Okay, this just came to me, I hope you like it...

Disclaimer: I am in no way owning Harry Potter, I haven't found a good piece of logic to work on to make it mine...

Eleven year old Harry James Potter was standing in his black Hogwarts robes, he was on Platform 9 3/4 and he was getting ready to go to Hogwarts for the first time in his life. He was excited; he could hardly contain his excitement. His godfather was standing next to him, Harry was waiting for the lecture on pranks. His godfather Sirius had been working the art of pranking into Harry since before he could remember. Harry found it quite amusing.

"Now Harry, remember, prank old Snivelly whenever you get a chance to." Sirius was reminding him.

"And don't forget to use the invisibility cloak when sneaking out, always have the Marauders' Map, don't get caught and never conspire with Slytherins." Harry finished for his godfather.

"I am so proud, you have finally learned." Sirius said wiping a mock tear off of his eye.

Harry looked at him, "Sure, why not." Harry said. "So the whole thing on no conspiring with Slytherins, does that apply to Draco?" Harry hopefully asked. Harry and Draco had been friends since before either could remember.

"Draco is an exception, but he probably won't be Slytherin, there was no Lucius Malfoy to pound it into him, and Narcissa was never really fond of the ways of purity, she always followed suit though. Anyways, you should be getting on the train, find new friends, find you old friends, and make a new generation of Marauders." Sirius said.

"Fine, but I decided who is inside of the new generation of Marauders, and you have no say." Harry said.

"Fine, but if you put in someone like Vincent Crabbe or Gregory Goyle, I will have to strangle you." Sirius said.

Harry shrugged, "Fair enough." Harry said.

Harry grabbed his luggage, boarded it onto the train, assured his godfather that he would be all right, and boarded the Hogwarts Express.

Harry wandered the compartments until finding the one he wanted. He walked inside, "Hey Draco." He said to blond haired boy sitting in the compartment.

Draco looked up at Harry, "Hey Harry, nice to see you here. Seen Neville lately?" He asked. Draco was referring to Neville Longbottom. Neville was a friend of theirs; Neville had been surprisingly good enough at hiding his mischievous side from his family. Neville, Draco, and Harry were planning to have a wild first year.

"Nope. He's probably late, probably forgot something, he always does." Harry said.

"I resent that." Harry and Draco turned to the compartment door which was now occupied by a dark haired boy, this was Neville.

"Hey Neville." Harry said. "Sorry about that, but you know it is true." Harry said.

Neville looked at him, "Yeah I know, but still."

"Fine, we promise not to mock the way that you forget things." Draco said.

"Deal?" Harry asked.

"Deal." Neville said.

The three boys spent the entire train ride discussing how they would live their first year at Howgarts, all the pranks they would pull, and all of the fun they would have. The three boys never even noticed the train come to a stop, luckily for them, they were all in their robes anyway.

The three boys hopped off of the Express and over to a place where a large giant was, the giant called himself Hagrid and asked the kids to get four into a boat. Harry, Neville, Draco, and girl with red hair got in one boat.

"I'm Neville. Who are you?" Neville asked the girl.

"I'm Susan Bones." She replied.

"Okay." Neville replied, Draco and Harry were too busy looking at Hogwarts.

As the students pulled onto the shore, kids were anxious and nervous, Harry and Draco were both talking about what house they'd be in.

"We should be in Ravenclaw." Harry debated.

"How about Gyrffindor?" Draco suggested.

"Hufflepuff?" Harry added.

"Slytherin?" Draco put in.

"My godfather might have a heart attack if I went there." Harry said.

"Oh." Draco said.

"If we go to different houses, each of us, we will have access to more houses, a better advantage." Neville pointed out.

Draco and Harry stopped and stared at Neville. "Neville, you're a genius. Maybe you'll be Ravenclaw." Harry said.

"I think Hufflepuff sounds cool, they're pretty loyal. Maybe you should go to Ravenclaw Harry, and Draco, you to Slytherin." Neville said.

"Perfect. But shouldn't we have a Gryffindor. They're pretty powerful." Draco said.

"I hear the Weasleys have some pranksters. I don't recommend going for the twins, but they have a girl coming next year, she'll probably be Gryffindor. We could wait a year without a Gryffindor, and then pull her in. I hear that she loves pranking." Harry said.

"Harry, I can see why you should be in Ravenclaw, that's brilliant man." Draco said.

"So we got a plan?" Neville asked.

"We got a plan." Harry said.

The boys waited to be brought into the Great Hall, they were sorted with an old hat, and just as they had planned, Harry was sorted into Ravenclaw, Neville into Hufflepuff, and Draco into Slytherin. The three friends had a plan. They had to wait a year to put in action. They wisely decided not to have teachers hold a grudge against them until they had their Gryffindor girl. So they waited, one year without pranking...one year, for her...

Okay, so that's all I have written, I kind of want to know what you all thought about it...I'm not sure about this, and I may end up kicking myself for starting another chapter story, but oh well...hehe, oh and yes, the next chapter will be the Hogwarts Express the next year, sorry, but I didn't want to write a story without Ginny, so yeah. So yeah, basically, to sum up their first year...they didn't have the Sorcerer's Stone fiasco, they were model students (only to gain trust) and well yeah, an uneventful year, but Year II is all the fun...well I hope you review...
