The Ultimate Fanfic. (Evil laughter). Seriously. I'm going to make this really long and really good. I expect tons of reviews for this. If you have any suggestions, send me a message. If you haven't read Sonic Team's Vacation, I strongly recommend you reading and REVIEWING that one before you read this one. Otherwise, you might get a little confused. Without further ado, let's kick it off. Knux/Rouge 4 life.


Sonic and friends have been back from vacation for about two months now. Much has changed due to the wild experiences on their vacation. Sonic and Amy are now dating. Occasionally, they double date with Tails and Cream, Knuckles and Rouge, or Shadow and Blaze. Jet and Wave have become quite close as well. It is now impossible to separate the two. The Chaotix are still the Chaotix, except for Espio, who is now dating Scarlett. It's getting serious. As for Tikal and Silver, their long distance relationship is working out just fine. Silver is constantly taking trips back to the past to see Tikal. No one has heard much from Chris and Elise since they have been dating. I guess they have better things to do than hang around a bunch of anthromorphic animals. Anyways, all seems well.

Or so it seems…………..


Angel Island…

Knuckles lay in front of the Master Emerald. All seems peaceful. He closed his eyes and listened to the wind. It sang a peaceful melody that Knuckles just loved. He walked down the shrine to the grounds of Angel Island. There, he practiced his martial arts skills. First, he started off with a few heat knuckles followed by an uppercut. He had set up a few practice dummies and started working on his jab. The dummies didn't work too well because the spikes on his knuckles kept piercing the dummies and all the sand kept coming out. After he broke all three dummies, Knuckles decided to take different approach to his workout by doing push-ups. He finished his sets and got up from the ground and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

"Trying to keep in shape are we?" asked a familiar voice from behind.

Knuckles turns around to see Silver the Hedgehog standing there smiling. Knuckles smiled back. Ever since Tikal and Silver have been dating, Knuckles and Silver have become close friends. Knuckles even considers Silver to be like his brother since he considers Tikal to be his little sister.

"Don't try to be funny, wise guy, or I'll give you a few knocks in the head," said Knuckles still smiling.

"Is Tikal here?" asked Silver.

Knuckles pointed to the Master Emerald. "You know where to find her."

Silver walked off and left Knuckles to his training. He carefully walked up the shrine to where the Master Emerald lied. When he reached the top, the emerald started to glow brighter. Silver smiled.

"Hello, beautiful," said Silver.

A red light came from the emerald and stopped in front of Silver. It slowly started to glow until Tikal finally appeared. She smiled and hugged Silver tightly.

"Hello, Silver! How are you?" asked Tikal.

"I'm fine now that I've seen you," said Silver.

"What brings you by?" asked Tikal.

"If you aren't too busy, I thought that you'd want to go on a romantic picnic in the mystic ruins out by your ancestral home," said Silver.

Tikal was naturally taken by the suggestion. She turned to the emerald and placed her hand on it. "Is it okay for me to go on a picnic with Silver?" she asked.

The emerald glowed brightly. Tikal smiled.

"Is that a Yes?" asked Silver anxiously.

Tikal smiled. "It's a date."

Tikal and Silver walked down the shrine past Knuckles, who was now Shadow Boxing.

"I'll be back in a little while, Knuckles," said Tikal.

"Okay. Have fun you two!" said Knuckles as he waved them off. Afterwards, he continued with his training. Finally after about an hour, he took a break. He sat on the bottom steps of the shrine with some grapes that he found on the trees around the island. Knuckles ate the grapes one by one. Suddenly, Knuckles stopped.

"The wind just changed," thought Knuckles. He could tell that something was wrong, but he just couldn't figure out what. He sensed great strife ahead. It was a bad omen.


2 months earlier somewhere else….

Two blood-red, glowing eyes seemed to be floating around in total darkness. Just being close to them caused many people to become afraid. Then, the eyes stepped into the light. As it stepped into the light, it took on a form. This form was a black hedgehog and I don't mean Shadow either. It was a pitch black hedgehog that resembled Sonic perfectly. There were no shades of red in his quills. His fur, his quills, his muzzle, all black. His muzzle had a lighter shade, however. It was kind of gray. He couldn't look any more evil. He spoke. His voice was so evil and cold that it caused Icy Knuckles to shiver as he finished this sentence.

"It is time for Armageddon," said the hedgehog. "I will assemble the most ruthless villains that this world has ever seen. Together we will conquer this world and shroud it in darkness forever."

He pulled up images on his monitor screen as he spoke. "First up, there's that cunning scientist, Dr. Eggman. Together, we will finally realize his ultimate dream of world domination."

The image changed. "Next up is Dr. Eggman's greatest creation, Metal Sonic. His cold heart and Sonic-like skills makes him an excellent addition."

The image changed. "Chaos, with his god-like powers will make us all but unstoppable. It is true that he's now a good guy, but with the help of my dark spore, I'm sure I can change his mind." He cackled evilly.

The image changed. "The Biolizard's skin is all but impenetrable. He was built to destroy the world, and that's what he's going to do."

The image changed again. "Black Doom and his Black Arms will be some of the soldier's for our alliance." He wanted to get rid of humans. Now, he'll get his chance.

The image changed again. "The Metarex are another part of my army. Together with the Black Arms, the pitiful human army will be easily crushed.

The image changed again. "The Babylon Guardian was somehow defeated by Sonic the Hedgehog. Being trapped in Babylon Gardens made his power diminish. I'm sure he wishes to unleash his full power on those who defeated him."

The image changed again. "Mephiles probably comes closest to matching my evilness, making him a perfect addition to my already invincible forces."

"The image changed again. "Iblis is plain raw power. He has no conscience. Therefore, he will be the final member of the alliance, as well as the beast. I will cage his power and then release it upon the world.

"Now to assemble my army and began the destruction of this planet." He pulled out the red chaos emerald.

"CHAOS TELEPORTATION" Dr. Eggman and Metal Sonic appeared in front of him.

"CHAOS REINCARNATION" The rest of his army minus the Black Arms and Metarex army appeared before him. The only Metarex to appear were Dark Oak, Pale Bay Leaf, Black Narcissus, Yellow Zelkova, Red Pine, and Glacius(The Ice Metarex).

"Let the World Domination begin," said the hedgehog. He laughed evilly.
