My name's Robert, known as BassDS here on deviantART and as you can tell. This is my first attempt at a Megaman StarForce fic, circling geo and Sonia, which you could say are the StarForce versions of Lan and Mayl. So enjoy.

"Students, today we have a new student joining us today." Mr. Shepar said as class began. "A new kid, huh? Sounds interesting." Omega-Xis said inside of Geo's Transer.

"I wasn't expecting this." Geo replied. "You can come in now." Mr. Shepar said, as a girl with red hair, wearing a pink hoodie and long blue pants. "Students, now that she has retired, I'm proud to say that Sonia Strumm is now a student of EchoRidge Elementary."

He finished. "SONIA!?" the class said, leaving Geo in shock. "Were you expecting that?"

Omega joked. "Sonia, you can sit in the desk near Geo." Mr. Shepar finished. "Thank you, sir." She said as she took her seat. Everyone couldn't stop talking, saying how lucky geo was to sit near the retired pop singer. "Now that this is out of the way, let's get started." Mr. Shepar said as he began class.

It was about 5 months after the whole Andromeda mess, Geo got adjusted to life. After he was healed, Sonia called every day to see how he was. Even though they were brothers, Geo was afraid he would never see her again. After all, she was the first person he brother-banded with after his father disappeared. He didn't know it, but the day he rescued her, when she and the FM-ian Lyra, became allies, Sonia developed feeling for Geo, that she told Lyra only.

The bell rang as school let out. "Geo, can you walk with me?" Sonia asked him. "Um, sure, Sonia." He complied. He didn't know Omega left his Transer. "Want to head to my place for a while?" he asked. "Sure, if I'm not intruding on anything you have planned." She said. "You? No way." He said making Sonia hid her face, blemishing a red crimson.

"Mom, I'm home." He said as Sonia and him walked in. "In the kitchen, dear." She yelled back. They walked in as Geo's mom put away some dishes. "How was school today? She asked. "Fine. We got a new kid today." He said as his mom entered. "Mom, you remember Sonia, right?" he asked. "Of course. She's the one who called every day."

She said. "I was just worried about him, that's all. Plus I moved here to be close to my new friends." Sonia said as her face got red from what Geo's mom said. "Sonia, you don't mind staying right here real quick would you?" he asked her. "Not at all." She replied "Ok, I'll be back and then we'll head for Vista Point." He said heading to his room. Hope looked over at Sonia. "You know at times, you're not a very good liar." She said. "What do you mean?" Sonia said with a trembling sound in here throat. "You love my son, don't you?" she said. Sonia was speechless. "I have a feeling that's why you moved here in the first place. Am I right?" she asked. "How did you know, Mrs. Stellar?" Sonia asked. "Just call me Hope. I knew you loved Geo because I did the same thing. That's how I met Kelvin." She said. "Sorry If I brought your husband up in this." Sonia said depressed. "Don't worry about it. In a way, Geo is his dad." Hope told her. "What should I do, to tell Geo I love him?" "That's up to you. You need to find a way to tell him." She finished as Geo came downstairs. "Ready, Sonia?" he asked. "Yeah. Let's Go." Sonia said. As she and Geo headed for the door, Sonia turned to see Hope flash her a good luck.

"You know, I never bothered to come here during the day. It looks good." Geo said looking at the cloudy sky. "Hey, uh, Geo…." She began to say. "What is it, Sonia?''

He asked. "Is there anyone you really care about?" she asked. "Well, not exactly anyone.

My mom, Aaron, Luna, Bud and Zack, and you of course." He told her. "Oh. I see. Which one of us do you like the most?" she asked him. "What's with all the questions all of a sudden?" he asked her, laughing. "Um, no reason." She said as she began glowing red. "By the way, where are you living at?" he asked." The house next to yours." She replied. "Guess that means we're neighbors." He said. "Let's head to my place." He told her getting up. "Okay."

They walked in the house just as dinner was done. "Mom, I'm going to go wash up." Geo said. "Ok, hon." She replied. As soon as he was out of sight, Hope walked over to Sonia.

"Did you tell him?" she asked. "I tried, but I froze up." She said. "I've got a plan. Leave everything to me."

Let me know if you all want me to continue. I'm actually enjoying this. Review and tell me what you think of it.