Rain…a symbol of gloominess and sorrow. To others, it's only an ordinary seasonal downpour. To the intellectual ones, it's the element that will fight El Niño. It is in this weather that boy and girl come face to face to tell each other what they have been hiding the entire time. It is also in this weather that life will be put to the test to its extremities. But why does it feel different when it is…

"Kagami in the Rain"

The following set of events take place during her second year in the cold rainy season

Chapter 1: Downpour

"Today this afternoon, the city will experience partly cloudy to cloudy skies with rain showers and thunderstorms brought about by the Inter-Tropical Convergence Zone. Although the possibility of flash floods within the city proper are very dull, the public is asked to stay away from low-lying areas which may flood soon because of the torrential rains. Temperatures will range from 23-29 degrees Celsius and the rain shower may continue until next week."

It was the heaviest downfall of the season. A shower of raindrops created puddles in the streets and in the mud. There was no wind though—just drops of rain. Gray clouds stay airborne as they bring forth waves of raindrops to the city. From bird's eye view is the view of open umbrellas of different designs moving about around the city. Several umbrellas were transparent ones, making heads of its users visible. Others were in raincoats; protected against speedy cars that drove through small puddles of water and splashing anyone or anything nearby. Today has been a long day and everyone wants to go home and rest up for the rest of the days of their lives.

However, these rainy nights proved restless and uneasy for one high school girl. She hasn't touched her homework for tomorrow and she couldn't eat a bite of her younger twin's butter cookies. Instead, she grabbed her towel and went to the bathroom. It was 7:30 in the evening. Something was needed to be done otherwise its fun time with her history teacher.

"Too sudden…" she said to herself. "It's too sudden…I don't know how to reply."

As the hot water filled up the bath tub, the girl looked at herself in the mirror just above the sink. What she sees is her physical representation—the same eyes, hair, face, facial expression and more. It wasn't what she was looking for.

"I have to do something. I can't let him wait for too long."

Time passed by like clockwork. It is what moving this motionless reality in this purpose-driven life. In a hot bath, there was no time—just pure enjoyment and relaxation of the body. She wanted to forget that sudden situation but her heart wouldn't allow such an action. She stepped into the tub naked and lounged in the tubful of hot water.

"I know I'm not lucky at this…this is just too much. I didn't ask for this. At least, not yet…"

Hiiragi Kagami wished to be admired by who she is. Finally, that wish became reality... in the form of an old childhood friend.

The rain subsided the next day but the gray clouds still pose a possibility of a fresh wave. The school was already full of students waiting for their first subjects respectively. Conversations were enjoyed by many—a lively scene. Almost everybody had a chat buddy just centimeters from their faces. While her two classmate friends are still on their merry way, Kagami looked out the window. The same gray clouds that brought forth yesterday's rain were still looming over the horizon. The glass panes were full of drops of rain. A school day morning had just turned into a cloudy weather with possibilities of a complete downpour of a fresh wave of condensed water vapor. Even after a good bath and a good night's sleep, the feeling still stayed. Unless she pulled herself together, she won't be on the right track at least for today's classes.

The silence was broken when her younger twin, Tsukasa came to her.

"Onee-san, can I borrow your history textbook? I left mine at home."

"Again…? That's the third time this month."

"I'm really sorry. I studied hard for today's quiz and I kind of left it this morning."

Regardless of her excuse (or any excuses for that matter), Kagami handed out her history textbook right from the bag. Her twin may not be as good as herself but twins help each other out—like in baton passing.

"Make sure you return it to me afterwards." Kagami said.

"Thank you onee-san, you can count on me."

That was only a part of the story—a random happening in this purpose-driven life. It did little effect for Kagami to forget the random occurrences yesterday. Even if she forgets it, it will become part of her well-being—a part of her memory. It is by nature that all people desire to know. To not know is mortifying, even for someone who reads the morning paper every morning seven times a week.

Another breaking of silence occurred…in an unfashionable method from behind her.


It was so well-planned, Kagami let out a horrendous shriek across the classroom. Luckily, the classroom conversations were louder than she could scream. Nobody even heard her scream; the room was muffled with talk shows of their own.


"Surprised, Kagamin?"

"Is that how you greet someone early in the morning?"

"Ho, ho, ho…looks like somebody woke up from the wrong side of the bed this morning."

"Shut up, I did NOT!"

"Anyway, can I borrow your history textbook? I left mine at home."

"Too late…I already lent it to Tsukasa."

"You prefer her over me?"

"What kind of a question is that?"

"Never mind, I'll get mine from my locker."

"Whoa! Wait up! Your locker…? So you do have one all along!"

"I just don't like going up and down too many times."

"Tell it to someone who's as lazy as you."

The school bell (not exactly a bell) rang, marking the start of classes.

"…ack! It's too early to ring, ring time!" Konata said, surprised.

"You're being delusional. Better hurry or Kuroi-sensei will…you know…"

"You seem to be underestimating me, Kagamin. I can get to class before Kuroi-sensei even makes the first step."

"Yup, you're not being delusional. You're already seeing things."

That very long tête-à-tête should have uplifted Kagami's spirit significantly. The problem isn't the idea of the problem but the effect of thinking about it. For her, Konata's mischievousness is just what the doctor ordered. She's lucky to have friends who assist one another (in a way that is beyond her expectations). Unfortunately, the effect was only temporary. It returned to disrupt her image once again during her first class. Despite her great attempt to stay focused on more important matters, the battle for control raged on until the end of the period.

In between the previous and the next periods, Tsukasa returned to her sister's classroom bringing back the history textbook that she borrowed a while ago. But she wasn't wearing the happy face unlike a while ago. It was more of her "I can't stand it" look in the face.

"How did the test go?" Kagami asked.

"I studied the wrong topic!" Tsukasa replied, embarrassed, as she returned the textbook. "I have no idea how the test will turn out."

"What did you study then?"

"I was reading some pages about absolutism and aristocracy until Yuki-chan told me the test was all about the next topic."

"You should've asked then before reviewing."

"But I really want to do things with my own abilities so I can be like you, onee-san."

"Don't worry; there'll come more chances for you."

"Kuroi-sensei's going to kill me."

"Don't say that!"

Aside from a total screw-up, how did Konata do? One thing's for sure…she wasn't happy upon entering Kagami's classroom.

"That test was merciless." Konata complained.

"Not so cocky now, are we?" a grinning Kagami replied.

"Kuroi-sensei must've gotten wasted last night."

"Nonsense, you're just too lazy to even open a book—"

"—but not too lazy to break the high score!"

"(Seriously, get a life.)"

"Before I forget, want to have lunch in the rooftop later?"

"Sorry but I promised Kusakabe that I would have lunch with her."

"Aw…but it's no fun without you, Kagamin."

"(You comprise all the fun so stop pretending.) I have to keep a promise or it'll ruin my image."

"Ho, ho, ho…the only image you have is an image of an orc."

"Shut up and go!"

The gap between subjects was over when Kuroi-sensei entered into Kagami's class this time. From the calm looks of her, she seemed to be in a very good mood.

"Good morning, y'all, I hope you had a good study time and a good night's rest. Why you ask? It's because this pop quiz will leave none standing ho, ho, ho…"

"(Kuroi-sensei, you don't make any sense.)" Kagami whispered.

Yesterday, she was all gloomy. Today, all of it changed after series of random musings. The question is: will it last long enough to forget?

It had been a long day. Kagami's tremendous focus let her survived one school day for now. Somehow she made it through Kuroi-sensei's "quiz of doom". It wasn't unusual for her, considering that she's the crème of the crop. Her friends were just waiting outside because of the sudden downpour of rain. It was the same as yesterday. None of them have umbrellas and Kagami is the only one right inside her shoe locker. It's obvious that the irony is the four of them fitting under her parasol.

Forget the irony! Someone left a note in Kagami's shoe locker. It had the kanji characters for her family name written on the face of the letter. Plus it had the scent that smelled like expensive perfume. To leave a note like that…that person must be really desperate for admiration. It was impolite to leave a note unread so…

"We've known each other since childhood. We've went through every obstacle our lives could throw at us. We've helped each other in our weaknesses and became better persons. I've withheld my feelings for a long time. Now that we are in our senior year, it's time to let out my emotions. I have always admired you for who you are. I know that you are lonely because no one would share your interests. I know that you're shocked at whatever I said yesterday. It's the calling of my heart, not my will. The words that you see right now on this letter won't suffice my feelings for you. So I'm asking you to meet me at Tokyo Tower on a Sunday morning. I'll be just outside if you can't find me. I've waited for too long for this. Sunday morning will be the time I will confess to you."

"Kagami-san, what seems to be the problem?" The ever-kind Miyuki asked.

"Oh nothing much…"

"Shall we get going?"


Again, the sensation struck her and what's even worse is it struck at a bad time. For how long must she be haunted by this sensation? She wanted to forget but she can't keep a person waiting. She wanted to say "I'm sorry" right in his face but she's impotent—able but not willing to do so. As the rain poured down on the ground like a shower in the bathroom, she looked at her wavy reflection in every puddle of water she came across. There was no clear reflection of her—only a wavy representation of such figure. The rain continued its torrential downpour. There was no wind.

Rain…a symbol of gloominess and sorrow. To others, it's only an ordinary seasonal downpour. To the intellectual ones, it's the element that will fight El Niño. It is in this weather that boy and girl come face to face to tell each other what they have been hiding the entire time. It is also in this weather that life will be put to the test to its extremities. But why does it feel different when it is…Kagami in the rain…