Chapter 30
A/N : This is going to be the last chapter. I hope you all like it! I have come a real long way in writing this story and now... it's over! lol Well, I hope you like it. I appreciate all the reviews people have sent me in this story. All your reviews actually continued me to go on. When I wrote the first chapter of the story I thought I would stop at chapter ten but I came to thirty. Thank you all for reviewing and enjoy this story!
Guns and Roses
It has been ten years since the death of Torrie Wilson. Life has changed since then. Brock Lesnar and Candice went to jail for the shooting of Torrie Wilson. Brock Lesnar stayed in jail for ten years and Candice is staying in jail for the rest of her life. John bought a new house located in Tampa, Florida and currently lives with Shawn and Hunter. Shawn is pretty much the same. The same old Shawn who's always been silly and dances around. Hunter has been really quiet these past few years ever since Torrie, Stacy, and Trish died. Kelly Kelly went to jail again for the shooting of Stacy. Chris Jericho, who killed Trish, has never been found by the cops. The reason he has not been found because he threw Trish's body in the ocean and cops never found the body even after ten years. It had probably decayed.
John turned off the t.v. and got up from the couch. He walked over to the kitchen and grabbed a sprite from the fridge. He walked back to the couch and saw Hunter sitting there. Life has been kind of slow for all of them. Hunter divorced Stephanie for some reason. I should really say that Stephanie divorced Hunter. Hunter is getting used to what John is feeling like. A lonely man with his woman taken away.
John just stared at Hunter and then looked at the t.v.
" Where were you that night when Torrie died?" John asked.
Hunter gulped and thought for a second. Then he stopped thinking. " I forget," he simply said.
" Oh," John said and looked down.
There was an awkward silence until Shawn ran into the room. " I found my i-pod!" Shawn screamed.
" Good for you. Now go away and listen to your i-pod so I can relax for once," Hunter said.
" You are not the boss of me!" Shawn yelled.
" Yes I am!" Hunter yelled back and threw the remote at him.
" Can you two ever stop fighting?" John asked.
" Well, unfotunately not because Shawn isn't listening to me!" Hunter screamed and this time threw a pillow at him.
After Hunter threw the pillow back at Shawn, Shawn and Hunter started continually arguing.
Over their loud yells John screamed," I had enough! I'm leaving!"
Hunter and Shawn stopped and watched quietly as John Cena left the house.
" You see what you did!" Hunter screamed as soon as John shut the door behind him.
" Me?" Shawn asked,'' you were the one who started it!"
" What? If you never came into this living room saying that you found your stupid i-pod this would've never happened!" Hunter screamed.
" Oh please. First of all, my i-pod is not stupid and second of all, stop being grumpy just because you and Stephanie divorced," Shawn said.
" Shut up! I am not mad because of that!"
" Yes you are!"
" No I'm not!" Hunter screamed back.
" Yes you are!"
" Oh will you shut up!" Hunter yelled and then everything went quiet. All you can hear was the air conditioning system.
With that said, Hunter got up and walked over to the bedroom.
Outside, John was walking up the block and thought about all the old times. He remembered when Shawn got lost in the airpane with Chris Jericho and Edge. He remembered when he was in the hospital for so long because he got shot by Chris Jericho. He remembered when Torrie said yes to his purposal. He remembered when he and Torrie shared thatl kiss in New Year's day. He remembered all the fights Hunter and Shawn had. He remembered when Shawn turned different. He surely did remember a lot of things but the thing that he remembered the most happened ten years ago when he was in that ambulance with Torrie and a guardian angel swept over his body.
Today is exactly ten years after Torrie died. John decided to just stop by the graveyard and recollect some of his thoughts. He walked over to the graveyard. He passed by a huge steel gate. He saw Torrie's tomb. He touched the tomb. It sent chills all over his body. It read the graving in the tomb and frowned at such a thing. She didn't die. She got killed. Those are two different meanings. Dying is part of God's plan for all of us but killing is part of other people's plans. He heard someone walk by. It was Ric Flair. He seemed to be missing his rifle cane. John stared at him as he knelt by Torrie's tomb too.
" You happen to know Torrie Anne Wilson fellow?" Ric Flair asked.
John nodded and said," Yes, yes I do."
Ric Flair nodded and said," I do too. She was a nice, young girl. Her family said that she was about to be married to this man named John Cena..."
John was thinking that he probably didn't know that he was John Cena.
Ric Flair then shook his head slightly and said," Poor girl. All of her hopes and dreams are ruined just because of that man."
John raised an eyebrow.
A little boy named Bob came running up to Ric Flair and said," Grandpa, grandpa! Can we get out of here? This place is giving me the creeps."
Ric Flair said," Don't say that. Soon you will be living here."
" Soon?" Bob asked.
" If you don't keep your mouth shut,'' Ric Flair said and walked away with his grandson.
John wondered about what he said. He said that all of her hopes and dreams are ruined just because of that man. Man? John thought that Candice killed her. Maybe the old man has got it all wrong. Maybe he thought that Brock killed her. Yeah, that's it. Maybe he thought that Brock killed her.
Chris Jericho finished playing the song " Even Flow" on Guitar Hero 3. He heard the doorbell so he ran to answer the door.
" Who is it?" Chris Jericho asked.
" Brock," Brock Lesnar said.
Chris Jericho opened the door and asked," You're out of jail?"
" Yeah, thank God. Hasn't it been ten years?"
" Yeah but.. I don't know.." Chris Jericho said while stepping away from Brock.
" Do you really think I killed Torrie?" Brock asked.
Chris Jericho laughed in a fake manner and lied," Of course not."
" Well, because I didn't and I hate for going to jail because of it. You know I love Torrie and that I would never kill her, right?" Brock asked.
" I guess," Chris Jericho said, not knowing what to really say or expect. I mean, Brock could be carrying a gun right now.
" Let me just tell you one thing. Candice did not kill Torrie," Brock said.
" Then who did?" Chris Jericho asked.
" It could've been someone else," Brock said," but right now, that's not the point."
" You know, I kind of believe you. I mean, Candice and you couldn't have possibly shot Torrie," Chris Jericho said.
" And now, ten years later, you say this? When I called you from jail you hung up on me and thought that I was a killer!" Brock said.
" Well, what was there to truly believe or not believe? I mean, she was found dead in your house!"
" Yeah, but that doesn't make me a killer,'' Brock said.
" Um, in my view it kind of does," Chris said.
Brock looked over to Chris Jericho. " Look who's talking," Brock said.
" What? I'm not a killer!"
" Yes you are. You shot John!" Brock yelled.
" But I didn't kill him..."
" So? Okay, how about Trish? You killed her," Brock said.
Chris Jericho blankly looked at Brock and asked," How did you know that I killed Trish?"
" I'm not that stupid. Rico paid you to kill her," Brock said.
" What?" Chris Jericho said.
" Rico paid you to kill her!"
" Okay then, where's the money smartass? I would never kill someone for money," Chris Jericho said.
" Then why did you kill her?" Brock asked.
Chris Jericho took a while to answer his question. Instead he asked," Why did you kill Torrie?"
" I did not kill Torrie!" Brock yelled.
" Well, I didn't kill Trish!"
" Stop being such a liar, Jericho."
Jericho stared at Brock as he opened the door. " I'm leaving and going to the graveyard to have a moment with Torrie unlike you. You can't even pay respect to your girlfriend because you drowned her body in an ocean and you or the police have no idea where her body is. I really feel bad for her parents to leave her with a man like you."
" Shut up," Chris Jericho said.
" Just saying!" Brock said while exiting the door.
"Wait," Chris Jericho said. Brock turned back. " Hopefully you are not going to shoot me right?" Brock asked.
" No, I killed Trish for a reason and it is a damn good reason. She was pregant and her baby was carrying a disease that Trish could die from and the baby."
" You call that a good reason? If Torrie was pregnant and her child had it, would John kill her and her baby? No, because he loves her. That shows that you don't love Trish," Brock said.
" I love her. I just don't want her to suffer the pain of death."
Brock took one last glance at Chris Jericho.
" Good luck with life, dude," Brock said and left his house.
Meanwhile. . .
John was still in the graveyard but then Brock walked by and stopped near Torrie's tomb.
" What are you doing here?" John asked.
" The question is what are you doing here?" Brock asked back.
" Listen, she is my girlfriend whom you killed. Aren't you supposed to be in jail?"
" It's been ten years," Brock said,'' and I didn't kill her."
John suddenly laughed in a sarcastic way and asked,"What do you mean that you didn't kill her?''
'' I didn't kill her! So didn't Candice," Brock said.
" Then who did smartass? You obviously killed her," John said.
" I swear my life that I didn't kill her! You know I love her, John," Brock said.
" That doesn't mean anything. You can kill me right now if you wanted to," John said.
" Well, because I don't love you..." Brock said sarcastically.
" That's not the point," John said.
" Then what is the point, John?" Brock screamed out," that I have to suffer because of my friends?"
John suddenly looked at Brock.
" What are you talking about?" John asked.
" You don't know John but you might know if you use your brain for once," Brock said.
" Listen, how many times have I used my brain? You are a killer, Brock! You killed Torrie's father!" John screamed.
" Listen, you better be quiet around here. Don't be running the streets and screaming I am a killer!"
" But you did kill Torrie and Torrie's father!" John screamed out.
" Oh yeah?" Brock said," check for the gun. Check for the gun that was found my the police. That gun was the gun used to kill Torrie. It had the numbers 314. Why don't you check and really see the whole truth?"
" 314?" John asked.
" Yeah, keep that number in mind John. It can be useful. Very useful. Because if you don't find out who really killed Torrie as soon as tonight, the killer might reveal himself to you and you won't even know it. You can be the next victim."
John watched Brock as he walked out of the cemetery. John then put his hand over Torrie's tombstone and said," Don't worry Torrie. I'll find the killer and soon everything will be over."
Meanwhile . . .
John comes back home and finds Shawn and Hunter sitting in the couch.
" I need to speak to both of you about something," John said.
Shawn and Hunter turned to John with attention.
" Yes?" Hunter asked. Shawn just nodded.
John took a deep breath. " I know it has been ten years since Torrie died but it is still a major factor to me. You don't know how much it means to me to find the killer. The real killer."
" It's Brock," Hunter said.
" No," John said," I don't know if it is really him now. I mean, he does love Torrie... not as much as I do..."
Shawn laughed at the "not as much as I do."
John waited until Shawn stopped laughing. Then John said," But he does love Torrie and we had a little talk. He said that I should really use my brain and start looking for signs of the killer."
Hunter suddenly started laughing continually. Only then, after a minute John was able to calm him down.
" You know what I think John? I think that you should use your brain and not believe this man!" Hunter said.
John closed his eyes and opened them again. Then he asked," I know that this might sound weird but... are any of you the killer?"
Brock looked towards Shawn and Shawn looked back at Hunter.
" Not me," Shawn said," my mom and dad always taught me the right things to do and it was certainly not to kill!"
Hunter lifted his shoulders and said," And it certainly isn't me. I would never kill."
Hunter got up from his seat and walked towards the door. Halfway to his trip towards the door, a gun fell out of Hunter's pocket. John and Shawn contiually looked at the gun with blank faces. Suddenly that number came back to mind. 314. The gun on the floor said 314. Is this a trick? Does Brock know who the killer is? Is Hunter really the killer?
Hunter looked back and ran towards the gun. Hunter picked it up. John and Shawn stood from their seats and backed away, ready to climb out the window. But then Hunter put the gun back in his pocket.
He didn't fire a shot.
Nothing happened.
Too strange.
Suddenly Hunter realized that Shawn and John were continually looking at the gun which was sticking out of his pocket.
" Oh that?" Hunter asked," that's my gun that I use for protection."
Shawn and John still continually stared blankly at Hunter.
Hunter just walked out the door when he saw John and Shawn ignoring him.
When Hunter left, John quickly looked at Shawn.
" I'm leaving," Shawn said.
" No," John said," you can't leave. He's the killer. There is some kind of trick going on."
Shawn continually stared at John.
" Shawn, I really want to know who killed Torrie and tonight I am going to find out. Right now it is very confusing. Hunter just left out with a gun in his pocket. Brock told me that the gun that was used to kill Torrie had the number 314 on it. Hunter's gun had that number on it but how about if Brock just wants Hunter to get in trouble. I mean, Hunter is our best friend and... even one of Torrie's friends. Would he ever kill Torrie?" John asked.
Shawn said," You can't always trust friends."
Shawn then took out a gun. John quickly backed away.
" Relax, it has no bullets and this is only for protection. Hunter has been a little psycho lately and I just use this to scare him. But he doesn't know that it has no bullets."
" God, Shawn! You scared me to death. You said you can't always trust friends and then suddenly you pull out a gun. You're right. I can't trust you and you're my own friend."
" John, relax," Shawn said.
" Just joking, man," John said and then he laughed.
" But I think you are right. Right now is a very serious manner and we need to find out the killer," Shawn said.
" Yeah," John said.
Shawn looked at the time. " It's getting late. Maybe tomorrow," Shawn said.
" Shawn! I thought you said that we need to find the killer," John said.
" Fine,'' Shawn said.
John and Shawn looked out the window all night long. Suddenly they heard Hunter opening the door. It was 1:00 p.m.
" Shawn, run into the bedroom and pretend you're sleeping!" John whispered loudly.
Shawn ran to the bedroom and John hid in bathroom shower. Wow, what a wonderful hiding spot! How about if Hunter decides to take a shower?
Hunter opened the door and saw the lights on. Wow, John and Shawn are such dumbies! They should've shut off the lights.
Hunter threw his jacket over the couch and walked into the bedroom. Shawn tried hard not to breathe heavily. Then Hunter started undressing himself.
" Great," Shawn thought to himself and he covered his eyes.
Hunter then changed into his boxers and sat on the bed. Shawn crawled more under the bed so Hunter won't see him. Then Hunter changed his mind and walked out of the bedroom. He walked into the kitchen and grabbed a glass of water. He walked into the bathroom and opened the mirror up. John peeked through the bathroom shower curtains. Good thing they were not see through. Hunter took out two large bags. He opened them and John could've sworn that he saw drugs. Hunter kneeled down in the bathroom tiles and then he suddenly started to cry. He banged his head on the wall a few times, making it seem like if he were undergoing suicide. John watched at his stupidity and now knew what Shawn was talking about. Shawn was saying that he has been acting a little psycho lately. It is certainly because of the drugs. John couldn't stand to watch any longer so he just faced towards the wall and closed his eyes and ears until Hunter would leave the bathroom. John now knew that Hunter is the killer, as odd as it may sound. But it can't be odd at all at a time like this. It is pretty obvious. Hunter has been taking drugs these past ten years and maybe even before. You never know. It's the same as not being to know if a person is gay. You don't really know if he's gay until he comes out of the closet. You don't really know that Hunter has been taking drugs until you really witness it.
Hunter went to sleep. John walked back to Shawn's bedroom and still saw Shawn hiding underneath the bed.
" You can get up now, Shawn," John whispered.
Shawn got up and looked out the door. " Where is he?" Shawn asked.
John explained the whole story about what he saw in the bathroom and then that he is asleep right now.
" I knew it," Shawn said, " that's why he has been acting weird lately."
John nodded and just lazily fell into the couch near Shawn's bed. " Safe night, Shawn," John said.
Shawn looked at John. " Good night, John..."
" No," John said," have a safe night. Not a good one."
Meanwhile ( 4:00 a.m. )
John heard a few noises outside. He woke up Shawn and Shawn drowsily followed John outside. John opened the door and saw Brock Lesnar, Chris Jericho, Hunter, Rico and Ric Flair all arguing outside.
" You want to get me in trouble, huh? Well, it's not going to work out Hunter. No it isn't because it is first of all, all your fault!" Brock yelled and then pushed Hunter onto the floor.
The fight continued for a while but then what caught John's attention was the shot fired. John saw Rico laying dead on the floor. After the gun shot, Chris Jericho and Brock Lesnar started running away from Hunter. They soon left the area. Ric Flair still stood there, continually staring at Hunter.
" You poor child," Ric Flair weakly said," you don't let those men get into your lives. But if they do, that doesn't mean that you go out and kill people."
John was overhearing the conversation and chills swept his body.
" You can't kill your two best friends. There is no other friends left for you. John and Shawn are the only other two people that actually trust you and don't make fun of your... mental issues."
" They don't make fun of me because they don't know that I have mental issues," Hunter said.
" They have to have known by now!" Ric Flair stated.
Hunter walked back and forth.
" I am not mental!" Hunter screamed.
" Okay, okay," Ric Flair said, trying to calm Hunter down," maybe you just have... a very bad temper."
Hunter just continued to walk back and forth.
" See you tomorrow morning but please mark my words. Don't kill Shawn and John," Ric Flair said.
Hunter just stared at Ric Flair with eyes shining in the night.
" Good night, Hunter," Ric Flair said and walked away.
Hunter turned back and caught John Cena, standing behind a tall tree.
" Were you listening to the conversation?" Hunter asked.
" Me? Well, of course not! Why would I?" John asked.
Hunter didn't say anything back. He didn't even smirk or make any facial expressions.
After a long silence, John said," Hunter, you haven't been acting too well these past couple of... years ever since Torrie died. What's wrong?"
" Nothing's wrong," Hunter said but then he rolled his eyes," okay, something's wrong but you don't need to know what it is."
" Hunter, I'm your best friend," John said.
" My only best friend," Hunter said.
" Only best friend? How about Shawn? He's your best friend," John said.
" You know Cena, all these years I realized something. It always comes back to me. Everything that happens... it always seems to come back to me," Hunter said.
" I have no idea what you are talking about," John said," you are not making sense of what you are saying right now!"
" Cena," Hunter said.
" Why are you calling me Cena?" John asked.
" Isn't that your name?"
" Well, yeah as a matter of fact it is... but you always used to call me John."
" John," Hunter said.
" I luckilly escaped the police... but now I am in more danger. Please do not tell the police anything!" Hunter said.
John looked down and then back up at Hunter.
" Hunter, I... I can't... What did you do?" John asked.
'' I... I killed... someone," Hunter said.
"Who?" John asked, trying to get the name out of his mouth.
Hunter took a deep breath and then said," Torrie Wilson."
Suddenly John continually kept on staring at Hunter and then looked down shaking his head.
" How could you?" John asked," you knew that she meant everything to me and now I am living the worst life I ever had!"
Hunter looked away and then back at John. " I didn't mean it."
" Of course you did! You can't just shoot someone by accident!" John screamed.
Hunter said," This life contains a lot of mistakes John."
" Of course it does. Look at us right now... You killed Torrie!" John screamed.
Hunter walked back and forth.
" And you didn't get caught yet?" John asked.
" Please don't tell the police," Hunter said," I am certainly trying to become a better person."
" I can't trust you Hunter... I'm sorry,'' John said and started to walk away.
" Where are you going?" Hunter asked.
" Certainly somewhere," John said.
" Before I leave," John said," why did you kill her?"
Hunter took a while to answer but then he said," It's hard to explain. But this certainly is not..." Hunter took out a gun and pointed it to John.
" Go ahead, Hunter. If you kill me, you will be known as a killer. Do you really want to be known as a killer?" John asked.
" I am already known as a killer, John."
" Well, just think about it... Just think about what you are doing," John said and then closed his eyes, waiting for the gun shot.
Hunter pulled the trigger but then John quickly kneeled down and ran to the graveyard. He felt the tree branches while he ran across the forest. He ran and ran and then tripped over a tree branch. He looked back and saw Hunter no where there. He got up slowly and then ran. He stopped by his house and opened the door while looking back. No one was there. He ran up the stairs to get the phone and call the police but then something caught his attention. He saw Shawn dead in the floor. John had no time to look, instead he ran to the phone and picked it up. He slowly dialed 911, with his hands trembling.
They answered," Hello?"
" There's a killer out there. Please help me," John said.
" We are tracing your call right now. We'll call you right back," the police said.
" No, I have no time for you to call back! You need to come here now! There's a dead person in my house!" John screamed.
The police hung up.
" People these days," John muttered and then looked around. He waited five minutes and then he heard the doorbell. He ran downstairs and opened the door.
" Where's the killer?'' the police asked.
" He's out in the forest somewhere," John said.
" We'll do a little search. Right now you show us where the dead body is and then we'll take you away."
They handled Shawn's body and wrapped it up. Suddenly John saw Hunter in the corner of his eye. " It's him!" John screamed and then the police quickly lifted their gun up high. They pointed the gun to the man and walked closer to him. Hunter stood there with his hands up while the police handcuffed him.
The police dragged him to the car and threw him in there. John looked through the car window and saw Hunter looking at John in an evil manner.
" Thanks for finding the killer of Torrie Wilson, Stephanie, and now Shawn Michaels," the police said and gave John a card.
" Stephanie too?" John asked.
" Yeah,'' the policeman said,'' he killed his own wife."
" Oh, you see he lied to me. He said that she divorced him."
" What an excuse," the police said,'' and a bad one."
The police drove away and John walked back to the graveyard. He slowly walked away, with his hands in his pockets. He then thought for a moment. Everyone is gone. It seemed as if a disease was taking over the world. Now he only has his family but right now he is going back to "talk" with Torrie. He was walked to the graveyard until he saw Brock. He should apologize to him. I mean, all these years John has been hating Brock for no reason. He thought that Brock was the killer for all these years. Brock was just a guy who came in the middle of situations and he ended up getting hurt. John decided to do what was best for him and that certainly was to apologize to Brock so half of his stress will be gone. The other half is always there to keep because of Hunter.
" Brock," John called out chasing him.
Brock looked back and asked," What?"
" I'm sorry for everything. I am saying this because I had enough of keeping it all inside. I now know that Hunter really killed Torrie and I came here to say I'm sorry for accusing you," John said.
" Um, I forgive you," Brock said.
" Really? Um, thanks," John said.
John started to walk away but then turned around," I can't just say goodbye to you like that."
John walked back to Brock and held out his hand. Brock looked at John's hand and shook it.
" Begin a new life?" Hunter asked.
" I can do that but I won't be looking for another girlfriend," John said.
" Oh, sorry about that..."
" It's okay. Don't you like her too?'' John asked.
" Yeah but... she loves you," Brock said.
John smiled.
" Hey, you are a nice man," John said.
" Sorry for acting jealous towards you and Torrie," Brock said," that's what probably made you think I was the killer."
" Yeah," John said," but it's okay... it's all over now. Hunter's taken away by the police."
" Really?"
'' Yeah," John said,'' you know, it is really hard to get your best friend in jail."
" But not after what he did," Brock added on.
There was a long silence.
" I'll be going," Brock said," good bye.''
John smiled and said,'' Good bye."
Brock walked away and then John turned around walking to the graveyard.
He walked inside with his head up high. After that handshake he felt like a new, better life has just begun.
He stood near Torrie's tomb and began talking to her.
" Torrie, I wish you were here. You can't believe what just happened today. Brock and I actually forgived each other and today I am starting a new life," John said.
John then smiled and looked down. He said,'' Thanks for watching over me today. I could've been killed by Hunter earlier. I know that you are always there for me."
A tear came flowing down John's eye but it was a tear of joy.
" I love you Torrie," John said.
After he said that, he felt a kiss on his cheek. He looked to his right but no one was there. He then smiled, knowing that it was a sign that Torrie was there. He then tried to reach out to her face. He saw Torrie's face in the midst of air but then she disappeared.
John walked away, feeling Torrie within himself.
During the whole walk, he felt Torrie within him and he smiled the whole way.
He certainly was starting a new life today.
" This is my new life," John thought," it's not what it was before but I certainly can learn to overcome it."
John walked to the midnight train and rode on it. He began thinking of all the times they had fun together. They as in him and Torrie.
Torrie was just a small town girl born in Boise, Idaho and John was a city boy born in Boston, Massachussets. They first met in the train when they were both riding to a sports game. John smiled to himself thinking of the first day they met. Then he began to think again. You always have to let go of your past to start a new future. Never stop believing.
He sat in the seat where he sat when he first met Torrie. He looked around the train and saw people having fun and laughing with eachother.
I guess no one can be perfect in this world but we have to learn how to overcome our hardships in life. He sat in the midnight train and looked out the window. He was leaving this place and going back to Boston.
He took out a black marker and wrote " JORRIE 4EVER" in his ten fingers. One letter in each finger. He looked at the lettering and smiled to himself. He felt the breeze come out the window. He was thinking of getting a tattoo of Torrie on his shoulder. But right now he was thinking about something else. Where is his life taking him?
The End
the story is over and I hoped everyone liked it...
I came a long way in making this story and I am so glad that people liked it! Thanks so much for the comments and all the nice things you said about my story these past months. Thanks again for all the reviewers out there!
Again, final chapter of Guns and Roses.
I did really have so much fun in making this story and now it came to an end!
All good things must come to an end...
Bye everyone!
Thanks again!
Loads of love,
Alexa. . .
P.S. Jorrie 4ever!