For simpicty's sake I'm skipping parts of the origanal story, so as to further my own. This story is going to be a little more serious then my first one. I've been working on my OC Crystal for years and I like how her personality and backstory came out. Please review what you think about the story.

I do not own Tales of symphonia. If I did I would have Kratos for my 15th birthday.

Chapter one. Fallen Girl

It happened right after Colette the Chosen, and her companions, Kratos, and Raine, left iselia. A large glimmer in sky turned into a flaming ball of fire, catching the attention of Colette.

''Look a shooting star!'' Said the small Chosen, pointing at the sky.

''In the daytime?'' Raine asked, looking up as well.

Kratos looked towards where Colette was pointing. There was something, but it wasn't a star. It seemed oddly close by. As Kratos thought that, The fireball crashed into the Triet desert, their next destination. The ground shook on impact, causing Colette to lose her balance and fall backwards. Raine and Kratos managed to stay standing, and Raine instantly started questioning what had happened.

''What could that be? A meteor? There's mana coming from it. Maybe it's a remnant of magitechnolgy! Come on let's go!''

Raine ran off in full ruin-mode, with Colette following close behind, leaving Kratos with nothing to do but run after them.

As they got closer, Kratos could see smoke billowing above the site of whatever that thing was. He wondered if could possibly be an enemy. It seemed highly unlikely, but he kept his guard up nevertheless.

They approached the site of the object to see a great crater in the ground, and the strangest explanation for what it was. The ball they saw was like a hollow stone made of lava. it broke apart to reveal the strangest explanation of what it really was.

A Girl.

A young girl lay in the center of the crater, unconscious. Her clothes were ripped and battle torn, and She was bruised and bloody in many places. For some time the trio was in a stunned silence. Raine was the first to speak.

''What in the name of…is that a girl?''

''It would seem so,'' Kratos said tonelessly.

''She's wounded…We need to help her,'' Said Colette turning to the other two.

''It would be unwise Chosen,'' Kratos said, ''If we help her and she turns out to be an enemy we would all be in trouble.''

''But if we don't do something she'll die!''

''Colette, Kratos makes a good point. She could be dangerous.''

''But we cant just leave her to die…even if she is an enemy, no one should have to die like that,'' Colette said sadly.

Rain hesitated, But something about the sight of the girl bothered Kratos. It was familiar but he didn't know why.

''Well…If it is the Chosen's wish…'' He started to say.

Colette smiled, ''Thank you Kratos.''

''Kratos are you sure?'' Said Raine.

''if she is dangerous, she can't do much in the state she's in. we'll help her but also keep a close eye on her. It she tries anything, We can take care of her easily enough.''

''Well…all right,'' Raine said defeated.

''Shall I go get her then, Chosen?''

''Ah! Yes, please.''

Kratos walked down the crater, careful not to slip on the rocks and stones. As he got closer to the girl the strange feeling inside him grew. It was like he knew something about her but he couldn't remember what. He stood next to her and stared for a moment. Her hair was long and dark brown, and it framed her face like a portrait. She was pretty but nothing about her stirred Kratos' memory. Brushing the feeling aside he kneeled down, slid his arms under her, and lifted her up. She was quite light. Kratos walked back up to his companions.

''We need to take care of her right away,'' Raine said examining the girl. ''Kratos, can you carry her to Triet?''


Colette looked worried, ''Professor Sage, will she be okay?''

''She should be okay as long as we act quickly. But be aware, we may have to kill her if she tries anything.''

Colette bit her lip, but said nothing.

They started toward Triet: The desert oiasus.