My favorite all time couple pairing, KibaXHinata, it's just a quick chapter I thought of, tell me what you think. I'll add stuff to it if a lot of people say I should. I take flames, just make them not hurtful.

Here we go first chapter. Hope you guys like.

b I know Akamaru follows Kiba everywhere, but let's just let that slide. /b

"Hinata, are you alright?" Kiba ran quickly to help her walk out the hospital.

"Thanks Kiba, I'm fine."

"Sorry, for Akamaru's behavior, he was sick and didn't know who his comrades are."

"It's fine, Kiba thank you for helping me, out of the hospital."

"Hinata, since Akamaru destroyed your apartment with his bad behavior, you can stay at mines."

Hinata blushed, "Thank you Kiba," usually she would blush when Naruto was around her, but she felt awkward around Kiba.

Kiba led Hinata to his apartment. It was just a plain old apartment with a couch and middle size television and one bedroom with a big kitchen.

"Wow, Kiba, your house is really nice compared to mines."

"Hinata, don't talk you can't walk."

Kiba set Hinata in his room and went to take a shower. Hinata didn't know what to say. She feels awkward in front of him, and usually that didn't happen, because they were in the same squad.

"Ah, Hinata, you can take the bed tonight, I'll take the couch."

"K-Kiba, maybe, w-we should both take the bed," Hinata's face lit up like a candle.

Kiba had a "oh my gosh" expression on his face, "Are you sure Hinata?"

"Y-yes Kiba, y-you can keep me warm."

Kiba walked over and sat next to Hinata, "Do you want to go walk around Hinata, I'll carry you."

"No, it's okay Kiba."

"No, it's my fault, get on my back."

Hinata obediently got on Kiba's back. Kiba decided to go to Naruto's house, I mean it's only 5 apartment buildings away.

"Naruto open up!" Kiba banged on the door.

Naruto slowly opened up the door, "Ah, Kiba and…Hinata?" Naruto scratched his head.

"You guys are together?"

Hinata blushed and covered her face.

"Shut up, Naruto, I'm taking care of her for the moment."

"For the moment…"

"Naruto, shut up or I will have Akamaru bite you too."

Kiba settled Hinata down on Naruto's couch as he went to get some ramen to eat.

"Ah!" Naruto screamed, "Kiba you're eating my special Shama Ramen, they have delicious flavors!"

"I'm getting some food for Hinata, I have no food at my house right now," Kiba heated up the Ramen noodles and gave it to Hinata.

At night time…

"We better get going Hinata, Akamaru will be waiting for me at home," Kiba grabbed Hinata and carried her on his back.

Kiba and Hinata arrived at the apartment, Akamaru was already asleep in his own bed. Kiba set Hinata down on his bed and changed into his pajamas. They both lay on the opposite sides.

Suddenly there was lightning, and Hinata quickly grabbed around Kiba.

"Hinata, you're scared of lightning?"

"Y-yes K-Kiba, I'm so sorry for holding on to you like this," Hinata blushed.

Kiba put his arm around Hinata, "Don't worry, I'm here, and so is Akamaru."

"Kiba…" Hinata look at the other direction, "D-do…you like me?"

Now it was Kiba's face that lit up as the hot sun, "Hinata, why would you ask me that? I thought you like Naruto."

"For the past hour we been together, you seem to be really nice to me, and your body feels really warm…"

"Hinata…do you like me?"

Lightning struck.

Hinata grabbed onto Kiba even harder, "Y-yes Kiba-kun!"

Hinata turned away to hide her embarrassment that she admitted that to Kiba.

Kiba wrapped both of his arms around Hinata, "I'll always be here to protect you…"

End of chapter one. You like? Chapter two is coming right up,