That took a long while for a short chapter, but you know life and all that. Not to mention I have been finally putting my YouTube account (CubedQ) to use by creating one or two videos. Plus, haikus are hard to string together like a conversation. Though to be fair these are not really haikus because they don't have ironic endings, but like I said before I was trying to make it flow like a normal conversation, and that is hard enough.

Disclaimer: I do not own Avatar: The Last Air-bender, or any associated thingy-ma-bobbers.

Oh, and the first speaker is Sokka, then it alternates between him and Toph. You all probably would have figured that out quite quickly any way, but I just thought that I would tell you just in case


Tavern Tales

Haiku - None

Here at the tavern

A battle of wits we fight

A contest to win

Sokka you're a fool

I shell win this game of wits

tonight you will pay

You are confident

You need a mind not mussels

This is my domain

Counting syllables

This does not take that much thought

Hardly a challenge

Is that what you think

Syllables are not your thing

You'll find this hard

Little warrior

This is but an easy thing

You don't stand a chance

Little you call me

One who is barely five foot

Toph you are tiny

I'm small of body

with a large reputation

known through out the land

All that fame you have

It is going to your head

Pride before the fall

This is not my pride

It is but a solid fact

The blind bandits fame

That is not special

My fame spreads as far as yours

known for wit and mind

Meat and sarcasm

That is all you amount to

no style at all

Two good qualities

They have gotten me through much

Better then bending

How are they better

They have no advantages

Purely useless stuff

Toph, oh little Toph

You must think out side the box

King Bomi knows this

That crazy old bat

I do respect him greatly

But foolish he is

Call your boss foolish

Our friend with the crooked crown

Not wise I do think

When I see a fool

Then I will call him a fool

For example you

Your words use to sting

That tung of yours was once sharp

Now it can't cut grass

My wit is not dull

It is as sharp as ever

Take back what you said

I can't take it back

These facts can not be changed

The truth is the truth

Your facts are flimsy

Even I can see that much

Viewing through my feet

Concerning our feet

I need to get some new shoes

My soles have worn thin

If you go that way

Some of my shirts need mending

Could you see to them

What else will we need

If I'm going to market

Might as well stock up

Eggs, bread, salt, and cheese

We should have enough pepper

And we need more meat

We always need meat

That seems to cover the food

How is your armer

My armer is fine

No damage that I can't fix

what of your weapons

All in good repair

Though I do have some ideas

I could improve some

Mechanical schemes

What have you come up with now

Will it cause trouble

An improved crossbow

It will use clock work and springs

Giving it more range

Even if that's true

It would be harder to fix

And would easily break

That's five seven six

An error in syllables

You pay for the drinks

Curse you Sokka.


I do hope you enjoyed. Did any one notice that I gave both Sokka and Toph 17 lines in this, you know because there is 17 syllables in a haiku. Tell me if I messed up on my counting anywhere in the story.

Luckily, I am mildly inspired for the next chapter, so it hopefully wont take as long if I can manage to get a good run at it. Then again I never seem to do so.