A/N: I'm so sorry this took forever for me to write. I had to start over since the computer downstairs crashed, that and it hasn't been working too great so I couldn't get much done. I feel so bad it took me like what four weeks to update. Again I'm terribly sorry. Enjoy the chapter!


Chapter 9: Just Say It


"Mum! Do you know where my flats are?" Hermione called from her bedroom. Hermione was on her knees practically in her closet, looking for the flats she would be wearing to homecoming.

Her mother appeared in the doorway, "Hermione, the dance isn't until seven. And it's," she glanced at her watch, "Eight-thirty in the morning. You probably won't have to start getting ready until a couple of hours before."

Poking her head out of her closet she narrowed her eyes and said, "I know, but I want to have everything ready."

Missus Granger chuckled, "You left them in the living room last night after you played dress up in them for a half hour."

Hermione narrowed her eyes. "I wasn't playing dress up, I was breaking them in," she told her standing up and pulling her dress out of her closet. She set it on her bed, making sure it was completely flat on her bed.

A smile came upon her face as she looked at it, she looked at the dress.

Missus Granger took a seat next to Hermione, "What's the smile for?" She asked nudging her slightly.

"Nothing," she replied.

"Doesn't look like nothing," Missus Granger told her. "Who's you date for tonight, anyway? Is it Harry?"

Annoyed by her mother's nosiness, "No it's not Harry." Though I wish he was, Hermione almost frowned after saying that it wasn't Harry. "It's this boy in field hockey, that apparently has dated the whole volleyball and girls' field hockey team. His name is Brad," she explained. Fiddling with a part of the dress.

Her mother nodded as she listened, "I'm surprised Harry didn't ask you, you're always with him."

Hermione glared at her mother, "I'm not with him all the time. I'm not even sure if he likes me in that way."

"Well after seeing those messages you exc--" Jane began, only being interrupted by Hermione.

"Those we're just us…," Hermione found that she didn't know what they were. "He just said that I was attractive, not that he liked me," Hermione explained unsure of what else to tell her mother. Maybe Harry does like me in that way, Hermione thought. That would explain…everything.

Jane glanced at her watch again and sighed, "I must get going sweetheart, I have to go grocery shopping and do some work around the house. Since your father and I are going out tonight." She stood up and walked to the doorway but she stopped and added, "Put the clothes in the dryer while I'm gone."

Hermione sighed. When she heard her mother start the car and pull out of the driveway, Hermione went downstairs to check the clothes. She put them in the dryer like she was told, then went back to her room to look for something to do. In one of the corners she found the football Harry had given her. She picked it up and headed towards the front door.

Frowning when she saw Harry wasn't outside. Hermione decided to try to juggle the football like she saw Harry do dozens of times. She bounced the ball on the driveway and kicked it. The ball came up and smacked her right in the face. Harry, who was taking the trash out, laughed and jogged over. "I think you are supposed to hit it with your forehead not your face," he told her.

Hermione narrowed her eyes, "I know that."

"Hey I was just making sure," Harry told her his hands up. Hermione just shook her head smiling.

Harry walked over and picked the ball up from the lawn. He handed it to Hermione then he just stood there awkwardly. "Want to pass the ball around or something?" Hermione asked.

"Don't you have to get your nails and hair done or something?" Harry asked backing away so Hermione could pass it to him.

Hermione chuckled, "No. I'm painting my nails myself--that takes about five minutes--and I don't even know what I'm doing with my hair. No matter what I do with it, it should only take two or three hours at the most," Hermione explained.

Harry just stood there nodding and smiling unsure of what else to do.


"Where are they?" Hermione muttered as she dug through her jewelry box. "Where are those bloody things?" Hermione muttered digging through a different section of her jewelry box. Hermione shut the jewelry box and glanced up at the mirror, there they were shining on her bedside table. Her silver (yet a little rusty though they were supposed to be) earrings her parents had bought her for doing well on her A-level tests. "There you are," she had forgotten she set them there when she was getting everything ready.

As she was putting them on she heard a knock on her door, "Come in!" She called.

Her mother appeared in the door way. "Your father and I are leaving soon," Misses Granger told her. She stepped a little further into the room, "Aww sweetheart you look beautiful." Hermione faced her mother after she got the second earring in.

"No I don't. I look horrible," Hermione told her.

"No you don't, you look great." Misses Granger assured her. She glanced at her watch, "Oh we best be going. I really wish we could stay and meet your date, but you father and I have a business dinner." Her mother gave her a hug and said, "Have fun tonight. And be careful."

"I will," Hermione said as her mother let of her and walked out of her bedroom. Pulling out some make up, Hermione sat in her vanity chair and began to apply some make up.

An hour later she was sitting on her living room couch waiting for Brad to arrive. Hermione glanced at the clock, it was seven fifteen. Maybe he is just running late, traffic is probably crazy right now. It is a Saturday night after all. She sat for ten more minutes before standing up and walking around. Twenty five more minutes passed and it was now seven fifty.

Maybe he is having trouble finding my house with it being dark out and all. Hermione turned the inside lights out then turned the porch light on and grabbed her purse, she would wait outside for him. A car drove by, Hermione looked up. It was only the family down the street. She glanced at her watch, Brad was now an entire hour late. Then she saw Harry step out of his home dressed in jeans, his silk shirt he had bought, and a suit jacket. At first he didn't notice Hermione sitting on the lighted porch.

Hermione didn't say a word she just watched as he got into his car, he pulled out of the drive way without noticing her there. But when he drove by her house he noticed her. "Do you need a ride?" He asked. Hermione giving up on Brad coming got into the car.

They drove in silence. Though Harry wanted to tell her that Brad had stood her up, he didn't. She didn't need to be told. Chances are she still had her hopes up. She probably thought his car broke down or something and he couldn't pick her up. When they arrived they both stepped out of the car and walked to the front door not saying a word.

They reached the gym but didn't go inside. "Thanks for the ride."

"No problem." He told her.

"Have a good time," she told him and began to walk in when Harry grabbed her arm.

He grinned, "Don't forget you owe me a dance."

Hermione smiled, "I remember." Then she began to walk inside, Harry followed her in. Harry found a group of friends and their dates and began to talk to them. Hermione walked around searching for Brad. She searched around for a full half hour. When she came across Sarah she asked, "Have you seen Brad?"

"Didn't he pick you up?" Sarah asked confused.

Hermione shook her head. "Have you seen him?"

Sarah looked by the stage where she saw Brad leading Ginny to the costume closet. "No I haven't seen him anywhere. Why don't you check in the hall outside of the gym." Once Hermione was out of the gym, she turned to Martin and said, "We have to find Harry."

"Why?" Martin asked confused.

"Hermione's date just went in the costume closet with Ginny," Sarah explained grabbing Martin's hand and starting to make their way through the crowd.

"Look over there," Martin said, they headed to where Harry was. Harry was talking to a group of guys from the team.

"Harry," Sarah said getting Harry's attention. "Brad just went off with Ginny somewhere," Sarah explained.

"Where is Hermione?" Harry asked angrily as he made his way through the crowd Sarah and Martin following behind.

They reached the hall, "She's over there sitting on the bench." Martin pointed out.

She was sitting there with her legs crossed, just looking around. She was starting to get impatient, though, Harry noticed. One of her eyebrows was raised and her lips were pursed, a sure sign that she was starting to get agitated. Harry sighed, walking towards her. "Hey," he said softly, sitting next to her on the bench.

"Hey," Hermione sighed. "Have you seen Brad anywhere by any chance?" She asked.

How am I supposed to tell her this? Here it goes, "Hermione I dunno how to tell you this but Brad went off with Ginny earlier." Harry just looked at her waiting for her expression.

Hermione laughed, "Sure he did Harry. You know Harry stop being so jealous."

Surprised by her reaction--he had expected a crying girl-- Harry said, "Hermione…"

"Prove it, if Brad and Ginny are somewhere together then show me," Hermione told him. Harry took her arm and started to lead her down the hall. Then he turned left and headed down the hall way towards the back stage door. When they got backstage he led her towards the costume closet, he put his arm out leading towards the door.

"If I'm so wrong, then show me," Harry told her.

Hermione stood there her arms crossed , annoyed. "Fine, I'll show you that there is--" Hermione stopped when she opened the door to find Ginny and Brad snogging furiously. They stopped when they saw Harry and Hermione standing there staring back at them. Brad started to button his shirt.

"Hermione, this isn't what you think," Brad tried to tell her.

Ginny just stood there smirking at Hermione, but when Harry looked at her she stood there with an innocent expression. "Brad I can't believe you led me to this closet and tried to shag me," Ginny said trying to be innocent. Harry just shook his head and rolled his eyes.

Hermione, who was now furious, stepped closer to Brad, "Really. I think you stood me up so you could shag this slut over here," Hermione told him pointing at Ginny. She smacked Brad across the face and then she walked out of their site and then broke into a run.

Harry stepped forward, "Good job Brad. You did it again," Harry began. "You've broken every player on the volleyball team's heart. I'm impressed."

"Shut it Potter," Brad told him through gritted teeth, straightening his shirt and slipping his suit jacket back on.

Harry grabbed the collar of Brad's shirt and shoved him against the wall of the closet. "Make me." Brad just stood there silently, Harry let of his collar and backed away. Harry entered the hall way in search of Hermione, where did she go? He roamed the hall ways not finding her anywhere, he knew she wouldn't of went back to the gym. So he checked outside.

There she was sitting on the edge of the fountain at the front of the school. She had her legs crossed and tears streaming down her face. Harry walked over to her silently and sat down next to her he took his suit jacket off and put it over her shoulders. "Just say it," she said.

"What?" Harry asked confused.

She looked at him tears streaming from her eyes, "Just say it."

"Say what?" Harry asked.

"That you were right, that you told me and I was dumb enough not to listen. Just say it," Hermione shouted more tears streaming down her face.

"I don't think you need to hear it," Harry told her brushing her arm with his. "He's a jerk, he has no idea what he just gave up. Any guy would be lucky to have a girl like you as their date," Harry assured her.

Harry wiped some of her tears away with his thumb then he pulled her into his embrace. "Do you think you could take me home?" Hermione asked when they pulled apart.

"Sure," Harry stood up, then put an arm out to help Hermione up. She accepted it. Harry slung his arm around Hermione's shoulders and started to lead her to his car. After they got in the car the drove off.

It took twenty minutes to get to Hermione's house. "Bye Harry," Hermione said as she began to open the door to the car.

Maybe I'll tell her now, "Wait." Hermione paused and looked at him waiting for him to continue. "Let me walk you to your door," Harry told her. Hermione nodded and got out of the car.

Harry got out and met Hermione at the side walk, Harry put an arm around her waist. When he looked away Hermione couldn't help but smile. They reached Hermione's door. "Thanks Harry," she told him as she dug for her keys in her purse.

"For what, I just walked you--" Harry began but was interrupted by Hermione.

"Not for walking me to my door, but it was sweet. I meant thank you for being there for me even though I wouldn't listen to you about Brad. Thanks for everything," Hermione told him finding her keys and fiddling with them trying to figure out which one was the house key.

"Hermione," Harry said grabbing a hold of her hand, gaining her attention. "I was jealous of you and Brad, I mean…" Harry paused awkwardly thinking of a way to tell her how he felt.

Though she knew what he was trying to say she asked, "So, what are you trying to say?" Harry opened his mouth to speak but closed it. How do I put this, I like you. No. Harry thought. I got it.

He gently grabbed her chin and lowered his face to hers. "This," he whispered before closing the gap between their faces. At first it started as a friendly chaste kiss. The kiss soon turned into a heated kiss. Hermione wrapped her arms around Harry's neck and began to snake her fingers through his soft black hair. Harry wrapped his arms around Hermione's waist.

After several minutes they pulled away but leaned their foreheads against each other. "Wow," Hermione breathed out, not yet able to think straight. That was amazing. "I…uh." Hermione struggled. "I dunno what to say," Hermione admitted.

Smiling, Harry said, "You don't have to say anything." Hermione smiled back. They stared into each others eyes for a while. Then Harry pulled back and said, "I better be going. I have work early tomorrow." Hermione's face dropped, "Don't worry I'll call you when I get off okay."

Hermione smiled, with a quick kiss good-bye Harry jumped in his car and drove home. When Harry walked inside and shut the door Hermione went inside her house and shut the door. Then she leaned against the door and sighed. "Hey sweetheart, how was your night?" Mister Granger asked as he walked by on his way back upstairs.

Hermione just smiled and slightly chuckled. "Crazy," Hermione simply told him.


A/N: Again I am so sorry for being so late with this chapter. My computer crashed and I had to start all over again. So I hope you enjoyed the chapter, though I doubt it. I felt like it was just getting worse as I went along for some reason, so prove me wrong. Tell me how great it was so I feel better and continue. Haha just kidding, tell me how you really feel about it.

Random Ramblings


Banizzle: How do you really feel about my stories? Crappy? Amazing? Just quit now?

Banizzle: haha


I think they're okay, but can be improved. Anything can be improved in some way and you have to accept it. Nothing is perfect.


:D so smart

Banizzle: okay now your question


haha I'm so intellectual




is there something you want to tell your readers?

Banizzle: Not really but uh...you guys are great

Banizzle: lets see what should i ask you


I dunno


you pick


pick something kinda stupid now




a normal question for us




not about stories or anything


but like our real life

Banizzle: Are marriages in India really fixed? Like do you get to choose who you marry? I got this one from a TV show.

Swizzle: It depends on where you live (I guess) and how old you are. Like, say you're in a very poor village, then you'll prolly have an arranged marriage, perhaps even in the normal sized village/cities (like my parents, grandparents, etc.). But, if you're in a large city, you usually pick who you want to marry.

Swizzle: And if you're like 15 or something, you could get engaged (like my grandparents) or when you're older. In earlier years there have been a lot of arranged marriages, they still have them. I dunno, its sort of like tradition I guess.

Swizzle: But I don't have one. :D

Banizzle: okay you go

Swizzle: Are you really a girl? Or are you some pedophile just waiting for me to give my address?

Banizzle: Dude I'm a fourteen year old girl.

Swizzle: haha okay

Swizzle: I was kidding though

Swizzle: I know you're a girl

Swizzle: but yeah, your turn

Banizzle: What is the stupidest thing you have ever read that I typed?

Swizzle: everything just HAS to come down to you doesn't it?


when you said that... that... uh... ... ... you were "kidding" when you said you were going to kill SSal

Banizzle: yes I changed my mind about that

Swizzle: haha

Banizzle: she hit me today with her purse

Swizzle: wow

Swizzle: Abercrombie bitch

Banizzle: oh I have another question

Banizzle: but go ahead

Swizzle: what are your future goals

Banizzle: To set my future goals

Swizzle: haha

Swizzle: good one

Banizzle: What's it like in the ghetto?

Swizzle: pretty ghetto

Swizzle: haha

Banizzle: haha

Banizzle: okay last question

Swizzle: okay

Banizzle: What is your favorite quote?

Swizzle: anddd

Swizzle: "The Price of greatness is responsibility" - Sir Winston Churchill

Swizzle: I like "Dance is the hidden language of the soul" too

Swizzle: haha

Swizzle: haha

Banizzle: want to hear mine

Swizzle: okay


Swizzle: haha