Well here it is peoples the last chapter, I want to thank each and every one of my reviewers; you guys were awesome thank you thank you thank you THANK YOU!!

So we've finally made it people THE LAST CHAPTER OMG!! YAY I'm so happy X3


Aeris stared at the dress that hung on the back of her bedroom door, it was the dress she had bought for Homecoming weeks ago but now, she didn't even know if she was going to go or not.

The dress was slimming though it flowed out slightly at the end and topped of with a big bow wrapped around the waist... all pink of course.

She groaned and rubbed her eyes as she fought with herself trying to decide if she would go or not, if she did go Cloud would be there, and that would ruin the night for both of them, now they were back to normal they didn't have to talk or even look at each other anymore. Cloud had to go to the Homecoming, so that meant she simply wouldn't go so they could avoid the awkward night that would ensue it she went.

But deep down she wanted to go, she wanted to go and tell how she felt about him, then that would ruin Cloud and Tifas relationship, its not that she wasn't happy for them... she was... really...

She looked up when she head when she heard Nanaki opening the door with his snout, his head perked up when he saw Aeris lying on the bed on her stomach sighing heavily, he whimpered quietly and looked at the dress then back to Aeris like he was saying, 'Hey Aeris weren't you supposed to go to some thing with that dress?'

Aeris sighed again, "I'm not going Nanaki..." she grumbled, Nanaki whimpered again and nudged that dress with his nose, Aeris just shook her head.

"No... I couldn't... I mean... Cloud would be there and.." she couldn't finish not being able to make up a good enough reason, Nanaki looked at the dress then to Aeris and back again, Aeris sat up slowly, maybe she should go... she could just avoid Cloud altogether, stay in the background.

Nodding to herself she got up from the bed, Nankai wagged his tail as she took the dress, she smiled softly and looked down at him, "Can you let me get dressed?" she asked. Nanaki trotted outside, Aeris laughed quietly and shut the door behind him.

Cloud looked around the gymnasium that had been done up for the Homecoming, he looked over at Tifa, his eyes widening, seeing her dress, it was a tight black cocktail dress with a flowing shawl down the back, she did a twirl in front of him giggling, "Do you like it?" she asked, he nodded, "Yeh... its... its great" he muttered, Tifa smiled, "Its shows everything" she whispered leaning in slightly, Clouds' eye twitched slightly, she only giggled louder, Cloud gulped looking her up and down, "I'm... uh gonna get some punch" he muttered quickly walking away, "Where's Zack..." he muttered.

Yuffie was looking at Zack as he drove, his head bobbing to the music, "So... do you like my dress?" she asked, he looked over, "Huh? Yeh its great" he said turning his attention back to the road, Yuffie sighed and looked around, bored.

Suddenly she noticed something underneath the seat, leaning down she grabbed the object, gasping when she realised what it was, a bra?! 'The BASTARD!' she screamed in her head. She threw it back down on the ground and crossed her arms, she knew it... she should've gone with Vincent instead of listening to Tifa...

She was then struck with an idea, she looked over at Zack rubbing her chest slightly, obviously, it caught Zacks' attention.

"You know... Zack.. Seeing you in that tuxedo make me kinda..." she trailed off slipping one strap of her dress off her shoulder. The car jerked, Zack stared at her, his jaw on the floor.

"You serious?!"

"Oh yeh..."

Zack quickly pulled the car over, he got out taking his jacket off, Yuffie rolled her eyes and got out, she ran over to Zack, wrapping her arms around him.

"No! Wait! I got a great idea..." she whispered.

"What?" he said staring at her.

She grinned leaning in slightly, "You go behind that bush... and then I'll walk by and you... you know" she said fluttering her eyelashes'. Zack grinned, "Ok!" he said running towards the bushes, as he disappeared his shirt, tie and pants quickly flew over the hedge.

"Ready!!" he shouted, Yuffie grinned and quickly collected his clothes, running back to the car.

"Yuffie?" Zack called out behind the bush, Yuffie slammed the car door, dumping the clothes in the back, Zacks head emerged from the bush, his eyes widened.

"Hey Yuffie!! What are you doing!? This isn't part of the game!!" he shouted, Yuffie started the engine and looked over at him, grinning.

"Sayonara sucker!!" she shouted turning on the radio full blast and screeched the tyres before speeding off towards the school, leaving Zack alone... completely naked.

"Fantastic..." he muttered.

As Yuffie entered the gym everyone was looking up at the stage, they were about to announce who was going to be prom king and queen, Tifa held onto Clouds' hand, jumping up and down with anticipation Cloud rolled his eyes, Duh of course she would win she practically had the thing rigged...

"And your Homecoming King is... Cloud Strife!" Rufus, the principal called out, Tifa gasped happily as everyone cheered, she kissed him on the cheek he smiled at her and walked up on stage, a plastic gold crown was set on his head, getting lost in his spikes, as the crowd died down from cheering Rufus took to the microphone again.

"And you Homecoming Queen is... Tifa--"

Suddenly the doors slammed open.

Everyone gasped and turned around, looking to see who would interrupt the moment, Aeris wearily walked into the gym, fiddling with her hair nervously, she glanced up at Cloud on the stage before staring back down at the floor, her cheeks turning as pink as her dress, Cloud stared at her, slowly, without realising it, he hopped off the stage throwing the crown on the floor, everyone shuffled away letting him pass but he didn't seem to notice them, to him it was like him and Aeris were the only two in the room.

"You came" he said softly, Aeris smiled weakly.

"Yeh..." she replied quietly.

He stepped closer to her, not taking his eyes off her.

"You look... I mean... You're... God I'm not good at this kind of thing" he stammered rubbing the back of his head, Aeris giggled.

"It's alright... I know what you're trying to say" she said, Cloud shook his head.

"No... You don't" he said, Aeris stared at him, he looked at her for a heartbeat.

"You're... Aeris... You're awesome" he said finally, Aeris, tilted her head, slightly confused, he continued on.

"You're smart... You have the greatest laugh in the world... And you always wrinkle your nose funny when you're angry" he said, Aeris laughed.

"You're perfect... And thats why... I love you" he whispered.

As Aeris was about to speak there was a sharp noise of the microphone being picked up, everyone turned their heads from Cloud and Aeris to the stage where Tifa was standing.

"Cloud! You're the Homecoming King! Get back up here now!" she said pointing to the spot beside her, Cloud glanced at Aeris before looking back at Tifa, grinning.

"Sorry Teef..." he said wrapping his hand around Aeris' waist.

"Lets get out of here" he whispered to her, Aeris nodded, as the to left the gym Tifa stormed off the stage running after them,"Cloud Strife get your blondie ass back here!!" she shouted, Yuffie smirked, she put her foot up, Tifa, fixed on getting her Homecoming king back, didn't notice the foot, she was sent hurling across the room, landing head first in the giant punch bowel, as Cloud and Aeris left they could hear the gym erupt with laughter.

As Tifa was escorted out of the gym by her posse of followers, Vincent had his arm around Yuffies' shoulder, hers around his waist, both looked at the door as Zack walked in, wearing nothing but a pair of sneakers and a balloon where his pants should've been... he shuffled up to Vincent.

"Dude you gotta give me your jacket or something!" he hissed, ignoring the girls gathering behind him starting to take photos on their phones.

Vincent and Yuffie looked at each other, both grinning, Vincent took the little umbrella from his drink, holding up the pointy bit.

"Dude don't" Zack said, Vincent smirked and stabbed the balloon.

Girls fainted around them.

Away from the screams and laughter Aeris and Cloud stood under the tree that stood outside the school, Cloud wrapped his arms around Aeris' waist, the two swaying slightly.

"So... Is this the best dance you've been to?" he asked, Aeris rolled her eyes before smiling.

"Just shut up and kiss me" she said, Cloud smiled and leaned forward, his lips pressing against hers, music played once again from the gym as they kissed...

Summer had passed since the Homecoming, Aeris spending every last moment of it with Cloud, she ran down the stairs excitedly skipping the last two steps, she ran passed her mother.

"Aeris, where are you going?" she asked, Aeris shrugged, the smile on her face stretching ear to ear.

"Well... I've decided I'm gonna skip college for a year" she said casually, her mother went white.

"Wha-what!" she shrieked, Aeris giggled.

"It's only a year mom... We're gonna travel round Gaia... Don't worry, there's always next year for school right?" she said grabbing her bag and running towards the door.

"Plus Cloud finally got his new bike!" she said running outside.

"Aeris!" her mother shouted following outside watching her daughter run up to Cloud who was waiting on his gleaming black motorbike, she hopped on the back, the couple kissed.

"What do you think of Fenrir?" he asked, Aeris laughed.

"You named it already?"

Cloud nodded and revved the engine, Aeris wrapped her arms around his waist, waving to her mother before the two speeded off, her mother watched them leave from her porch, she glanced over at Clouds' house where Cid was doing the same thing, he lit a cigarette before looking over at her grinning.

"They'll be fine Shera, they got each other..." he said as Cloud and Aeris disappeared from sight...

The end