"If we would look closely then we would see, the pain that fills the vacant eyes."
this chapter is probably the worst, so, the rest of my story isn't going to be bad like this one, so just in case, i'm saying it now, i don't go into it too much, but Gaara gets raped and abused. so, you are warned. Okay guys; tell me what you think of this. I've been thinking about this a lot and …here it is…
Disclaimer: T.T don't own Naruto, and in turn that means Gaara...
A boy with sea-foam green eyes walked down a dead-end street and turned into the last driveway. For a moment, Gaara paused just staring at the looming house, the place he called 'home'.
Gaara closed his eyes, which were outlined heavily in black eyeliner, and walked up to the front door, opening it. He ran up the steps and turned into the first room in the hallway, sighing when he was positive that his father wasn't home.
Since the red-head had no idea how long he had, he pulled out his homework to distract him from staring at the clock. (DX homework!) Gaara'd been working on it for a while when he heard the front door slam open, causing the boy to instinctively tense up.
"Boy! Get your ass down here!"
Gaara, biting his lip, slowly started getting up, dreading what might come when he walked down the stairs. He rushed down the stairs, not wanting to make his father wait any longer.
It came at him in like a wall, the smell of alcohol surrounding him. Slowly, sea-foam green eyes drifted upwards, gazing at his slowly advancing father. Fear was evident in the younger boy's wide eyes. The elder of the two had a sort of disgusted smirk on his face, which was directed at Gaara, his son.
"You little piece of shit! Who the fuck do you think you are, little Whore!?"
Gaara let out a small whimper as he was shoved hard against the back wall, then repeatedly punched in the stomach, knocking the wind out of him. His father continued shouting, "Get up, you bastard!" Pulling Gaara by his hair, he dragged hi into an upright position, only to clam him against the wall again. "Go to your room, shit," His father hissed it into his ear, but Gaara could still smell the alcohol.
As quickly as he could, Gaara scrambled up the stairs, doing his best in ignoring the screaming pain in his body. When he got to his room, which only consisted of a futon on the ground and his homework scattered across the floor, he closed the door and slowly sat down.
As the red-head sank to the floor, he could feel the hot tears already flooding and blurring his vision. He felt his entire body shake with sobs, that he had muffled by shoving his fist into his mouth.
Why does this always happen? It was supposed to change when we came here...why was I so dumb to think that?
Gaara shook from sobbing, and he almost didn't hear the door creak open behind him. He looked up and saw his father, making him cry harder.
Grabbing his now red cheek, Gaara watched in horror as his father slowly undid his pants and grabbed his hair once again. He squeezed his eyes shut as his father went in, out, in, out, shoving his member into his son's mouth. Tears streamed down Gaara's face as his father continued, moaning slightly.
Finally, the elder pulled Gaara into a standing position, glaring him down he hissed, "Make yourself useful, whore." Then he pushed Gaara onto the futon, hard, and began undoing his son's pants. Slowly, he pulled them down, soon followed by Gaara's boxers.
He let a small whimper escape his lips as his father stepped fully out of his own pants and positioned himself on top of Gaara. He straddled the Youngers hips and forced himself in, hard and fast, making the red-head scream.
An hour later, Gaara sat in front of a mirror in the bathroom, staring at himself, face expressionless. His fists clenched and unclenched as he turned towards the window and opened it, slowly pulling out the screen, placing it on the floor. Doing his best, Gaara clumsily climbed out the window, ignoring the explosion of pain from his entire body.
Carefully, Gaara pulled himself onto the tree that sat so conveniently outside the window, then he started climbing down. He could feel adrenaline rushing through him, knowing that he would get in trouble for doing this...but he wouldn't. Because he wasn't planning on coming back.
Actually, there wasn't much planning going on, not as Gaara started running, not as he felt his lungs catch fire, not as he got lost. Not even as he thought of his siblings, who weren't even here. Gaara just ran, not thinking, not planning, just running from his living hell.
Okay...um...okay, so I was thinking of calling this like, "Running from hell" but, I'm not sure if you can swear in titles, so yeah...but get it? spontaneous? he just kinda ran, without thinking...yeah okay, so uh, sorry for any mis-spellings or anything, and i don't really like capitalizing things when I'm typing, but I'll do my best with that...yup...review...? please...?