was a nerd. They often called her by the names 'nerd', 'freak', 'geek', 'dork' and a lot of other names. All the girls also avoided being with her, because the guys did not like her. Yep, Gabriella Montez's life was horrible.

Life of Troy Bolton

Troy Bolton was an eighteen year old student studying in East High School. He was the basketball team. All the girls wanted to be with him while all the guys wanted to be just like him. Everything was great for him, except for one tiny detail" he did not have a girlfriend. Sure, he could win the heart of any girl he wanted – and he knew it – but he had not yet found the right girl for him. He knew for a fact that the girls in his school only liked him because of his status in the school. He was the most popular and also the hottest guy in school. His blue eyes and blond hair made him indescribably hot. Well, except for that little detail about the girls, his life was brilliant.