

Well, Shiori.
How's that for irony?
All these years you've thought that you gained some victory over me.
Thought that you took away something from me.
Something that you thought I held above all else.

Well, you were right.
But not in the way that you supposed.

I held you above all else.
Even above him, who was a friend to both of us at one time.
Is "friend" a word you recognize, Shiori?
I would be surprised.

You took him and then you left.
And that was when my heart shattered.
But that's okay, now, really. Don't worry about it, overmuch.
I found a replacement heart.
You may have seen it... In fact, I know you have.
You've held it in your hand.
You've seen it's contents spilled upon the floor at your feet.
My replacement heart is gold.
Gold, and shackled, and it carries you inside of it.


I know what you think of me, Shiori.
You think it's disgusting. You think I'm disgusting.
Disgusting, vile, repulsive.
Sometimes I think the same of you.
Sometimes you seem as though you take some sort of wicked glee out of holding my heart- the real one, mind you, not the replacement- in the palm of your hand.
Sometimes I wonder why it had to have been you.
Why not some other girl?
Love is such a fickle thing, isn't it, Shiori?
You of all people know how fickle love can be.
I havn't seen that boy around in quite some time.
Did he find a new girlfriend?
Maybe someone more gentle?
Or someone into fencing, perhaps?
I have to wonder, really I do.

Of course, I realize that the boy wasn't important.
No, not in the least.
It was sheerly the thought of taking something that I wanted away.
You succeeded.
Aren't you proud?

My, how the tables have turned now, Shiori.
It seems that you want him.
You know, him. The other boy?

You desire Ruka, now, too?
That's funny. He wants me.
Just like that other boy did.
How ironic.
He wants me...
And he doesn't want you.


Do you know what's truly ironic, Shiori?
He doesn't want you.
But I do.
After all this.
I still want you.
And I imagine I'll always be here.
For You.


NOTES: Hmm... Sorta a weird format for a poem, but it was a bit too short to be a one shot story. I'm not even sure where this came from. I'm not really a Juri fan...
Ah, well.
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