
Sasha looked back anxiously towards the village. There was still no sign of Cavaldi and he had been gone a long time. There was a movement in the trees and she froze in fear.

"Hello Sasha," said a very familiar voice.

"Will," she stared at the man unsure of whether to run or not. If this meant that Cavaldi had failed she would at least make her capture as hard as possible. "Are you all right?"

"Yes I am. Believe me waking up to find Cavaldi staring at me brought back a few bed memories, but on the whole I'd say that I feeling better. Thank you for your concern, fair lady."

Sasha threw herself into Will's arms and he held her as he gently laughed.

"Here, you must be starving," he pulled a bundle from the bag he was carrying and unwrapped it to reveal bread and cheese and a small flask.

"Where's Cavaldi?" she asked between mouthfuls, "and do you have a plan to save the village yet?"

"He's gone to get some of Jake's books. There will be something in there that can help us, I'm sure of it. Jake has books on just about everything!" He smiled at he watched her eat and then went to look for Cavaldi. He returned a few minutes later to find Sasha slumped over. The drug Franz had given him to sprinkle on her food had indeed been potent.


"Rose," Adela called as she entered the house. She found her in the kitchen with Lily and Jake.

"How is Angelika feeling now?"

"She's still asleep, but Franz said that the tonic he gave her should do the trick. But I have to confess I'm still worried about her."

"Jake, she'll be just fine, and there isn't that much time to go until she gives birth," Jake smiled at that; he was clearly looking forward to fatherhood. "Do you mind if a I borrow these two for a while, I need them to help me with something."

She led the girls into the workshop. Lily went limp in her arms and she laid her on the floor.

"I DO wish you would teach me to turn people into rag dolls. You said you would." Rose started pout.

"And I will."


"How about now?" Rose's face lit up.

At that moment Will entered the workshop carrying something in his arms.

"It's Sasha!" cried Rose, delighted.

"I thought that you could give her the special present and she can become part of the group again."

"Will, bring Sasha over here."

Will brought Sasha over and held her so that her face was level with Rose's

"But she's asleep."

"Don't worry, your kiss will wake her."

"Like Jake when he woke us at the tower!"

"Almost." Adela watched as Rose bent forward. She was so looking forward to teaching Rose about her new life. Lily was at hand for Rose's second feed and then there was the rest of the village for her to experience.

Will looked down at the sleeping girl in his arms. As he had carried her back from the forest he had had the feeling that he had done this before, in some other time or place. Thoughts and images were racing through his head. "Don't kiss her!" echoed through his mind and he lowered Sasha to the floor. This brought him face to face with Rose and her lips touched his.

"NO! YOU STUPID GIRL!" Adela flung Rose away from Will with all her strength and there was a thud, which she ignored. Will collapsed to the floor, narrowly missing Sasha, and lay still.

Adela gently took Will in her arms and brought his lips to hers, instantly his taste was in her mouth. She had grown very fond of Will over the last few months and the thought of that girl draining him was something that had brought out feelings she wasn't expecting and she had lashed out. His taste brought back some very pleasant memories and she had a quick feed before sending him to sleep. She hadn't fed on him for a while, there was all the rest of the village to choose from, and she realised she missed his taste. He was like a favourite wine that she had rediscovered and she knew that she couldn't give him up. It would seem that she was addicted to both the Brothers Grimm!


"How is she?" Franz was examining Rose as she lay on her bed. Adela had turned from Will and discovered what the thud had been. She had thrown Rose into the wall and the girl lay unconscious on the floor.

"There are no bones broken. It's just the blow to her head. The best thing is to let her sleep, though she will probably wake up with a headache!"

"I'm sorry my dear," she placed a kiss on Rose's cheek, "but I couldn't have you draining Will for your first feed. He is much too precious. Although I will let you try him for a treat, if you are a good girl."

They left Rose to sleep and went back to the workshop. She put Lily into sleep and picked her up.

"Can you keep that sleeping until it's needed?" she indicated the sleeping Sasha at her feet.

"Of course."

She returned Lily and Will to their beds and, knowing that nothing more could be done until Rose awoke and that Franz would look after both Sasha and Angelika in her absence, she set off to find Jake.

Jake lay asleep in her arms, her leisurely feed had made her feel quite contented. A very interesting idea had just occurred to her, she would have to bring Will out to this clearing as well. The idea of having the brothers side by side and feeding both of them was something she intended to put into practice as soon as possible. In fact, she decided, she would go and see if Rose as awake and, if so, she would make her second feed very special indeed by introducing her to her two favourite men.

"Don't move. I won't be long," she said to Jake and then left for the village.


Jake woke with a start. He looked around to discover he was in the forest, but he had no idea how he had got there. He had a feeling that he had come with someone, but again, he couldn't remember whom. He tried to stand, only to discover that he had no strength, and he came crashing down again and momentarily black out.

"Adela," he heard himself call as he came back to consciousness. He didn't know an Adela, did he? The name echoed around his head until it suddenly made sense. Adela had come with Will, she had kissed him, she had hurt him. She had hurt Will!

"Will," he whispered and with the help of a tree he hauled him up and staggered towards the path. He had to get to the village, Will was in danger, and he had to help him. As soon as he set foot outside the clearing he felt something wrapping itself around his wrist, he looked down to see what looked like a thin tree branch. He unwrapped the branch and tried to continue on his way only to find that branches had wrapped themselves around his ankles and he toppled over. But he never hit the path; instead he fell face first into a tangle of branches and leaves. The leaves seemed to mould themselves to his face and he found that he couldn't breathe. As his consciousness slipped away as he felt the branches wrap themselves around his body.


Adela got back to the village to find that Rose was still sleeping and Franz thought that she would now sleep until morning. That left the problem of what to do with Sasha. Franz's drug would mean that there was no chance of her waking, but should she spend her last night with her father or should she keep her close in case Rose woke early? In the end she had wrapped Sasha in blankets, slung her over her shoulder and headed off towards Gregor's house. On the way she was greeted by Cavaldi.

"Can I 'elp you with that, it looks 'eavy?"

"I'm all right, it more bulky than heavy. But thank you for the offer." She looked in his eyes and saw the drug in them. Clearly Maria had been putting it in his food and now he was no longer a problem to her. Just another source of food.

"May I accompany you to wherever you are going? I would like to talk to you."

"By all means. I'm going to see Gregor. Sasha seems a little reserved and has cut herself off from the other children at school and I was wondering if he could think of a reason for this. Has Sasha said anything to you?"

"No she 'as said nothing. Maria would like you and Will to come to dinner soon."

"We would be delighted. May I ask that we have something from your home country? I have recently discovered that I like Italian food."

"It would be my pleasure!" They had now reached Gregor's front door. Cavaldi gave her a small bow and left. She put down her bundle and knocked at the door. When Gregor answered he glanced at the bundle on the floor and then at Adela.

"I need to speak to you about Sasha. May I come in?"

"Yes, but to be honest I haven't seen her all day." She entered, leaving the bundle outside.

"I wouldn't worry, she is probably close by playing with some for the children," and she took his face in her hands and kissed him. A short time later she reappeared, collected the bundle and took it into the house.

Now that Sasha was settled her thoughts turned again to Jake. She had left him far too long and she loved that almost childlike way he squinted at her until she placed his glasses on his face when she woke him. She had, sadly, decided against bring Will to the clearing today. She wanted that moment to be special for both Rose and her and, anyway, tomorrow was going to be a busy day. She had school to get ready for, Rose was to have her first feed and then she would have to comfort the children when Sasha was discovered having broken her neck falling off something or other, so she really didn't have time to arrange anything.

She could see him as she entered the clearing, sleeping peacefully, just as she had left him.

"Did you miss me? Sorry I was gone for such a long time," she said as she woke him.

"Adela," came his soft reply and he took the hand that she held out to him and, as he stood up, he pulled her into his arms. She laughed; it looked like he was starting to like this.

"I know what you did," his voice was soft in her ear.

"What?" She didn't like the sound of this.

"I know what you are and what you have done to Marbarden. To my wife, to my brother and to my friends."

She broke their embrace and pulled back from Jake. He stood there watching her with his intense gaze. She smiled.

"Then join me. I promise no harm will come to those you love, and those I feed on have no memory of what I do. I can keep Marbarden safe, there are far worse things than me out there."

"Like the Queen?" He stood in thought for a few moments, "I have to admit I would like to know more about your kind. I'm quite fascinated by all things magical," he admitted.

She had won him over! He really was the perfect man. "And what would you like to know about me?"

"How to kill you."

Her faced hardened. She would drain him and leave Marbarden. She had done this once and she could do it again. She took at step towards him; no matter how hard he struggled he wouldn't be able to break her embrace, only to find that she couldn't move. She looked down to see that tree branches had wound themselves around her legs. She glanced around her to discover that the clearing was now considerable smaller than when she first entered.

"I took the spells off the clearing," he explained, "and now the forest wants to meet you, and I don't think its too pleased to have evil in its midst again."

"Jake, please! What I do doesn't hurt people!"

"Adela, you are wrong. When you enter people you leave something of yourself behind. I know what you did to Lucy."

Jake turned and began to run, he had to get back to Marbarden. Adela watched as the forest closed in on her, branches now curling around her torso and arms, effectively trapping her in the clearing. She called to Jake but those calls ceased abruptly when a branch forced its way into her mouth and the forest overwhelmed her. The clearing disappeared, never to reopen, with its secret safely locked inside.

Jake reached Marbarden and went straight to his home. He found Lily and Rose asleep on their beds. There was bruise on Rose's forehead that looked nasty, but he would come back and look at that after he had found Angelika. He found her asleep on their bed. He raised her up in his arms and tried to wake her, but she didn't stir. Her breathing seemed shallow and, when he checked, he pulse didn't seem that strong either. He laid her back down and gently laid his hand on her swollen stomach, he felt no movement there. He felt tears beginning to form in his eyes. What could he do to help her?

"She will sleep for a while yet. But don't worry, Adela wants no harm to come to her or the baby… yet."

Jake looked up and found himself staring into the face of Franz


"Where is Adela?" he asked, ignoring Jake's question.

"I left her in the forest. I don't think she will be returning."

"That's unfortunate."

"Why?" Jake felt a new fear stir inside him.

"You see Adela has never stayed in once place as long as she has here. Most will probably be able to survive without her but there maybe some exceptions."


"Your brother for a start. Adela has never fed on anyone for as long as she has fed on him and he may be as addicted to her and her drugs as she is to him. Also your child was conceived after Adela put her drug into the water supply and it may not be able to survive without it and without Adela I can't make any more." He watched as Jake face turned into a mask of agony.

"What have I done?" cried Jake to the floor and Franz could hear him weeping.

"Well," said Franz, "I must be going. There are others out there like Adela and I'm sure I will be able to find one." He was enjoying the effect his words had had on Jake, and for all he knew they could be true. He left the room and was about to leave the house when he felt someone behind him.

"I promise I will find you and if you are with one of those like Adela I will kill her and I will not stop until I have killed them all." And with that Jake put all his anger, desperation, and grief into a punch that slammed Franz into the door and he slid to the ground.


Jake was lost. He had gone straight to his study after knocking out Franz and started to look through his books, but despite several references to creatures that were like Adela there was nothing in them about how to stop them or cure their effects. He wandered through the village ignoring people greetings and eventually end up at the house he had shared with Will. He found him asleep on the bed. He sat on the bed and took his brothers hand in his.

"I'm so sorry Will," he said to his brother, "I thought that when she died all the evil she had done would go with her. I was wrong and now I've killed you as well. All for my stupid belief in magic." Suddenly a thought struck him. He left the house and ran to the edge of the forest. The forest had saved him and maybe he could convince it to save Marbarden as well.

"Please help them!" he cried to the forest, "they are the ones that were taken by the Queen and their families! They need your help." He turned in a circle looking at the forest but there was no response. "I don't know how to save them. You are the only hope that they have. Please help them!" Jake had been walking as he spoke and was now beyond sight of the village. He felt a something brush past his face and he turned and saw a branch that curled up and seemed to beckon him to follow, he did and soon he found himself in another clearing that was eerily quiet. He walked to the centre and stopped. He could feel himself being watched, judged? He knew that there were things in his past that were dreadful and he wasn't proud of the time they spent conning people, but he would willing pay for those mistakes as long as people in Marbarden were saved.

Without warning he felt the air in the clearing change and he could no longer catch his breath. When he fell to the ground he was rapidly covered by branches that twisted around his body and found their way, via his nose and mouth deep inside him.

The forest was far more ancient than even Jake thought. It had grown powerful over the years and people worshipped it. Those people were now gone and all the forest wanted to do was to live in peace until the end of its days, which it sensed would soon come. But there were still people who could recognise its power and wanted to use it. One or two of them had succeeded in binding the forest to their will. It had spent a long time doing the bidding of one of these until a single bright desperate spark had flared, more powerful than it knew, and the binding had ended.

But recently it had again felt a spell being worked with its boundaries and found that there was a place it could not enter. It had caught one of the beings that had been in the clearing and had intended to simply smother it and use its flesh to enrich the forest, but it found that it recognised this being as the source of the power that had freed it. It found that the being had been enslaved by the same force that had sealed off the clearing, so the forest had enveloped it and purged the force from it.

Now that being was back. The forest sent out branches into the place nearby where other beings were and there if felt both the ancient and more recent powers that had bound it. It decided to get rid of them once and for all. So it sent branches into the village of Marbarden and they entwined themselves around every living thing. From the geese, to the horses to the villagers themselves all were swaddled by the branches as they found them, no matter where they were, be it in their houses or where they had fallen when the air around them had suddenly changed and they found that they could no longer breathe. The branches found their way, filling noses and throats, deep inside each of them. Soon the forest had overrun the entire village. Now all it had to do was wait for the subtle change that would indicate that death had replaced life in those it had entwined and their flesh would provide nourishment for the trees that would grow where Marbarden had once stood.

It then detected traces of the power of the being that had saved it in others. That being was now cocooned in branches in a nearby clearing and, out of recognition for what it had done it, would be spared. It searched them out but found that all of them were tainted by either the ancient or more recent power. It was just about to withdraw and let death claim the village when it felt that bright spark again. It came from one inside one of those who lay in the forest's embrace and although that being was tainted, it was not. If felt of bright new life, untouched by evil and the forest knew that it could not let that spark be extinguished. So it purged the being that it lay inside and this slowly spread through out the village, death being driven back from all of them. And the forest withdrew leaving the village of Marbarden soundless and deserted as every living thing within it slept.


"Jacob, I think that she has your eyes," said Cavaldi as he held Jake and Angelika's daughter in his arms. The baby was studying the man as much as he was studying her and in the end she smiled at him.

"They you had better ask her to give them back! He has enough problems with his vision as it is," Will was obviously in a relaxed and joking mood, but Jake was sure they would survive it.

"I think that she is perfect, just like her mother," said Jake as he took his daughter from Cavaldi and carried her over to Angelika, as it would soon be time for her to be fed.

"And she was considerate enough to provide one for me as well," said Will from across the room, where he stood, cradling his nephew.

Jake had woken in bed next to the still sleeping Angelika. He had reached across and kissed her and she had murmured his name. He had dressed and gone to check on Lily and Rose in their room, laying a hand on his wife's swollen stomach as he passed and he was sure that he felt a slight movement. He then went quietly through the village checking the houses and he found villagers sleeping peacefully in their beds. Sasha curled up in hers, Cavaldi and Maria wrapped in each other's arms and Will sprawled out on his, snoring softly. During the day the villagers slowly awoke and Jake had watched the village come alive again with a smile on his face. He had done it. They were all safe.

Jake had been there when Angelika woke and as he kissed her she had suddenly grabbed his hand and laid it on her stomach where he had felt the baby kick. Angelika had laughed at the look of pure joy that was on his face, then Lily and Rose had joined them, and there had been more laughter as they felt the kicks. Will had been the last to wake and he had seemed surprised to find Jake watching over him, but Jake had just invited him to dinner and left. Then he had gone to the forest and thanked it for its help.

The village had accepted Franz and, as he, like everyone else, had no memory of Adela, Jake had decided not to mention anything. It had been when he had come to examine Angelika that he had quietly called Jake into the bedroom where he told them that Angelika was expecting twins and when the time came he and Maria had expertly delivered first Charlotte Laurel and then Friedrich Wilhelm (much to the surprise and delight of a certain older brother). Who had been looked after by their proud father and uncle whilst their exhausted mother slept.

And, as he looked around the room, at his children, wife, brother, and all the people that he loved he realised that he was something he thought that he could never be again after his sister's death.

He was happy.