Note: Thank you all for the reviews. I know I have been a lot slower at posting. But it is break and I have been focused on my Gone With the Wind sequel and really typing away at it. I might pause my work on my other stories and start posting my sequel. I appreciate each and everyone of you and I hope you enjoy this chapter.

Summary: After leaving Atlanta, Rhett finds out ten years later he has a daughter.

Part 6

"You two seem to have become friends quick enough," Scarlett commented as Rhett and Katie made their way from the barn after their long ride through the county. They had rode from the river to Twelve Oaks, and she had watched them from the porch with a sense of happiness.

Katie jauntily walked up the porch steps and threw her arms around Scarlett's waist. "Rhett rides even better then you mama. He said one day he would take me to the horse races. Can I please go?"

Scarlett looked at Rhett who was standing at the bottom of the porch with a smile on his face. He looked satisfied and had a glint of humor in his eyes. "She rides better then half the boys I've seen." The pride was evident in his voice.

"Can I go?" Katie repeated, her demand grabbing Scarlett's attention.

"We'll talk about it later when you're much older."

"But- oh very well. I have to find Ella. Bye Rhett," she called over her shoulder, her curls bouncing as she skipped inside the house, slamming the door behind her. Rhett easily made his way up the steps and took a seat on a wicker chair. She followed suit as he lit a cigar and sighed.

"She's a wonderful girl, Scarlett. Stubborn but she has your spirit."

Her brows rose. "Is that a compliment, Rhett Butler?"

"Yes, your spirit is what I've always admired most about you." He flashed his charming smile and Scarlett felt her heart give an odd little jerk. She didn't know why he affected her this way. But she knew she was lying to herself for she did know.

"You made Katie smile more then I've seen in a long time," she changed the subject. "Sometimes I worry about her for she's so independent and always running off. I couldn't help but think about pa when I saw you two together..." She lowered her eyes, hoping her pain didn't clearly show. These days she missed Gerald O'Hara the most.

"Show me his grave," Rhett begged.

"Oh Rhett," she breathed, looking away. "I couldn't. It still hurts so much and I hate looking back. The children go there but I hardly go at all."

"I want to pay my respects. He was a great man and of course good with cards."

That won a smile from her. "Yes, he was. He taught me a trick or two to Mammy's outrage. Very well but let's not be there too long." She rose to her feet and Rhett offered her his arm. "Why thank you me gallant laddie."

"Lead the way milady."

They walked down the porch steps and Scarlett breathed in the fresh air. "I love Tara. I would have never let those Yankees take Tara away."

"This land has done you good," Rhett said, his eyes scanning her face. "It must have been hard for you with Katie and Wade during the war." There was a note of remorse in his voice.

She waved a hand. "It was but we survived. There's no use looking back..."

They continued to walk in silence at a leisurly pace. When in view came five graves, perfectly lined and bearing the names of the three Gerald O'Hara babies with Ellen O'Hara and Gerald. Rhett watched Scarlett as she looked at the graves and lightly touched her father's gravestone.

"I was his favorite," she finally said. There was no triumph in her voice but a simple fact. Rhett was amazed with the change in Scarlett.

"Of that I have no doubt."

"Oh and why is that?" she playfully asked.

He smirked. "I saw how you stole those poor country boy's hearts at the barbecue. They didn't stand a chance."

"But there is one heart I didn't steal," she said.

"You mean Ashley's?" he asked with raised brows.

"No," she flirtaiously said and began to walk away. "Yours."

Rhett watched her, a surprised look in his dark eyes. In long strides he was beside her and matching her pace. Her eyes were averted, but she had a slight, playful smile. This new change in her was hard to believe at the mention of Ashley's name she used to rage at him.

"And with my heart, Mrs. Kennedy, you would tear it to shreds," he said, deciding to play a long. Yet he felt the change in the air at this interesting turn of conversation. She cast him a side long glance.

"If you had my heart, Rhett, you would break it." Her tone seemed a little to serious to him and his eyes met hers. For a moment he stood transfixed and opened his mouth to reply but a cry from the distance captured their attention.

Ella had run out of the house with her doll in hand and she was sobbing. "Mama!" Her ginger curls clung to her tear streaked cheeks as she ran to Scarlett and launched herself in her mother's arms. "Susie r-ripped my doll."

Scarlett held Ella and patted her on the back. "it's not the end of the world, Ella. I'll fix your doll. See it's only a minor tear."

"Really?" Ella asked hopefully.

"I do believe your mother is right, Ella," Rhett chipped in. "And just for your bravery, I'll bring you a playmate for your doll. She'll be far more beautiful then your cousin's doll." Ella beamed and Scarlett shot him a grateful glance.

"Oh thank you! Mama you will fix Lorena won't you?" She cast a sad glance at her doll in her mother's hands.

"I cross my heart. Now," Scarlett began but was interrupted with shouts and Wade and Beau came racing out of the door with fake swords made of sticks. They were fighting and Melanie came out, laughing and cheering them on. She was laughing with a hand over her heart.

"It's the war all over again!" Melanie called out.

Scarlett and Rhett laughed as Ella ran over to Melanie, her doll forgotten. Rhett turned his attention back to Scarlett and offered his arm. "Shall we watch how the south was won?"

"Oh Rhett how you do run on," she sighed with a slight smile, placing her hand in his. "I wonder where Katie ran off to? She is so very independent."

"It worries you doesn't it?"

"Sometimes," she admitted. "I used to have dreams after she was born. I was running through a mist and looking for something. And I was holding Katie. But the mist would take her from my arms. I know it's silly..." They reached the porch stairs and Mammy suddenly emerged with a scowl on her face.

"Whut ya doin' with out yer shawl and wid dat man? I tole ya dat he's-"

Scarlett scowled, and Rhett saw her face contort, the peace in her face disappearing and the look return he had known so well. She removed her hand from his and placed them on her hips, her eyes flashing.

"You hush Mammy! He is my guest and won't be treated as such. Now you do into the house and find Katie. Tell her I want to see her right away."

"Why is dat?" Mammy suspiciously asked, a dark scowl on her face as she eyed Rhett.

"Great balls of fire! Must I explain everything to you?" She gentled her voice. "Please Mammy, do as I say."

The old woman grumbled but did Scarlett's bidding. And Rhett was again surprised at the change in Scarlett. She had been furious but had remained her calm unlike the old days when she would be so mad that all would flee from her tempers.

"Mammy means well," she explained as they sat down and she shot him a smile. "Now tell me a secret or something amusing like you used to do."

His brows raised. "A secret? Aren't you too old for secrets?" Her eyes danced and she reminded him very much of the girl she had once been. Yet, she was completely woman. And what a woman she was.

"Well my pet, if you must know I was love sick. Indeed all I could do is stumble a long in Charleston with a long face at the pain of unrequited love. It was like the Greek tragedies."

She laughed. "You know I don't read, Rhett, that's not if I can help it. And pirate and war books hardly count. Were you really love sick? Who was the girl? Do I know her?"

He rose up his hand in mock defeat. "What leading questions. My lips are sealed."

"Fine then. I'll find out on my own then."

He laughed and the door opened, Katie came out onto the porch, her step jaunty. "Mama you wanted to see me?"

"Yes, I'm going into town later and I wanted to know," she dropped her voice to a consprious whisper. "If you wanted a present."

"Oh!" She shifted on her feet with excitement. "Can you please get me a hat like yours?"

"A hat like mine?" Scarlett murmured. "But darling I have so many hats."

"It's your emerald green one with the darling black feathers and it tilts to one side. All the girls have it and they would be so jealous if I had one that was new."

Scarlett's eyes danced and Rhett watched the exchange with interest. "I have a better idea," he suddenly said, intruding on the conversation. "Your mother and I will surprise you."

"But I don't like surprises Mr.- Rhett," Katie sighed. "But I guess I can be surprised."

Scarlett laughed, rising to her feet and embracing Katie. She peered at her daughter's skeptical face. "All the girls will be pea green with envy when they see how grown up you've become and what wonderful presents you have. And of course I must get something for Ella and Wade-" Her mind was all ready making a list of the things she would buy. "And I'll have to check on the mills..."

Katie rolled her eyes. "Mother dies if she doesn't go to check on them at least once a week," she explained to Rhett.

His mouth twitched as his eyes went to Scarlett who was deep in thought. "I bet."

"I'm going for a ride," Katie announced. But Scarlett was so preoccupied that Katie merely ran off without a further word. She went down the porch steps and met Ella, Beau and Wade down by the fence. They gave jaunty waves to Rhett and Scarlett before they were off in a frenzy, running towards the barn.

"You still have the mills?" he asked.

She stared at him with surprise. "Of course! I would never give them up. I worked hard for them, Rhett." She sat down. "I was once attacked in Shantytown because of them."

His eyes became alert. "Who attacked you?"

She shrugged. "Some shady men in the slums down there. If it weren't for Big Sam, I might be dead. As it was, there was an awful incident with the Yankee officers and everyone that chased out the men. Frank died, a few other men and Ashley was wounded."

"Then what happened?" he gently urged.

Her eyes met his. "Belle Watling saved their hides. if it weren't for her theen who defended me could be dead now. Oh, how it galled me to be dependent on her when I knew- well when I knew she was your mistress."

He laughed.

"Why are you laughing?" she challenged. "It was true wasn't it?"

His eyes danced. "I'll leave it to your imagination, my dear."

"You really are a cad, Rhett Butler," she accused.

"Yes ma'am. But not so much of a cad that I won't accompany you to Atlanta."

She looked startled but shook her head. "I'm a big girl, Rhett, and can take care of myself."

"I know that but I still must go to Atlanta sooner or later."

She looked troubled and Rhett watched with interest as dozens of emotions filtered across her face. She looked inhibited and breathtaking even in her distress.

"I would pray it would be later," she shortly said. "Rhett, if you come to Atlanta with me there will be talk and those fat old cats will have something more to use against me. Oh, it would just make their day! As it is I won't ruin Katie with anymore gossip." Her eyes flashed and her jaw was set, a look he knew all too well.

He sighed. "Don't you think I realize this, Scarlett? But I must face them sooner or later if I'm going to be a part of Katie's life. I can't be hiding out here in the country. We must face them together, my pet."

Her eyes suddenly became hard, startlingly fast. "Together? Now you want to face them together, Rhett. Well, I'll be damned if I'll give them more power to destroy what little standing I have left. My reputation was ruined, Rhett! Ruined so much that not a decent family will accept Katie, Wade or Ella." She rose to her feet. "No, I take that back, they'll accept Wade because his father was a "war hero" and Ella because of Frank but not Katie because she's-" The word was left unspoken but they both knew what she meant.

He sat their speechless for a moment. Scarlett was no longer a young girl that was selfish and threw tantrums to get her own way. He realized she had a point, and she had grown into a woman, one that felt and had character, who could grasp the reality of the world, not just the latest fashion and her childish belief that the world revolved around her. He lowered his eyes.

"I'm sorry, Scarlett. I know it doesn't wipe the past mistakes but allow me to try to be a father to Katie. I want to do anything I can to get her invited into social circles and by God I'll do them. Even if I have to crawl on my belly to the fat old cats." He swiflty rose to his feet and enfoldened her in his arms. She held onto him thightly to his surprise and didn't push him away. All she could thnik was it was wonderful to be in his arms again.

"I want to help you, darling," he continued in a low voice, "because God knows I haven't been any help. It has been hard for you hasn't it?"

"Yes," she sighed. "But I survived and so did Tara. Well, I know I can't talk you out of coming. I swear all of Atlanta will be talking when they see you and me together."

"Maybe they'll throw a party," he joked to lighten the mood.

"Fiddle-dee-dee, a party indeed. They'll hang us before that."

Rhett threw back his head and laughed.