This is my first fanfic EVER, so forgive me if it's crap. I love this song, and I thought the words were so appropriate for House and Cameron. Let me know what you think.

"Far Away"

This time, This place

Misused, Mistakes

Too long, Too late

Who was I to make you wait

Just one chance

Just one breath

Just in case there's just one left

Cause you know,

you know, you know


Chapter 1

House sat at the bar, glass of whiskey in his hand, eyes roaming the room, not really paying attention to anything. He was here under usual, Cuddy threatening him with the dreaded C word if he didn't show. He would do (almost) anything to get out of doing clinic hours, this benefit dinner seemed a small price to pay, if the alternative was DOUBLE clinic hours.

It had been 3 weeks now since his team had been split. Three weeks, and he was going out of his mind. He was tired. He missed his team…well, Cameron mainly, and Foreman too, but in a way, he even missed the Wombat. He was used to working with them, he was comfortable with them. He didn't want to hire a new team, and he was going out of his way to make it as difficult as possible for all involved. Cuddy was on the war path more than usual…..which was quite amusing really. He loved getting her riled up and watching her stomp around the hospital in those tight little low cut tops she had taken to wearing lately. The twins bounced so engagingly when she stomped.

Wilson was his usual self, but his coo over the guitar incident had left him a little cocky, something House was going to have to remedy soon. In fact, tonight might just be the night to make a start on that, House thought distractedly.

A flash of red caught Houses eye, and he turned towards it, hope flaring in his chest. He had wondered if SHE would be here tonight. He knew she was still in Jersey, and that she had been working in the ER for the past 3 weeks. So far, she had managed to avoid him, and House wasn't sure whether he was relieved or disappointed. He could have sought her out himself, of course, but he didn't know what he would say to her if he did. What COULD he say?

He spotted her then, and his breath caught. She looked stunning, well, more stunning than usual. She was wearing a long red gown, the straps delicate, showing off her creamy shoulders. Her hair was caught up on top of her head, delicate curls trickling down next to her smooth cheek and down the nape of her neck. His fingers itched to brush those curls aside so he could gently nibble where they touched.

He knew he had treated her badly, and he'd spent the past 3 weeks kicking himself for it. Three years she had been working with him, and if he'd wanted her, she would have been his for the taking. She had made that clear on so many occasions. He wondered if the Vicodin had frazzled his brain cells. What an idiot he was. How often does a snarky, middle aged cripple get the opportunity to have someone as special as Cameron in his life? Only an idiot would turn her away, that's for sure. Sure, he was worried that his heart would get broken if he let her get close and then she left, but was his heart any better off at the present moment? It felt empty and cold. He missed how her smile greeted him in the morning as she handed him his coffee. He missed her arguments when they were working on a case, and her moral outrage when he did something reprehensible. He missed hearing her voice, her laugh and he even missed her snarkiness with him. He was willing to admit now that he DID have feelings for her, powerful feelings. I guess what they say is true, he thought to himself… don't realize what you've got until it's gone.

As he watched her from across the room, he wondered if there was still even the slightest chance with her. Would she be willing to give him, give them, one last chance? He wouldn't blame her if she told him to take a hike, after all he had put her through. He would never forget the disappointment and anger in her eyes when she found out that he had faked having cancer. He hung his head, remembering her face as she said goodbye to him that day, after handing in her resignation. Sadness, pain and defeat had been etched into her features. He had put them there. The worst part was, he had known at the time that he was doing it, but had been unable to stop himself. He glanced at her again, and saw her smiling at Wilson as she chatted with him. Would she ever smile like that again for me, he wondered?