Summary: Chase takes the job leading the second diagnostics team that Cuddy offered Foreman at the end of season 3. This is the story of him of him finding his own fellows.
Authors note: I actually came up with this idea a couple of months before season 4 started. I have taken some stuff that I've seen from eps 4.1and 4.2, integrated it, but the story doesn't really have anything to do with what's on TV at the moment.
My first fanfic. Hope you enjoy!
Disclaimer: Do not own House/ David Shore characters.
Chase's Dream Team
Chase paces in the dark.
The door opens, two pairs of feet shuffle in to the room, and close the door behind him.
"Did he see you?"
"No. He's too busy making the newbie's reenact the latest episode of General Hospital."
Chase turns on the light, illuminating the janitors closet.
In front of him is a short, scrawny leprechaun looking man, and a tall, mousy woman that had tattoo on her neck creeping out of her shirt collar. He hands them two medical files.
"Alright, differential diagnosis. Male, 42, presented with fatigue, vomiting, diarrhea, joint pain, headache, hypoglycemia, and hyper pigmentation"
"What about cytomegalovirus?" suggests the man.
"No, he doesn't have any rashes."
"Meningitis?" suggest the woman.
"There's no brain swelling."
The door slams open. Chase turns around and groans. The last person he wanted to see stands before them.
"Nice, threesome! Mind if I join?" House asks mockingly. "Chase, you know Cuddy won't be happy that you haven't learned your lesson from last time, and are still doing kinky things in the closet. Lesley, two men, I thought you were a lesbian. And Turner, I thought you didn't like to share."
Turner and Lesley both clench their jaws. Lesley actually balls her fist and takes a step towards house, but Turner puts a hand on her shoulder.
House slams his cane on the ground, causing everyone to jump.
"You two, go do a stress test and pet scan on our patient."
Turner and Lesley scramble out the door.
"And don't let me catch you consulting with him again, or your fired! They're my fellows. Get your own!" House growls at Chase. He slams the door shut, leaving Chase alone in the dark.
Please r&r!