This was originally my dream. I wrote it down as soon as I awoke. Since I loved it so much I decided to rewrite it as Hermione(Lord knows I have her and Sinistra's hair) and someone not 2 be named as Fred(B/c that's the character that they are most like-even looks like a Weasley- and I prefer Fred/Hermione over George for some reason)

I MAY add more chapters to this, depending on the reviewers

Disclaimer: I only own this dream. And another dream of mind is to own Harry Potter Characters but Lord knows that's never going 2 happen b/c they belong to J. K. Rowlingtears

Her husband came up behind her and hugged her waist to him, saying. "It's too early in the morning." And he groaned into her neck where he had tiredly placed his head onto her shoulder to rest and she laughed at his expense.

He just groaned louder. "Your so mean to me." And in response she made an 'aww'ing noise. "Is poor baby tired?"

He stifled a laugh and nodded into her neck. Being serious, Hermione said softly. "You don't have to get up this early you know."

"But I can't sleep without you in my arms and a pillow doesn't cut it." She 'hmm'd warmly and grinned as he hugged her tighter. "Plus, I like spending time together." He finished saying this by kissing her left cheek, then her neck and shoulder where her extremely loose shirt sleeve kept falling off and she never bothered picking it back up. She 'hmm'd again and replied as he hugged her and they swayed.

"I like spending time together too, but aren't you supposed to be kissing my lips?" She asked amused and turned her head to look at him, grinning.

He acted (poorly) surprised. "Your right! I was trying to aim there earlier, but kept getting it wrong." Here she laughed. "Let's fix that, shall we?"

And before she could answer, he captured her lips in a sweet, tender kiss and she turned in his arms to wrap hers around his neck, careful not to get him wet and deepened the kiss until they broke it gently with lighter and lighter kisses.

They just stood there, hugging each other and letting the water in the sink run, he was the first to break the silence.

"I love you."

Hermione looked up and kissed his cheek. "I love you too."

Then she turned back to turn off the water and he hugged her from behind again, pining her arms against her sides, but she could still use them from the elbow down. "You know..." He said. "The kids are asleep." And she could plainly hear the smile in his voice and laughed, hitting him w/ a wet rag playfully in the shoulder to let her go.

"And here I was thinking you were being romantic." She walked away from were he was pretending to be hurt and he called out to her as he caught up. "I WAS being romantic!"

Having caught up, he took her in his arms and whispered laughingly/conspiratorially in her ear as she giggled.

"Come on, Sweety. The kids are asleep, no phone calls from annoying relatives," Here she broke in with 'Hey!' but he continued. "No visitors, the birds are singing, don't have work, it's perfect!"

She looked up at him and couldn't help but kiss his cheek and look into his eyes and say.


He looked heart broken and she laughed. "Sorry Hun, I'm just not in the mood. Plus the kids could wake up at any minute."

He looked extremely put out until...

"How doth thy Lady teases!" He said and she put a hand to her cheek and laughed shaking her head. "Alas! Look at how she touches her cheek! If I were but a glove upon that hand! I shall have died happy!" He clutched his chest and looked skyward in drama.

Hermione laughed again. "You idiot! And I don't think that's the right quote!"

He looked at her strangely and she couldn't tell if he was being serious when he said. "What quote?"

They went back to bed to cuddle in their sleep when one of their children came in yawning and woke them up.

In an undertone voice she whispered to him. "Told ya!" and he just looked sheepish in return. "Mommy!" Their child cried. "I had a nightmare that you were kissing Daddy!"

They laughed and Hermione picked their child up. "What's so bad about kissing?"

"It's disgusting and has cooties!"

They laughed again and she hugged and kissed the child's forehead. "Was that so bad?"

They shook their head grinning. "But promise not to kiss Daddy?"

Her husband 'Hey!'d and she grinned. "Now Sweetheart, do you really think it's fair that you get a kiss from me and Daddy doesn't?" They shook their head.

"A kiss is a sign of love. And I love you both."

Her husband nodded and Hermione added jokingly. "But I love you more than your father does."

"What?!" The accused man exclaimed back just as playfully. "I love him/her more!"

"No I do!"

"I do!"

And they continued until their child was lost in a fit of giggles.

"The point is Honey, we all love each other." She told their child and when they hugged their parents, her husband couldn't help but add. "But I love you guys more."

Hermione ignored the banter because she was too tired to answer.

"Night Mommy! Night Daddy!"

Their father said. "Night "(Insert name)

and Hermione said. "Night Darling."

They were just settled in bed again with their child between them when they said. "I love you Mommy. I wanna be just like you." Hermione cried at this because she remembered feeling and say the same thing to her own mother. "I love you too, Darling. I'm sure you will." And she kissed their forehead and looked across at her husband and he wiped her tears and smiled at her, causing her to smile back.

They went to bed, but not before he told their child that cooties did exist, but disappeared when you got as old as Mommy and Daddy. Hermione managed not to laugh and just smile at him.

"G-Night, Love."

"G-Night Fred."

Hermione woke up to find tears and a smile on her face. Shaking herself awake, she got washed and dressed, heading downstairs to to the kitchen for breakfast. Sitting down she said morning to the rest at the table and was answered in reply. Hearing Fred's voice among them, she looked up and blushed to see him smiling at her, remembering her dream. "Morning Hermione."

"Morning Fred."

Harry next to her, saw her reply just to Fred, grinned and said nothing about it, because it seemed he was the only one besides the two to notice.

An hour later they were heading to the Hogwarts Express and Harry stayed back when getting into the car to let Fred sit next to Hermione. Getting in, he thought when he saw Fred talking to Hermione and her blushing in response. 'It's going to be an interesting 5th year...'

Okay, that's it of my one-shot, I could do all lot more chapters(I already started) if I get at least 6 reviewers wanting more. SO REVIEW! (Also, if you do want more, Hermione and the twins will start a 'bet' that should turn into a very long, interesting, funny/romantic story with lots and lots of Weasley pranks.)