Title: The Beginning

Author: Mrpointyhorns

Rating: PG-13

Pairing(s): Stan/Kyle

Beta: none

Spoilers: none

Summary: Kyle and Stan are just beginning a relationship when they're told unnerving news, it may or may not be true, however it may or may not ruin the relationship.

Disclaimer: I do not own anything related to South Park. Matt Stone or Trey Parker. Comedy Central etc.

"It's a boy! He's a boy! I have a son." Randy Marsh punched his fist in the air. He danced around the waiting room like he had just run a touchdown. Randy's ninety year-old father, his half brother, his brother's friend Ned, and the Broflovski were all there.

"Wait why are you three here?" Randy stared at his Jewish neighbors, nice family, but not be-at-my-son's-birth nice.

"Um…" Gerald turned to Shelia.

"Kyle wanted to be here for his little friend's birthday," Shelia wiggled the three-month old Kyle in front of Randy.

"That's rad?" Randy was still unsure. Deciding it was best to ignore it he turned to his daughter. "I thought it was over when I had you, but your Dad can make boys too. It's a boy!"

Shelley batted her eyelids and sniffled over her father's harsh words. No one seemed to care and without being consoled she decided that she hated all little brothers.

South Park's newest nurse approached the awaiting group. She smiled. It was always rewarding to see a happy parent especially in a hospital where so many gloomy things occurred.

"Mr. Marsh, and family, you can go in and see the baby and his mother now," She ushered. She even helped them find the recovery room.

"Here we are. Now Stanley and Sharon will have to stay in the hospital for three days before we can let them leave. It's standard policy for newborns, we want to make sure the mother heals up, and that the baby is healthy." The nurse explained. Randy and the other Marshes did not seem to pay her any mind, but the Broflovski's were more polite promising that keeping the baby and the mother over night was just fine.

Randy was the first to enter the recovery room. "Where is Stanley, I want to hold my son?" The proud father looked around the room. The hospital cradle was empty and so were Sharon's arms.

Sharon looked sleepy and out of sort, every way a woman who just gave birth should look. She smiled when her daughter crawled up on the bed with her, before answering her loud husband. "The doctors took him to the baby's room. You can view them down the hall. They'll bring Stanley back in when he needs to eat."

"Fuck," Randy slumped in a hospital issued rocking chair.

"Randy, language," Sharon scolded, Shelia was equally upset even though it was unlikely that Kyle had any idea what Randy had said.

"Stanley?" Gerald raised an eyebrow. He turned to look at Sharon giving her a critical look. "You named him Stanley, Stan?"

Sharon without meeting Gerald's gaze nodded her head. Ignoring the unspoken questions about the name Sharon turned to her daughter. "How do you like being a big sister, Shelley?"

"It sucks," The little girl pouted but she was glad that she was getting some attention at least. No one even scolded her for the language she used.