Ron knocked on the door and receiving no reply he entered. He couldn't believe that the day had actually arrived. His best friend and his sister were getting married. He knew he should be horrified, but actually, as long as he didn't have to think of them, like that, he thought they made a great couple. Although he would never admit to Harry or Ginny. For Ginny it would be ammunition, and Harry might get the wrong idea and start talking about them, and he didn't want to encourage that!

Ginny was sitting on the window seat, the room had changed and there was a huge full length mirror, with a picture of Harry and Ginny stuck to the side. He recognised it as coming from Grimmauld place. He walked up to her and touched her shoulder. As she turned round he saw the tears flowing out of her eyes and sat down next to her, and held her. He had the good sense not to speak, for once.

He wondered what Hermione had been like on his wedding day. He knew Harry had been trying to calm him down. He had been all over the place and asked Harry if he was good enough for Hermione. Harry had laughed and assured him that he and Hermione were meant to be together. He didn't know why it had taken so long for them to get together, because it was so obvious to everyone.

He had made Harry go and check on Hermione. To check that she was OK and still turning up to the ceremony. Harry had called in the same favor today, so he had come to check on Ginny. Where was everybody else? Surely she shouldn't have been left alone like this. Her crying turned into small sniffles, and she was finally ready to talk.

" Where's everybody else?" he said matter of factly.

" The heating charms weren't working so mum, Hermione, and Luna went to fix them." Ginny said.

"Oh," he said. There was a white elephant in the room that nobody was too keen to acknowledge. Again, he took tips from what he had learned from his relationship with Hermonie, never ask what the problem was. They will tell you eventually.

He remembered one night at their flat, Ron had ignored the fact that Hermione was annoyed, and had been since she came home from work. It only took until after dinner when she had shouted about someone else in her team taking the credit for her work, even though she had passed the work onto Hermione to complete.

Ginny was speaking, a noise invaded his memory. He snapped back into the room.

"What? " he said.

" I'm scared," she said in a small voice that didn't sound like Ginny at all. Ron had grown up with Ginny but he didn't recall her ever saying she was scared before.

"What are you scared of, you and Harry are perfect for each other, remember his stag night?"


" She's perfect you know, her hair, eyes, mouth, neck, t..." the rest of the word was obscured by Ron shouting.

"Ginny, I'm going to thump him if he's saying, what I think he's saying" Ron shouted

She appeared at the top of the stairs in a nightshirt. " Shhh," she said looking over at the door to Callam's room, hoping they hadn't woken him. She knew Sarah was staying over and she'd heard them casting silencing charms earlier that night. Harry was still babbling on, oblivious to her appearance. She walked down the stairs gesturing both of them into the living room and closing the door

"Gin, I love you," Harry said lurching forward to grab her. He fell backwards, onto the sofa instead. He tried to get up again to no avail. She spoke to Ron in a stage whisper, a whisper that was just as loud as talking.

"Why did you bring him here?"

"I thought he'd do some harm to himself if he was left alone, he's really drunk."

" I can see that," she said. Harry had given up and was cuddling a cushion on the sofa.

" Why did you let him get so drunk?"

"Hey, it's not my fault, the whole pub wanted to buy him a drink when they found out it was his stag night."

" And the stupid ass took a drink from everybody," she completed Ron's sentence. She tried to give Harry an evil glare, but he had crawled up asleep on the cushion.

" I'm hiding the hangover potion, serves him right," she said walking into the kitchen, taking the potion from the cupboard and placing it in the pocket of her nightshirt. She knew she would give it to him in the morning, but he can experience the pain first!

" Coffee?" she asked. Ron nodded

" I think I need to sober up a bit before i go back to Hermione," he said. Ginny tapped her wand on the teapot , the water instantly heated and she pored it into the cups. Without speaking she gave him a cup and they both started to drink.

"Ginny, I probably shouldn't tell you this, but you were all he talked about all night. I've seen it before, but he really loves you, you know. He completely ignored any other woman and when he was drunk enough, he showed everyone a picture of you he carries around with him all the time." She grinned

" Stupid berk," she said. Ron, having lived with Ginny virtually his whole life knew that she was secretly pleased.


Both their thoughts snapped back the present when she asked.

" Do things change when you're married? I'm not good at cleaning charms, I'm not exactly housewife material. What if I can't be everything people expect me to be?"

" You don't have to be anything else. He knew you well enough when he asked you to marry him. You two practically live together already."

" We.."

" Don't worry I won't tell mum," then the tone of his voice changed. " Now stop being stupid," he said and summoned up a box of tissues and handed one to her. She wiped the smudged make-up away and stood up to check herself in the mirror. She turned round, smoothing down her dress.

" How do I look?" She said. It was the first time Ron had noticed she was wearing her wedding dress. He had been kind of distracted and she wasn't wearing the veil, so it hadn't been totally obvious. She was wearing a white dress with thin straps which flowed out at the waist. The dress was white, but there were lots of little flowers cut out of the same material. Ginny had added a red petticoat underneath, so it looked like there were loads of flowers painted on the dress.

" Beautiful," he said, " Almost as good as Hermione," he winked at her. He knew that Mum had made her wear white, and the red was her rebellion. She grinned. He remembered the time he first saw Hermione walking down the aisle in the strapless white wedding dress, she looked amazing. Ginny snapped him back in to the room.

" Help me with this." It was Auntie Muriel's tiara and her veil that needed pinning up into her hair. He didn't say anything, but took the objects from her hands and tried to work out how to pin it to her hair, which took a long time.

" Do you remember when you were six and you made me pretend to be Harry so that you could marry me? Do you remember when you were you were ten and I found you practicing signing your name Ginny Potter, but I was too mortified to tell Harry." He said.

" What's your point, those aren't exactly good things," she said.

" It's actually going to happen, this is your dream enjoy it. If there's anybody who can cope with being Mrs. Potter and scaring those fan girls away, if there's anybody strong enough to ignore all the rubbish that will be said about them, it's you." He said

" When did you get so intelligent ?" Ginny asked.

" Maybe hanging around Hermione, something rubbed off," he shrugged. " Stupid things, can't get them to stay." He said, meaning the clips in her hair.

At that point the door opened and Hermione, Luna, and Mrs. Weasley entered the room.

" Who's with Harry?" Mrs. Weasley asked

" Neville, he's fine," Ron said.

" We've just seen him leaving," said Hermonie.

" Better go then," he said and he leant in closer to Hermione and kissed her. Passing her the clips for Ginny's hair.

" Ron, thanks," said Ginny.

" Any time," he said and apparated upstairs into the room which currently held Harry, pacing back and forth.

"She's not coming is she?" He asked as he saw Ron standing in the doorway.

"Where's Neville," asked Ron, changing the subject. Which just made Harry look even worse, but he answered, possibly thinking that Ron didn't want to say because it was bad news.

" Harry, sit down," he said and managed to scoot him into the chair in the corner of the room.

" Look at me, she loves you, she's here,and she's staying. There's nothing for you to worry about." Harry breathed out a long sigh.

" Why do you suddenly start sounding like Hermione?" He joked.

" You're the second person who asked me that today! I was just repeating what you told me at my wedding, remember."

"Oh yeah," said Harry, thinking back. Neville came through the door.

" There you go, Hurksphil, brilliant for nerves. I knew I'd seen some in the garden before," they both smiled at him.


Half an hour later everybody was seated and Ron and Harry were seated in the front row of chairs. Harry was constantly clicking his fingers. Ron put his hand over Harry's.

"Stop it," he said.

"Rings, you've got the rings right?"

" Yes I've got the rings. Why are you so nervous? You've done far scarier things than this."

" Yeah, but the other times I just went with the flow. I never planned much, there just wasn't the time to think. If we eloped, then I'd be OK.."

"You wouldn't be OK if any of her family found out. There's a lot of us to contend with."

"Hermione told me you booked the honeymoon," Ron said, trying to ignore the situation and hoping that this will take his mind off of it. ( That wasn't going to happen, but you can try.)

" Yeah, nobody knows where we're going. Two whole weeks, just us two," he grinned.

He stopped there. There were certain unwritten rules, that they had developed between each other over time, that they never said too much about each other's relationships. It was too freaky. Then the music started. Ron and Harry stood up and stood in their positions. Ron saw Ginny walking down the aisle, she did look pretty, but he'd seen her before in the morning. Hermione and Luna were behind her. They were both in red dresses with little fitted red jackets that matched the flowers in Ginny's dress. Hermione had her hair up in a top knot and a string of pearls around her neck. Luna had accessorised her dress with a bunch of yellow flowers, she also had a yellow fluffy broach, and a yellow fluffy hat. He remembered Bill and Fleur's wedding for the explanation. As Ginny reached the front, he was sure that he saw Harry wink at Ginny.


All the center tables had been cleared, readying for the dancing. The cake was cut and floating over to the buffet table, ready for everybody to take a piece. All the speeches were done. Everybody had been thanked for coming. All the official photographs taken. Harry and Ginny still sat at the top table, Ginny had moved onto his lap, Ron and Hermione were seated next to them.

"Happy?" Harry asked her.

"Ummm," she said and laid her head to rest on his shoulder as they watched all the young children running around the cleared center of the room, with a few parents chasing them. Harry found out later that Hermione had taken his favorite picture of them at this point. It was the picture that had sat on his small desk in the Auror's office for many years. It showed Ginny sitting on his lap, him whispering to her and running his hand up and down on her back, then she laid her head to rest on his shoulder.

" Better now that it's virtually over," she said.

It was announced that Mr and Mrs Potter were needed for the first dance. They went toth ecenter of the dance floor that had been cleared for them. The music started and it was some awful dance track. Ginny turned around to watch that the music be changed to the one they had chosen.

George at the music desk and her mother hitting him around the head. Within ten seconds the appropriate music started. "Thank you," he said.

" What for?" She said smiling at him.

" Just being you," he said.

" Well it does come naturally," she joked

" Thank you for being you" she said back to him.

Thats all folks! Thank you to everybody for reading and leaving reviews. Thank you to my beta, putting up with me rewriting stuff every day.

I've got an idea for other stories so may continue if people want to read, just leave a review.