chapter one:finding you again

Edwards (POV)

"ALICE!" Rosalie yelled from upstairs "TURN THE TV DOWN!" Alice just yelled back saying "NO WAY ROSALIE THE MUSIC VIDEOS ON THIS CHANNEL ARE AWSOME!" I could hear the music all the way up in my room and it pained me any kind of music did it all reminded me of her. Her I had left her I had left Bella ten years ago and today was the aniverrsery of it I curled up into a ball and waited just waited for this day to be over and for alice to turn the music off.I got up then I couldn,t take it anymore I left my room and started walking downstairs if alice wasn't going to turn the tv off I was going to smash it to pieces just as I was about to start yelling at her I heard a guitar playing but it didn't sound ordinary it sounded like an angel was playing it perfectly I had never really gotten into the guitar but I knew how it sounded and this sounded perfect I ran into the living room and looked on the screen it showed four people two boys and two girls one boy who looked like he was the lead singer had brown hair in a messy way he had a piercing that was chain from his lip to his ear and he had red eyes "red eyes?" I thought then I looked more closley he was a vampire and so were all the others the other boy had black hair that fell over his left eye and a lip piercing he also had red eyes one of the girls who looked like the second guitarist had what looked like blond hair that was somehow bleached green and once again had red eyes but the last one the last girl the one that really caught my attention was the one playing the guitar she had brown straight hair that came just passed her shoulders she was wearing a black and white tank top and black capris (/the outfit looks like the one avril lavigne wears in her music vid 'I,m with you.'//)I couldnt see her eyes because she was looking down but she amazed me she reminded me off her.I looked over at alice she alos had a shocked look on her face thats when the lead singer started singing .

Every time we lie awake After every hit we take Every feeling that I get But I haven▓t missed you yet

Every roommate kept awake By every sigh and scream we make All the feelings that I get But I still don't miss you yet

Only when I stop to think about it

at this point in the vid it showed a bunch of people in a feild it reminded me of our meadow.

I hate everything about you Why do I love you I hate everything about you Why do I love you

Every time we lie awake After every hit we take Every feeling that I get But I haven▓t missed you yet

at this point I was able to look at the girls face I was stunned It WAS Bella but only now she was a vampire.

Only when I stop to think about it

I hate everything about you Why do I love you I hate everything about you Why do I love you

Only when I stop to think About you, I know Only when you stop to think About me, do you know

it then had a single guitar solo only it was the other girl doing it she wasn,t nearly as good as bella then it showed bella and she had her hands outstretched she was holding a picture of me? it was it the picture of me and her in our meadow and it was framed

I hate everything about you Why do I love you You hate everything about me Why do you love me

when the guy started singing again bella threw the picture to the ground and glass in the frame shatterd she then backed away from it and the held the side of her head it looked like she in pain screaming

I hate You hate I hate You love me

I hate everything about you Why do I love you

the video then ended by that time everying one was the room they all had gotten in just in time to see bella smash the picture "is that how she really feals?" alice thought

"I don't blame her we left her to die." this one came from emmett and honestly I had to agree with him but she was more mad at me then at them

"Alice what was the name of that band?" I asked calmly alice didn't move for a minute it took us all a second to realize that she was having a vision

jasper raced over to her side and held her unto the vision was over with when it was she gasped as if she needed air "Alice what did you see?" carlisle asked

it took alice a minute to realize what carlisle had asked once she did she smiled "I saw bella and her band coming her back to Forks."

we had long since moved back to forks I couldn,t stand being away from bella long but when I came back she was already gone

"whats the bands name?' this time it was rosalie who asked she actually had excitment and concern in her voice.All alice said was "ummm."

"Alice sweetie whats the name?" esme asked Alice paused "Broken angels." she said

(hahahaha cliffy I,m so evil :3)